Lines Matching refs:reject

34         return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promiseOrValue) {
35 $promiseOrValue->then($resolve, $reject, $notify);
51 * This can be useful in situations where you need to reject a promise without
58 function reject($promiseOrValue = null)
100 return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $cancellationQueue) {
102 ->done(function ($array) use ($cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) {
112 ->done($resolve, $reject, $notify);
114 }, $reject, $notify);
123 * The returned promise will only reject if *all* items in `$promisesOrValues` are
126 * The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException`
146 * The returned promise will reject if it becomes impossible for `$howMany` items
148 * reject). The rejection value will be an array of
151 * The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException`
163 return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $howMany, $cancellationQueue) {
165 ->done(function ($array) use ($howMany, $cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) {
203 $rejecter = function ($reason) use ($i, &$reasons, &$toReject, $toResolve, $reject) {
211 $reject($reasons);
220 }, $reject, $notify);
240 return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $mapFunc, $cancellationQueue) {
242 ->done(function ($array) use ($mapFunc, $cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) {
265 $reject,
269 }, $reject, $notify);
289 return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($promisesOrValues, $reduceFunc, $initialValue, $cancellationQueue) {
291 ->done(function ($array) use ($reduceFunc, $initialValue, $cancellationQueue, $resolve, $reject, $notify) {
316 ->done($resolve, $reject, $notify);
317 }, $reject, $notify);