Lines Matching refs:bool

41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](
163 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1941](
164 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchPhraseQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1944](
189 * Allowed the Terms query to accept an array of bool, float, int and/or string [#1872](
240 * Deprecated passing `bool` or `null` as 2nd argument to `Elastica\Index::create()` [#1828](
360 * Removed no longer supported \Elastica\Query\QueryString::setAutoGeneratePhraseQueries( $bool ) [#1622](
531 - The deprecated minimum_number_should_match parameter in the bool query has been removed, use minimum_should_match instead. [#1369](
535 - The disable_coord parameter of the bool and common_terms queries has been removed. If provided, it will be ignored and issue a deprecation warning. [#1369](
602 - Fix reading bool index settings like `\Elastica\Index\Settings::getBlocksWrite`. Elasticsearch returns all settings as strings and does not normalize bool values.
603 The getters now return the right bool value for whichever string representation is used like 'true', '1', 'on', 'yes'. [#1251](
895 - Allow bool in TopHits::setSource function [#1012](
899 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::filtered() triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use bool() instead.
1081 - Fix empty bool query to act as match all query [#817](
1089 - Allow bool in Query::setSource function [#818](