Lines Matching refs:by

34 * Changed `Elastica\Index\Settings::get` adding ability to get default settings by @krasilnikovm [#2115](
37 * Increased `PHPStan` level to `5` by @franmomu [#2108](
46 * Changed `SetProcessor::setValue` signature to allow to pass any type, if you are overriding this method you must update the signature removing the `string` type-hint by @franmomu [#2082](
47 * Changed `Settings::setMergePolicy` signature to allow to pass `int` and `string` as argument 2, if you are overriding this method you must update the signature removing the `string` type-hint by @franmomu [#2085](
49 * Added `PHPStan` at level 3 by @franmomu [#2064](
50 * Added coverage check to CI by @franmomu [#2071](
51 * Added `string` as a valid type for `data` in `Request` by @franmomu [#2078](
52 * Added missing `throws` PHPDoc tags by @franmomu [#2077](
53 * Added `Search::addIndexByName()`, `Search::hasIndexByName()` and `Search::addIndicesByName()` by @franmomu [#2103](
55 * Updated `symfony/phpunit-bridge` to `6.0` by @franmomu [#2067](
57 * Updated `composer-normalize` to `2.2.28` by @deguif [#2084](
60 * Changed `value` in `SetProcessor` to accept `mixed` instead of `string` by @franmomu [#2082](
61 * Updated `Query::create` PHPDoc to include supported types and propagate it to callers by @franmomu [#2088](
62 * Update some iterable types in PHPDoc to be more specific by @franmomu [#2092](
63 * Updated `AwsAuthV4Test` adding assertions for exception type by @franmomu [#2094](
65 * Deprecated `Elastica\Reindex::WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION_FALSE`, use a boolean as parameter instead by @franmomu [#2070](
66 * Passing anything else than a boolean as 1st argument to `Reindex::setWaitForCompletion`, pass a boolean instead by @franmomu [#2070](
67 * Deprecated passing a `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndex()` and `Search::hasIndex()`, pass an Index instance instead by @franmomu [#2103](
68 * Deprecated passing an array of `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndices()`, use an array of Index instances by @franmomu [#2103](
71 * Removed `egeloen/http-adapter` as suggested package since the project is abandoned by @franmomu [#2069](
72 * Removed `0` as valid request data using Analyze API by @franmomu [#2068](
73 * Removed dead code in `AwsAuthV4Test` by @franmomu [#2073](
75 * Fixed some PHPDoc types adding `null` as possible value by @franmomu [#2070]( and [#2087](
76 * Fixed passing wrong types to `GapPolicyInterface::setGapPolicy()`, `Document::setDocAsUpsert()` and `Connection::setPort()` methods by @franmomu [#2081](
77 * Fixed `Http` PHPDoc adding `\CurlHandle` type for Curl connection by @franmomu [#2086](
78 * Fixed case mismatch in method calls by @franmomu [#2087](
79 * Fixed `MoreLikeThis::setLike()` PHPDoc allowing `Document` by @franmomu [#2091](
80 * Fixed `Term::setTerm()` PHPDoc allowing scalar values for `$value` parameter by @franmomu [#2094](
81 * Fixed `DateHistogram` deprecation: use `fixed_interval` or `calendar_interval` instead of `interval` by @VincentLanglet [#2099](
85 * Added explicit return annotation to `Elastica\Multi\ResultSet::current()` and `Elastica\Multi\ResultSet::offsetGet()` by @franmomu [2056](
86 * Add throwing `\Elastica\Exception\RequestEntityTooLargeException` on HTTP-413 responses in `\Elastica\Bulk` by @Vetaxon [2055](
90 * Added support for `symfony/deprecation-contracts` 3.0 by @rguennichi [#2047](
93 * Fixed version parameters for DeleteDocument by @pheyse24 [#2048](
94 * Fixed version parameters for Index::addDocument() by @pidera [#2050](
98 * Added support for scripted upsert on bulk requests by @dsgrillo [#1974](
99 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\CumulativeSum` by @limenet [#1987](
100 * Added `ignore_failure` option to suitable ingest processors by @deguif [#2003](
101 * Added `ignore_missing` option to `lowercase`, `remove`, `trim` and `uppercase` processors by @deguif [#2001](
102 * Added `allow_duplicates` option to `append` processor by @deguif [#2004](
103 * Added `bytes` processor by @deguif [#2008](
104 * Added `indices_boost` option to `Elastica\Query` by @deguif [#2018](
105 * Added `Elastica\Query\Terms::setBoost()` method to configure boost by @deguif [#2035](
106 * Added `Elastica\Query\TermsSet` query by @mamchyts [#2020](
107 * Added `terms_set` in query builder by @deguif [#2036](
108 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\Traits\BucketsPathTrait` to configure `buckets_path` on aggregations by @deguif
111 * Allowed to configure a sub key when adding a param with `Elastica\Param::addParam()` by @deguif [#2030](
113 * Triggered deprecation in `Elastica\Result::getType()` method by @deguif [#2016](
114 * Updated `php-cs-fixer` to `3.3.2` by @deguif [#2022](
115 * Updated `composer-normalize` to `2.15.0` by @deguif [#2021](
116 * Updated `elasticsearch` test version to `7.15.2` by @deguif [#2027](
117 * Extracted setting gap policy to `\Elastica\Aggregation\Traits\GapPolicyTrait` and introduced `\Elastica\Aggregation\GapPolicyInterface` with constants for options by @stchr [#2023](
118 * Extracted setting `field` to `Elastica\Processor\Traits\FieldTrait` by @deguif [#2024](
119 * Extracted setting `target_field` to `Elastica\Processor\Traits\TargetFieldTrait` by @deguif [#2026](
120 * Simplified github action matrix for continuous integration workflow by @deguif [#2025](
122 * Deprecated `Elastica\Query\Common` class, use `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` instead by @deguif [#2013](
123 * Deprecated `Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::common_terms()`, use `match()` instead by @deguif [#2013](
124 * Deprecated passing an `int` as 1st argument to `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()`, pass an array with the key `size` instead by @deguif [#2010](
125 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery` by @deguif [#2014](
126 * Deprecated `cutoff_frequency` option of `Elastica\Query\MultiMatch` by @deguif [#2015](
127 * Deprecated `Elastica\Bulk::toString()`, `Elastica\Bulk\Action::toString()` and `Elastica\Request::toString()` methods, use `__toString()` method or cast to string instead by @deguif [#2033](
128 * Deprecated not passing a `buckets_path` when constructing `Elastica\Aggregation\AvgBucket`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Derivative`, `Elastica\Aggregation\NormalizeAggregation`, `Elastica\Aggregation\PercentilesBucket`, `Elastica\Aggregation\SerialDiff`, `Elastica\Aggregation\StatsBucket` and `Elastica\Aggregation\SumBucket` by @deguif [#2038](
129 * Deprecated not passing a `method` when constructing `Elastica\Aggregation\NormalizeAggregation` by @deguif [#2040](
131 * Removed remaining `_type` field usages by @deguif [#2017](
132 * Removed `Elastica\Bulk::$_type` dead property by @deguif [#2034](
133 * Removed Elasticsearch old version checks in tests by @deguif [#2041](
135 * Fixed type-hint for `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()` by @deguif [#2009](
136 * Fixed terms query params resolution by @deguif [#2032](
170 * Replaced `call_user_func()` and `call_user_func_array()` by direct calls [#1923](
171 * Replaced legacy constant `CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE` by `CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE` [#1931](
217 * Replaced deprecated `exceptions` request option by `http_errors` request option in Guzzle transport [#1817](
249 * Replaced `_routing` and `_retry_on_conflict` by `routing` and `retry_on_conflict` in `AbstractUpdateAction` [#1807](
294 * `Terms::setMinimumMatch()` has been removed as not supported by ES 7.x
336 * Launched local tests with PHP 7.2 by default [#1725](
368 * `Elastica\Search->search()` and `Elastica\Search->count()` use request method `POST` by default. Same for `Elastica\Index`, `Elastica\Type\AbstractType`, `Elastica\Type`.
371 * Changed all factory methods to make use of [late static bindings]( by using `static` instead of `self` keyword. This is to increase extendability for classes with factory methods.
417 * Reduced memory footprint of response by not keeping the raw JSON data when JSON after JSON has been parsed. [#1588](
426 * Made result sets adhere to `\Iterator` interface definition that they implement. Specifically, you need to call `valid()` on the result set before calling `current()`. When using `foreach` this is done by PHP automatically. When `valid` returns false, the return value of `current` is undefined instead of false. [#1506](
520 - in order to delete an index you should not delete by its alias now you should delete using the [concrete index name]( [#1348](
529 - Disable [_all]( by default, disallow configuring _all on 6.0+ indices [#1365](
649 - added `\Elastica\Script\ScriptId` to reference stored scripts by ID
726 - Changed Elastica\Index::deleteByQuery() to use new API
820 - Properties on \Elastica\ResultSet _totalHits, _maxScore, _took and _timedOut that were originally set on object construction are now accessed by the getters on the ResultSet. [#1065](
858 - Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::setFilter - deprecated and will throw DeprecatedException since not supported by Elasticsearch. Use setQuery instead.
933 - DeleteByQuery now requires the delete-by-query plugin isntalled
934 - Remove \Elastica\Filter\Nested as it is replaced by \Elastica\Query\Nested
1018 - Elastica\Response::getTransferInfo will not return "request_header" by default. [#868](
1109 The changelog before version 2.0.0 was organised by date. All changes can be found below.
1160 - (BC break) Removed as added by mistake: Filter\HasChild::setScope, Filter\HasParent::setScope, Filter\Nested::setScoreMode, Filter\Bool::setBoost
1324 - escape \ by \\ [#592](
1361 - Allow for request params in delete by query calls [#573](
1511 - Remove boost from FunctionScore::addFunction because this is not supported by elasticsearch
1607 - Can now create a query by passing an array to Type::search()
1641 If you are requiring or including a file by hand with require() or include() from the composer vendor folder, pay attention that the package name in
1703 - Added factory for transports that is used by the Connection class
1704 - The transport instances now has support for parameters that can be injected by specifying an array as a transport when creating the Elastica client
1720 - Populate document id created by elasticsearch on addDocument()/addDocuments() call if no document id was set
1757 - Simplified Elastica_Document data handling by extending Elastica_Param
1786 - Simplify Elastica_Type::search and Elastica_Index::search by using Elastica_Search
1925 - Elastica_Query_MoreLikeThis added by @juneym. Still work under progress
1948 - Elastica_Query_HasChild and _parent feature added by fabian
1949 - Elastica_Filter_GeoBoundingBox added by fabian
1952 - Elastica_Query_Builder added by chrisdegrim
1999 - Elastica_Type getCount replace by count()
2007 - Break backward compatibility to 0.15.1 (versions introduced by wlp1979)