Lines Matching refs:classes

226 * Used new alias endpoints classes [#1839](
227 * Used new cache endpoints classes [#1840](
228 * Used new ingest pipeline endpoints classes [#1834](
229 * Used new mapping endpoints classes [#1845](
230 * Used new nodes endpoints classes [#1863](
231 * Used new settings endpoints classes [#1852](
346 * The `\Elastica\Query::$_suggest` property has been renamed to `$hasSuggest` and is now private, it should not be used from extending classes [#1679](
355 * Removed `type` handling from `Elastica\Bulk` and `Elastica\Bulk\Action` classes [#1666](
371 * Changed all factory methods to make use of [late static bindings]( by using `static` instead of `self` keyword. This is to increase extendability for classes with factory methods.
634 - `\Elastica\Script\AbstractScript` added the script language as constructor argument and sub-classes must implement `getScriptTypeArray`
694 - Remove deprecated Elastica\Script*.php classes. Use Elastica\Script\* instead.
814 - Tidied property initialisation in classes where it was duplicated
1005 - Elastica\QueryBuilder now uses Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Latest as default version to avoid empty version classes. [#897](
1030 - Methods of classes in `QueryBuilder\DSL` namespace now have exact same signatures as corresponding constructors. [#878](
1067 - For PHP 7 compatibility Elastica\Query\Bool was renamed to *\BoolQuery, Elastica\Filter\Bool was renamed to BoolFilter, Elastica\Transport\Null was renamed to NullTransport as Null and Bool are reserved phrases in PHP 7. Proxy objects for all three exist to keep backward compatibility. It is recommended to start using the new objects as the proxy classes will be deprecated as soon as PHP 7 is stable. [#837](
1430 - Minor tweaking of request and result handling classes to adjust for changes in ES 1.0.0.RC1