Lines Matching refs:Terms

36 * New method `Elastica\Aggregation\Terms::setMissingBucket`. For Composite Agg. Include in the response documents without a value for a given source. [#2117](
41 * Fixed `Query/Terms` terms phpdoc from `array<bool|float|int|string>` to `list<bool|float|int|string>` [#2118](
105 * Added `Elastica\Query\Terms::setBoost()` method to configure boost by @deguif [#2035](
189 * Allowed the Terms query to accept an array of bool, float, int and/or string [#1872](
208 * Added `Elastica\Aggregation\Avg::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Cardinality::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\DateRange::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\DateHistogram::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\ExtendedStats::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Histogram::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Max::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Min::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Stats::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Sum::setMissing()`, `Elastica\Aggregation\Terms::setMissing()` [#1876](
265 * The `Terms` Query's constructor now requires the `field` and `terms` properties.
279 * Changed `Terms::setTerms()` signature: it now accepts a list of strings only [#1765](
280 * Changed `Terms::setTermsLookup()` signature: `index`, `path` and `id` are now required arguments [#1765](
294 * `Terms::setMinimumMatch()` has been removed as not supported by ES 7.x
786 - Removed `int` type hinting in `setMinimumMatch` (`Terms` Query): it should also allow `string`. [#1151](
1157 - Added: Filter\Range::setExecution, Filter\Terms::setExecution, Filter\Missing::setExistence, Filter\Missing::setNullValue, Filter\HasChild::setMinumumChildrenCount, Filter\HasChild::Filter\HasChild::setMaximumChildrenCount, Filter\Indices::addIndex
1345 - Support for Terms filter lookup options [#579](
1411 - Add methods setSize, setShardSize to Elastica/Aggregation/Terms
1707 - Terms->setScript() Added, namespace Elastica\Facet
1910 - Typo in Terms query fixed (issue [#74](
2018 - Add facet Terms