Lines Matching refs:error

433 * Added a transport class for mocking a HTTP 403 error codes, useful for testing response failures in inheriting clients [#1529](
684 - `\Elastica\JSON::stringify` throws `\Elastica\Exception\JSONParseException` on error
785 - Set HTTP headers on each request preventing server error if persistent connection is enabled and compression enabled and later disabled for the same connection.
797 - Get the root reason from Elasticsearch's error JSON, when available [#1111](
809 - Fix fatal error on `Query::addScriptField()` if scripts were already set via `setScriptFields()` [#1086](
898 - Elastica\Query\Filtered triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use BoolQuery instead.
899 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::filtered() triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use bool() instead.
914 - Elastica\Query\Builder trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error when you try use it.
915 - Elastica\Filter\Bool and Elastica\Query\Bool trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error when you try use them.
916 - Elastica\Query\Fuzzy:addField method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
917 - Elastica\Query\FunctionScore:addBoostFactorFunction method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
918 - Elastica\Query:setLimit method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
919 - Elastica\Document:add method trigger E_USER_DEPRECATED error
1199 - Updated Type::getDocument() exception handling. \Elastica\Exception\ResponseException will be thrown instead of \Elastica\Exception\NotFoundException if the ES response contains any error (i.e: Missing index) (BC break) [#687](
1294 - Add JSON compat library; Elasticsearch JSON flags and nicer error handling [#614](