Lines Matching refs:deprecated

217 * Replaced deprecated `exceptions` request option by `http_errors` request option in Guzzle transport [#1817](
239 * Deprecated `version`/`version_type` options [(deprecated in `6.7.0`)]( and added `if_seq_no` / `if_primary_term` that replaced it
323 * Renamed `\Elastica\Suggest\Term` deprecated option `prefix_len` to `prefix_length` [#1707](
362 * [Camel Case]( and underscore parameters deprecated in 6.x have been removed
363 * The parameter [fields]( deprecated in 6.x has been removed from Bulk requestedit and Update request.
441 * Using `Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addRandomScoreFunction` without `$field` parameter is deprecated since ES 6.0 and will fail since ES 7.0 [#1522](
475 * Use `source` script field instead of deprecated (since ES 5.6) `inline` field. [#1497](
521 - Removed ```optimize``` from Index class as it has been deprecated in ES 2.1 and removed in [ES 5.x+]( use forcemerge [#1351](
531 - The deprecated minimum_number_should_match parameter in the bool query has been removed, use minimum_should_match instead. [#1369](
533 - The geo_distance_range query, which was deprecated in 5.0, has been removed. [#1369](
540 - Remove deprecated [type and slop]( field in match query [#1382](
542 - Remove [deprecated parameters]( from ids_query [#1382](
645 - repoint `\Elastica\Type::exists` from the deprecated /{index}/{type} endpoint to /{index}/_mapping/{type}
656 - `\Elastica\Query\HasParent` to use `parent_type` instead of `type`. Fixes warning due to field being deprecated.
660 - Deprecated functionality that is also deprecated in Elasticsearch 5.0:
667 - `\Elastica\Transport\Null` is deprecated because null is a reserved class name in PHP 7. Use `\Elastica\Transport\NullTransport` instead.
674 - remove _shutdown for Node and Cluster as deprecated
693 - Removing all deprecated filters including tests. Use queries instead.
694 - Remove deprecated Elastica\Script*.php classes. Use Elastica\Script\* instead.
697 - Remove index.merge.policy.merge_factor, and set/get MergePolicy as it looks deprecated from ES 1.6
699 - Remove in Elastica\AbstractUpdateAction Option "percolate", getter and setter as deprecated as of ES 1.3. Use Percolator instead.
700 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_zone" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead
701 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "post_zone" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead.
702 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_zone_adjust_large_interval" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead.
703 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_offset" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "offset" instead.
704 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "post_offset" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "offset" instead.
705 - Remove Elastica\Document::add as deprecated. Use Elastica\Document::set instead
709 - Remove Elastica/Query::setLimit as deprecated. Use the Elastica/Query::setSize() method
711 - Remove Elastica\Query\Fuzzy::addField as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query\Fuzzy::setField and Elastica\Query\FuzzysetFieldOption instead.
712 - Remove Elastica\Query::setIds as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::like instead.
713 - Remove Elastica\Query::setLikeText as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::like instead.
714 - Remove Elastica\Query Option "percent_terms_to_match" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "minimum_should_match" instead.
715 - Remove Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query "More Like This Field" query is deprecated as of ES 1.4. Use MoreLikeThis query instead.
716 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_position as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
717 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_response as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
718 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_query as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
719 - Changed visibility from protected to private Elastica\ResultSet::$_results as accessing this property in an extended class is deprecated.
720 - Removed Elastica\ResultSet::$_timedOut as deprecated. Use ResultSet->hasTimedOut() instead.
721 - Removed Elastica\ResultSet::$_took as deprecated. Use ResultSet->hasTimedOut() instead.
722 - Removed Elastica\ResultSet::$_totalHits as deprecated. Use ResultSet->hasTimedOut() instead.
724 - Removed Elastica\Query\Builder as deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead.
725 - Removed Elastica\Percolator as deprecated. Use new Elastica\Query\Percolate instead.
731 - Remove fielddata_fields as it has been deprecated in ES5, use parameter docvalue_fields instead
806 - Reintroduced properties in ResultSet removed in 3.2.0 as deprecated properties to be removed in 4.0
834 - Configuring the logger in \Elastica\Client $config constructor is deprecated and will be removed. Use the $logger argument instead. [#1069](
858 - Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::setFilter - deprecated and will throw DeprecatedException since not supported by Elasticsearch. Use setQuery instead.
867 - Elastica\AbstractScript|Script|ScriptFile|ScriptFields deprecated in favor of Elastica\Script|AbstractScript|Script|ScriptFile|ScriptFields [#1028](
868 - Elastica\Filter\* are deprecated. You can use proper queries instead. Backward compatibility layer provided, but will be removed in next Elastica releases. See and
898 - Elastica\Query\Filtered triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use BoolQuery instead.
899 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::filtered() triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use bool() instead.
910 - MoreLikeThis::setLikeText deprecated from ES 2.0, use setLike instead, but there is a difference - setLike haven't trim magic inside for strings
948 - trigger_error with E_USER_DEPRECATE added to deprecated places
952 - Elastica\Type::delete is deprecated
953 - Elastica\Filter\Bool is deprecated
954 - Elastica\Query\Bool is deprecated
955 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setLikeText is deprecated
956 - Elastica\Query\MoreLikeThis::setIds is deprecated
975 - Added exceptions of deprecated transports to deprecation list
1010 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version150 deprecated in favor of Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Latest [#897](
1065 - Facets are deprecated. You are encouraged to migrate to aggregations instead. [#855](
1066 - Elastica\Query\Builder is deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead. [#855](
1067 - For PHP 7 compatibility Elastica\Query\Bool was renamed to *\BoolQuery, Elastica\Filter\Bool was renamed to BoolFilter, Elastica\Transport\Null was renamed to NullTransport as Null and Bool are reserved phrases in PHP 7. Proxy objects for all three exist to keep backward compatibility. It is recommended to start using the new objects as the proxy classes will be deprecated as soon as PHP 7 is stable. [#837](
1096 - Following methods in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram marked as deprecated: setPreOffset, setPostOffset, setPreZone, setPostZone, setPreZoneAdjustLargeInterval [#813](
1231 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setFilter() is deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() instead. [#669](
1232 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() passing filter as array is deprecated. Pass instance of AbstractFilter instead. [#669](
1687 - Query\Fuzzy::addField has been deprecated.
1710 - Removed deprecated method Type::getType()
1711 - Removed deprecated old constructor call in Filter\GeoDistance::__construct()
1712 - Removed deprecated method Filter\Script::setQuery()
1713 - Removed deprecated methods Query\QueryString::setTieBraker() and Query\QueryString::setQueryString()
1714 - Removed deprecated methods Query\Builder::minimumShouldMatch() and Query\Builder::tieBreaker()
1719 - Document::add method became deprecated, use set instead
1847 - Rename Elastica_Type::getType() to Elastica_Type::getName(), getType() is now deprecated
2032 - getResponse in Elastica_Response renamed to getData. getResponse now deprecated
2034 - getIndexName in Elastica_Index renamed to getName. getIndexName is deprecated