Lines Matching refs:tests

22 - Fixed warning header as array in YAML tests generator
49 - Refactored the YAML tests using generated PHPUnit code
228 - Improved the speed of integration tests removing snapshots delete from `YamlRunnerTest::clean`
230 - Reduced the number of skipping YAML integration tests from 20 to 6
279 - Fix tests for PHP 7 with ES 6.7 [[5401479](
303 - Fix integration tests using docker [#867](
331 - [TEST] Blacklist some bad yml tests [[d5edab7]](
366 - [TEST] Fix some PHPCS violations in tests [[18a38dd]](
369 - [TEST] Use tests from corresponding ES version (#649) [[75c6680]](
402 - [TEST] Allow skipping individual tests inside of test file [[51b9b9b]](
404 - [TEST] tests code cleanup (#618) [[dc5d18c]](
406 - [TEST] skip new percentile tests for now [[b5d9613]](
414 - [TEST] improve code quality of tests (#610) [[9ea2156]](
416 - [TEST] fix handling of format for Cat tests [[a24b7d1]](