Lines Matching refs:Use

31 * Use `ramsey/composer-install` to simplify CI jobs and test with the lowest set of dependencies [#2113](
367 * Elastica\Reindex->run() does not refresh the new Index after completion anymore. Use `$reindex->setParam(Reindex::REFRESH, 'wait_for')` instead.
370 * Removed `\Elastica\Client::_log`, `\Elastica\Log` and the `log` configuration option. Use the `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger` client argument to customize logging.
475 * Use `source` script field instead of deprecated (since ES 5.6) `inline` field. [#1497](
538 - [Mapper Attachment plugin has been removed]( Use Ingest-attachment plugin and attachment processors with pipeline to ingest new documents. [#1375](
625 Use `\Elastica\Exception\ResponseException::getResponse::getFullError` instead.
627 Use `prefix_length` & `min_word_length` instead [#1282](
628 Use `\Elastica\Exception\ResponseException::getResponse::getFullError` instead. [#1251](
667 - `\Elastica\Transport\Null` is deprecated because null is a reserved class name in PHP 7. Use `\Elastica\Transport\NullTransport` instead.
693 - Removing all deprecated filters including tests. Use queries instead.
694 - Remove deprecated Elastica\Script*.php classes. Use Elastica\Script\* instead.
699 - Remove in Elastica\AbstractUpdateAction Option "percolate", getter and setter as deprecated as of ES 1.3. Use Percolator instead.
700 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_zone" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead
701 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "post_zone" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead.
702 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_zone_adjust_large_interval" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "time_zone" instead.
703 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "pre_offset" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "offset" instead.
704 - Remove in Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram Option "post_offset" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "offset" instead.
705 - Remove Elastica\Document::add as deprecated. Use Elastica\Document::set instead
709 - Remove Elastica/Query::setLimit as deprecated. Use the Elastica/Query::setSize() method
711 - Remove Elastica\Query\Fuzzy::addField as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query\Fuzzy::setField and Elastica\Query\FuzzysetFieldOption instead.
712 - Remove Elastica\Query::setIds as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::like instead.
713 - Remove Elastica\Query::setLikeText as deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::like instead.
714 - Remove Elastica\Query Option "percent_terms_to_match" is deprecated as of ES 1.5. Use "minimum_should_match" instead.
715 - Remove Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query "More Like This Field" query is deprecated as of ES 1.4. Use MoreLikeThis query instead.
720 - Removed Elastica\ResultSet::$_timedOut as deprecated. Use ResultSet->hasTimedOut() instead.
721 - Removed Elastica\ResultSet::$_took as deprecated. Use ResultSet->hasTimedOut() instead.
722 - Removed Elastica\ResultSet::$_totalHits as deprecated. Use ResultSet->hasTimedOut() instead.
724 - Removed Elastica\Query\Builder as deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead.
725 - Removed Elastica\Percolator as deprecated. Use new Elastica\Query\Percolate instead.
834 - Configuring the logger in \Elastica\Client $config constructor is deprecated and will be removed. Use the $logger argument instead. [#1069](
858 - Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::setFilter - deprecated and will throw DeprecatedException since not supported by Elasticsearch. Use setQuery instead.
886 - Use POST instead of PUT to send bulk requests [#1010](
898 - Elastica\Query\Filtered triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use BoolQuery instead.
899 - Elastica\QueryBuilder\DSL\Query::filtered() triggers E_USER_DEPRECATED error because filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1. Use bool() instead.
1066 - Elastica\Query\Builder is deprecated. Use new Elastica\QueryBuilder instead. [#855](
1231 - Deprecated: Elastica\Query::setFilter() is deprecated. Use Elastica\Query::setPostFilter() instead. [#669](
1450 - Use the HTTP response code of GET requests (getDocument), instead of extists/found json property.
1751 - Use Elastica_Connection for the following constants: DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, TIMEOUT