Lines Matching full:configuration

3203  * @param {Object} walkontableConfig Walkontable configuration object.
10462 // instance. Otherwise, it will return the locale configuration
10479 …is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().…
15638 …* Returns the current data object (the same one that was passed by `data` configuration option or …
15705 …* Use it if you need to change configuration after initialization. The `settings` parameter is an …
15767 // Init columns constructors configuration
16178 …* Returns the source data object (the same that was passed by `data` configuration option or `load…
17622 * table configuration or implicitly, within cell type definition.
17624 …: renderer can be defined explicitly using "renderer" property in column configuration or it can be
19372 * ## Cascading configuration
19374 …andsontable 0.9 and newer is using *Cascading Configuration*, which is a fast way to provide confi…
19400 * ### The Cascading Configuration model
19404 …* Configuration options that are provided using first-level `handsontable(container, {option: "val…
19408 …* Configuration options that are provided using second-level object `handsontable(container, {colu…
19412 …* Configuration options that are provided using third-level function `handsontable(container, {cel…
19417 …* The Cascading Configuration model is based on prototypical inheritance. It is much faster and me…
20232 * its name as an alias in your configuration.
20332 * its name as an alias in your configuration.
20393 * its name as an alias in your configuration.
20716 * its name as an alias in your configuration.