Lines Matching refs:array

41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](
68 * Deprecated passing an array of `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndices()`, use an array of Index instances by @franmomu [#2103](
124 * Deprecated passing an `int` as 1st argument to `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()`, pass an array with the key `size` instead by @deguif [#2010](
183 * Fixed using raw array in `post_filter` [#1950](
189 * Allowed the Terms query to accept an array of bool, float, int and/or string [#1872](
369 * Elastica\Client `$_config` field is now a `ClientConfiguration` instead of an array
394 * Allow metadata to be set on Aggregations (via `AbstractAggregation::setMeta(array)`). [#1677](
604 - Fix for QueryBuilder version check `\Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version240.php` added all new query types to queries array. [#1266]( [#1269](
624 - Deprecated `\Elastica\Exception\ElasticsearchException` which is irrelevant since Elasticsearch now exposes the errors as a structured array instead of a single string.
691 - Replace flush refresh param with a options array
829 - `Elastica\Type->deleteByQuery($query, $options)` $query param can be a query `array` again [#1073](
849 - `Elastica\Index->deleteByQuery($query, $options)` $query param can be a query `array` again
928 - Elastica\Reponse::getError() now returns and array instead of a string
1032 - Constructor of `Filter\AbstractMulti` (`BoolAnd`, `BooldOr`) now accepts array of filters as parameter [#878](
1213 - Accept an options array at Type::updateDocument() [#686](
1232 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() passing filter as array is deprecated. Pass instance of AbstractFilter instead. [#669](
1284 - toString updated to consider doc_as_upsert if sent an array source [#622](
1522 - Remove facets param from query if is empty array
1607 - Can now create a query by passing an array to Type::search()
1648 - Elastica\Client::_configureParams() changed to _prepareConnectionParams(), which now takes the config array as an argument
1704 - The transport instances now has support for parameters that can be injected by specifying an array as a transport when creating the Elastica client
1741 - Refactored Elastica_Client::updateDocument() method to support partial document update. $data can be Elastic_Script, Elastic_Document or array.
1776 - Change Elastica_Filter_GeoDistance::__construct(), accepts geohash parameter (BC break, before: ($key, $latitude, $longitude, $distance), after: ($key, $location, $distance) where $location is array('lat' => $latitude, 'lon' => $longitude) or a geohash)
1783 - Elastica_Query::setScriptFields now takes Elastica_ScriptFields or associative array as argument, the old implementation was bogus.
1922 - Params (constructor) of Elastica_Filter_GeoBoundingBox changed (array instead of single params)
1978 - Refactor client constructor. Elastica_Client::__construct(array $config) now takes a config array instead of host and port
1984 - Added getParam to Elastica_Result that more values can be retrieved from the hit array