Lines Matching refs:added

239 * Deprecated `version`/`version_type` options [(deprecated in `6.7.0`)]( and added `if_seq_no` / `if_primary_term` that replaced it
281 * Changed `Wildcard::setValue()` and constructor's signature: added more specific `Wildcard::setBoost()` and `Wildcard::setRewrite` methods
604 - Fix for QueryBuilder version check `\Elastica\QueryBuilder\Version\Version240.php` added all new query types to queries array. [#1266]( [#1269](
615 - added support for the "explain" flag of AnalyzeAPI [#1254](
616 - added support for the "request_cache" search option [#1243](
634 - `\Elastica\Script\AbstractScript` added the script language as constructor argument and sub-classes must implement `getScriptTypeArray`
649 - added `\Elastica\Script\ScriptId` to reference stored scripts by ID
650 - added `\Elastica\Query\AbstractGeoShape::RELATION_WITHIN`
941 - Elastica\Reponse::getErrorMessage was added as getError is now an object
948 - trigger_error with E_USER_DEPRECATE added to deprecated places
1000 - Support for index template added [#905](
1049 - file added for contributor guidelines. [#854](
1146 - added @return annotation to top_hits aggregation DSL method [#752](
1154 - Since new version of thrift plugin is compatible with ES 1.3.4, plugin added back to test environment
1160 - (BC break) Removed as added by mistake: Filter\HasChild::setScope, Filter\HasParent::setScope, Filter\Nested::setScoreMode, Filter\Bool::setBoost
1185 - Avoid remove previously added params when adding a suggest to the query [#726](
1305 - Scroll type constant to Elastica\Search added [#607](
1413 - Elastica/ResultSet added method hasAggregations
1456 - Code coverage generation for added:
1466 - added \Elastica\Exception\ResponseException::getElasticsearchException()
1518 - satooshi/php-coveralls package added for
1519 - Multiple badges for downloads and latest stable release added
1542 - Elastica_Type::exists() added
1600 - Second param to \Elastica\Search.php:count($query = '', $fullResult = false) added. If second param is set to true, full ResultSet is returned including facets.
1603 - Plugin geocluster-facet support added
1673 - Elastica\Filter\AbstractMulti::getFilters() added
1724 - Added serialization support. Objects can be added to elastica directly when a serializer callable is configured on \Elastica\Type
1740 - Refactored Elastica_Script and added it support in Elastica_Query_CustomFiltersScore, Elastica_Query_CustomScore and Elastica_Filter_Script
1746 - Elastica_Connection added to allow connection management (enabled / disable)
1773 - Elastica_Query_Prefix added
1798 - Facet scope added
1818 - Packagist added
1821 - Vagrantfile for vagrant environment with elasticsearch added. Run: vagrant up
1828 - Elastica_Index::exists() and Elastica_Cluster::getIndexNames() added
1831 - Elastica_Cluster_Settings added
1832 - Read only feature for cluster and index added. This feature is elasticsearch >0.19.0 only. ES 0.19.0 release is not out yet
1841 - Percolator for Type and Documents added
1844 - Elastica_Percolator added. See tests for more details
1857 - Elastica_Filter_Nested added
1860 - Elastica_Search::addIndices(), Elastica_Search::addTypes() added
1864 - Elastica_Log added for logging. Has to be passed as client config to enable
1869 - Support for Travis CI added:
1872 - Elastica_Index_Stats added
1875 - Elastica_Query_Nested added
1878 - TTL for document and mapping added
1887 - Elastica_Filter_Type added
1890 - Elastica_Query_CustomFilterScore added
1897 - Release v0.17.8.0 added
1900 - Release v0.17.7.0 added
1901 - Release v0.17.6.1 added
1907 - Https transport layer added
1914 - Release v0.17.6.0 added
1917 - Automatic creation of id for documents added. This was more a bug
1918 - Release v0.17.4.0 added
1921 - Elastica_Query_Text added
1925 - Elastica_Query_MoreLikeThis added by @juneym. Still work under progress
1929 - Elastica_Filter_Abstract enhanced for more general usage (set/get/addParam(s)) added
1932 - Release v0.17.3.0 added
1934 - Nodes and Cluster shutdown added
1935 - Elastica_Node::getIp() and getPort() added
1941 - Release tag v0.17.2.0 added. Elastica is compatible with elasticsearch 0.17.2
1945 - Release tav v0.17.1.0 added
1948 - Elastica_Query_HasChild and _parent feature added by fabian
1949 - Elastica_Filter_GeoBoundingBox added by fabian
1952 - Elastica_Query_Builder added by chrisdegrim
1955 - Release tag v0.17.0.0 added. Elastica is compatible with elasticsearch 0.17.0
1958 - ResultSet::hasFacets added
1959 - QueryString useDisMax added
1962 - Facet/DateHistogram and Facet/Historgram added
1963 - Documentation pages added unter
1964 - Release tag v0.16.4.0 added
1970 - Support for multiple index, type queries and _all queries added through Elastica_Search object
1971 - Elastica_Index::clearCache added to clean cache
1972 - Elastica_Index::flush added
1985 - Elastica_Filter_Ids added
1986 - getMergePolicyMergeFactor and getRefreshInterval to Elastica_Type_Settings added. If no value is set, default values are returned
1996 - Elastica_Filter_Exists added
2012 - open / close for index added
2023 - IndexSettings added for improved bulk updating
2026 - Node object added
2027 - Node_Info and Node_Stats added
2033 - Index status objects added
2037 - ChildrenAggregation added -