Lines Matching refs:endpoint

13 - Added the API description in phpdoc section for each endpoint
56 - Fixed reset custom header after endpoint call
137 - Add missing leading slash in the URL of put mapping endpoint
139 - Fix pre 7.2 endpoint class name with aliases + reapply fix #947.
266 - Added `track_total_hits` in `search` endpoint [0c9ff47](
271 - Added `seq_no_primary_term` parameter in `bulk` endpoint [#884](
272 - Added `include_type_name`, `if_primary_term`, `if_seq_no` in `delete` endpoint [#884](
274 - Added `seq_no_primary_term` in `search` endpoint [#884](
275 - Added `if_primary_term', 'if_seq_no`in `update` endpoint [#884](
287 - Remove `_suggest` endpoint, which has disappeared from ES6 [#763](
289 - Fixing script get and delete by removing `lang` from endpoint url [#814](
310 - Add 'max_concurrent_shard_requests' param to MSearch endpoint [[00800c1]](
311 - Add ReloadSecureSettings endpoint [[75b32b2]](
330 - Add Indices/Split endpoint [[46d5a7a]](
338 - Remove PutTemplate endpoint, lang param of PutScript no longer used [[a13544f]](
339 Note: I'm considering PutTemplate removal a bugfix, since the API doesn't exist in ES Core anymore. Using the endpoint throws an error,
352 - Add Ingest\ProcessorGrok endpoint [[800b1ec]](
358 - Add 'terminate_after' to Count endpoint whitelist (#634) [[c3cacd7]](