Lines Matching refs:from

39 * Removed `CallbackStrategyTestHelper` and `ErrorsCollector` from `tests` [#2111](
41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](
262 * If you're **NOT** using composer to manage your libraries: the root directory of the library's source code moved from `lib/Elastica/` to `src/`.
272 * Added `Elastica\Reindex->setRefresh(string $value): void`. It accepts `REFRESH_*` constants from its class [#1752]( and [#1758](
292 * Removed unsupported `flags` from `AbstractTermsAggregation::setInclude()` [#1766](
293 * Removed unsupported `flags` from `AbstractTermsAggregation::setExclude()` [#1766](
310 * Scroll releases previous ResultSet from memory before calling ES for next data batch [#1740](
346 * The `\Elastica\Query::$_suggest` property has been renamed to `$hasSuggest` and is now private, it should not be used from extending classes [#1679](
354 * Removed `type` handling from `Elastica\Search` class [#1666](
355 * Removed `type` handling from `Elastica\Bulk` and `Elastica\Bulk\Action` classes [#1666](
363 * The parameter [fields]( deprecated in 6.x has been removed from Bulk requestedit and Update request.
400 * Elasticsearch test version changed from 6.5.2 to 6.6.1 [#1620](
499 - Removed CrossIndex Class as from now use Reindex. [#1411](
515 - Numeric to and from parameters in [date_range aggregation]( are interpreted according to format of the target field
521 - Removed ```optimize``` from Index class as it has been deprecated in ES 2.1 and removed in [ES 5.x+]( use forcemerge [#1351](
522 - In QueryString is not allowed to use fields parameters in conjunction with default_field parameter. This is not well documented, it's possibile to understand from [Elasticsearch tests :]( [#1352](
523 - Index mapping field of type [*'string'*]( has been removed from Elasticsearch 6.0 codebase [#1353](
532 - For geo_distance queries, sorting, and aggregations the sloppy_arc option has been removed from the distance_type parameter. [#1369](
534 - The optimize_bbox parameter has been removed from geo_distance queries. [#1369](
542 - Remove [deprecated parameters]( from ids_query [#1382](
645 - repoint `\Elastica\Type::exists` from the deprecated /{index}/{type} endpoint to /{index}/_mapping/{type}
673 - Updated Elastica\Test\TypeTest::testGetDocumentWithFieldsSelection The stored_fields parameter will only return stored fields — it will no longer extract values from the _source
696 - Remove Elastica/Query/Filtered.php and test/Elastica/Query/FilteredTest.php and all uses from code.
697 - Remove index.merge.policy.merge_factor, and set/get MergePolicy as it looks deprecated from ES 1.6
716 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_position as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
717 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_response as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
718 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_query as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
719 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_results as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
727 - Remove Elastica\ScanAndScroll and test, Scan search type is removed from ElasticSearch 5.0.
797 - Get the root reason from Elasticsearch's error JSON, when available [#1111](
842 - Add an "AwsAuthV4" transport that automatically signs requests using credentials from the environment or from the client config. This allows using Elastica with Amazon ElasticSearch Service domains that are restricted to IAM roles or policies. [#1056](
910 - MoreLikeThis::setLikeText deprecated from ES 2.0, use setLike instead, but there is a difference - setLike haven't trim magic inside for strings
920 - Type::moreLikeThis API was removed from ES 2.0, use MoreLikeThis query instead
1056 - Remove NO_DEV builds from travis build matrix to speed up building. All builds include no dev packages.
1227 - Delete execution permission from non-executable files [#677](
1267 - Stop ClientTest->testDeleteIdsIdxStringTypeString from failing 1/3 of the time [#634](
1268 - Stop ScanAndScrollTest->testQuerySizeOverride from failing frequently for no reason [#635](
1404 - Fixed unregister percolator (still used _percolator instead of .percolator). removed duplicate slash from register percolator route. [#558](
1416 - Moved from Apache License to MIT license
1433 - Prevent the geocluster-facet plugin from being installed in test/bin/ as the plugin has not yet been updated for ES 1.0.0.RC1
1467 - Changed logger default log level to debug from info
1500 - Escape slash in Util::escapeTerm, as it is used for regexp from Elastic 0.90
1511 - Remove boost from FunctionScore::addFunction because this is not supported by elasticsearch
1522 - Remove facets param from query if is empty array
1638 - Changed package name to lowercase to prevent potential issues with case sensitive file systems and to refelect the package name from
1641 If you are requiring or including a file by hand with require() or include() from the composer vendor folder, pay attention that the package name in
1737 - All tests now inherit from Elastica\Test\Base
1984 - Added getParam to Elastica_Result that more values can be retrieved from the hit array