Lines Matching refs:is

34 Where <cloud-id> is reported in the Deployment UI, and <username>, <password> 
48 Where <id> and <key> are generated when you create a new API key. The API key is
57 If your {es} server is protected by HTTP authentication, you need to provide the
83 If your {es} cluster is secured by API keys as described
101 Configuring SSL is a little more complex. You need to identify if your
102 certificate has been signed by a public Certificate Authority (CA), or if it is
108 If you believe the client is configured to correctly use SSL, but it simply is
112 7.37.1. The `--cacert` option is equivalent to PHP's `CURLOPT_CAINFO` constant,
137 <1> Note that `https` is used, not `http`
141 certificate bundle. For PHP clients, the best way is to use
168 to the client. This is the same syntax as specifying a new root bundle, but
187 It is possible to use HTTP authentication with SSL. Simply specify `https` in
208 The Elasticsearch server version 8.0 is introducing a new compatibility mode that
215 to `true`. The client is handling the rest internally. For every 8.0 and beyond
216 client, you're all set! The compatibility mode is enabled by default.
223 This section is a crash-course overview of the client and its syntax. If you
227 You may also notice that the client is configured in a manner that facilitates
237 In elasticsearch-php, almost everything is configured by associative arrays. The
238 REST endpoint, document and optional parameters - everything is an associative
242 and a document body. This is done by constructing an associative array of
243 key:value pairs. The request body is itself an associative array with key:value
259 index that you specified. The response is an associative array containing a
295 `_source` field, which is the original document you sent to {es}.
318 Searching is a hallmark of {es}, so let's perform a search. We are going to use
338 The response here is different from the previous ones. You can see metadata
340 search results. Inside of `hits` is another array named `hits`, which contains
395 This syntax is identical to the `get` syntax. The only difference is the
396 operation: `delete` instead of `get`. The response confirms the document is