Lines Matching refs:aggregation

91 * Added aggregation `auto_date_histogram` @andriinavrotskii [#2051](
193 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\PercentilesBucket` aggregation [#1806](
196 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\Composite` aggregation [#1804](
254 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\WeightedAvg` aggregation [#1770](
276 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\ExtendedStatsBucket` aggregation [#1756](
305 * Added `DiversifiedSampler` aggregation [#1735](
331 * Added `Sampler` aggregation [#1688](
387 * Added `AdjacencyMatrix` aggregation [#1642](
409 * Added `BucketSelector` aggregation [#1554](
443 * `Aggregation\Percentiles` have been updated since [Elasticsearch 2.3]( In this version `compression, HDR histogram` changed their implementations. The `missing` field has never been implemented. [#1532](
462 * Never implemented the method *Missing* on [`Aggregation\Percentiles`]( [#1532](
515 - Numeric to and from parameters in [date_range aggregation]( are interpreted according to format of the target field
961 - Filters aggregation: empty name is named bucket [#935](
964 - Filters aggregation: empty name is named bucket [#935](
1104 - Added support for percentiles aggregation [#786](
1129 - Add support for filters aggregation [#773](
1146 - added @return annotation to top_hits aggregation DSL method [#752](
1173 - allow to customize the key on a range aggregation [#728](
1260 - Add Reverse Nested aggregation ( [#642](
1342 - Added Cardinality aggregation [#581](