Lines Matching refs:Search

53 * Added `Search::addIndexByName()`, `Search::hasIndexByName()` and `Search::addIndicesByName()` by @franmomu [#2103](
67 * Deprecated passing a `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndex()` and `Search::hasIndex()`, pass an Index instance instead by @franmomu [#2103](
68 * Deprecated passing an array of `string` as 1st argument to `Search::addIndices()`, use an array of Index instances by @franmomu [#2103](
124 * Deprecated passing an `int` as 1st argument to `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()`, pass an array with the key `size` instead by @deguif [#2010](
135 * Fixed type-hint for `Elastica\Search::setOptionsAndQuery()` by @deguif [#2009](
301 * Fix Search::count() not counting all results [#1746](
302 * Fixed handling of Search::OPTION_SEARCH_IGNORE_UNAVAILABLE inside Scroll object
354 * Removed `type` handling from `Elastica\Search` class [#1666](
368 * `Elastica\Search->search()` and `Elastica\Search->count()` use request method `POST` by default. Same for `Elastica\Index`, `Elastica\Type\AbstractType`, `Elastica\Type`.
388 * Added request method parameter to `Elastica\SearchableInterface->search()` and `Elastica\SearchableInterface->count()`. Same for `Elastica\Search`[#1441](
413 * Added `typed_keys` support for Search queries [#1603](
579 - Remove `Elastica\Search::OPTION_SEARCH_TYPE_DFS_QUERY_AND_FETCH` and `Elastica\Search::OPTION_SEARCH_TYPE_QUERY_AND_FETCH` as no longer supported as of 5.3.0
605 - Do not modify the original query in `\Elastica\Search::count`. [#1276](
677 - Query options such as "timeout" or "terminate_after" should not be ignored when using Multi\Search
836 - All properties in the \Elastica\ResultSet class will be moved to private in 4.0. To manipulate the creation of a ResultSet, implement the \Elastica\ResultSet\BuilderInterface and pass your new Builder to the \Elastica\Search instances. [#1065](
1305 - Scroll type constant to Elastica\Search added [#607](
1505 - \Elastica\Search::addSuggest() has been renamed to \Elastica\Search::setSuggest()
1600 - Second param to \Elastica\Search.php:count($query = '', $fullResult = false) added. If second param is set to true, full ResultSet is returned including facets.