Lines Matching refs:allow

46 * Changed `SetProcessor::setValue` signature to allow to pass any type, if you are overriding this method you must update the signature removing the `string` type-hint by @franmomu [#2082](
47 * Changed `Settings::setMergePolicy` signature to allow to pass `int` and `string` as argument 2, if you are overriding this method you must update the signature removing the `string` type-hint by @franmomu [#2085](
163 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1941](
164 * Changed `Elastica\Query\MatchPhraseQuery::setFieldParam()` signature to allow passing bool, float or int [#1944](
586 - Add support for querystring in Type. this allow to use `update_all_types` in type mapping in order to resolve conflicts between fields in different types. [Conflicts between fields in different types](
609 - Added `\Elastica\Client::requestEndpoint`, `\Elastica\Index::requestEndpoint`, `\Elastica\Type::requestEndpoint` that allow make requests with official client Endpoint usage. [#1275](
748 - Updated Dockerfile and elasticsearch.yml to allow inline.script: true
786 - Removed `int` type hinting in `setMinimumMatch` (`Terms` Query): it should also allow `string`. [#1151](
1173 - allow to customize the key on a range aggregation [#728](
1746 - Elastica_Connection added to allow connection management (enabled / disable)