Lines Matching refs:reject

21      * [Deferred::reject()](#deferredreject)
38 * [reject()](#reject)
99 $deferred->reject(mixed $reason = null);
105 The `resolve` and `reject` methods control the state of the deferred.
134 #### Deferred::reject()
137 $deferred->reject(mixed $reason = null);
201 `$onFulfilled` or `$onRejected`, whichever is called, or will reject with
216 * [reject()](#reject) - Creating a rejected promise
292 rejected promise, `$newPromise` will reject with the thrown exception or
295 `$newPromise` will reject with the same reason as `$promise`.
297 rejected promise, `$newPromise` will reject with the thrown exception or
370 $resolver = function (callable $resolve, callable $reject, callable $notify) {
372 // resolve or reject. You can notify of progress events (deprecated)
378 // or $reject($nastyError);
400 * `$reject($reason)` - Function that rejects the promise. It is recommended to
401 just throw an exception instead of using `$reject()`.
425 > Deprecated in v2.8.0: External usage of `RejectedPromise` is deprecated, use `reject()` instead.
434 [reject()](#reject) for creating rejected promises.
490 #### reject()
493 $promise = React\Promise\reject(mixed $promiseOrValue);
504 This can be useful in situations where you need to reject a promise without
538 The returned promise will only reject if *all* items in `$promisesOrValues` are
541 The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException`
555 The returned promise will reject if it becomes impossible for `$howMany` items
557 reject). The rejection value will be an array of
560 The returned promise will also reject with a `React\Promise\Exception\LengthException`
605 $deferred->reject($error);
698 return React\Promise\reject(
787 by the promise machinery and used to reject the promise returned by `then()`.