Lines Matching refs:subtable_offset

1313 				foreach ($this->GSUBLookups[$lu]['Subtables'] as $c => $subtable_offset) {
1317 $shift = $this->_applyGSUBsubtable($lu, $c, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, ($subtable_offset - $this->GSUB_offset), $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $this->GSLuCoverage[$lu][$c], 0, $tag, 0, $tagInt);
1366 foreach ($this->GSUBLookups[$lu]['Subtables'] as $c => $subtable_offset) {
1370 $shift = $this->_applyGSUBsubtable($lu, $c, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, ($subtable_offset - $this->GSUB_offset), $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $this->GSLuCoverage[$lu][$c], 0, $tag, 0, $tagInt);
1422 foreach ($this->GSUBLookups[$lu]['Subtables'] as $c => $subtable_offset) {
1426 $shift = $this->_applyGSUBsubtable($lu, $c, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, ($subtable_offset - $this->GSUB_offset), $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $this->GSLuCoverage[$lu][$c], 0, $usetag, 0, $tagInt);
1479 foreach ($this->GSUBLookups[$lu]['Subtables'] as $c => $subtable_offset) {
1512 $shift = $this->_applyGSUBsubtable($lu, $c, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, ($subtable_offset - $this->GSUB_offset), $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $this->GSLuCoverage[$lu][$c], 0, $usetag, $is_old_spec, $tagInt);
1546 $shift = $this->_applyGSUBsubtableSpecial($lu, $c, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, $nextGlyph, $nextGID, ($subtable_offset - $this->GSUB_offset), $Type, $this->GSLuCoverage[$lu][$c]);
1564 function _applyGSUBsubtableSpecial($lookupID, $subtable, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, $nextGlyph, $nextGID, $subtable_offset, $Type, $LuCoverage)
1573 $this->seek($subtable_offset);
1582 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1587 $LigSet = $subtable_offset + $this->read_short();
1633 function _applyGSUBsubtable($lookupID, $subtable, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, $subtable_offset, $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $LuCoverage, $level, $currentTag, $is_old_spec, $tagInt)
1638 $this->seek($subtable_offset);
1649 $CoverageOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1685 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1689 $Sequences = $subtable_offset + $this->read_short();
1715 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1733 $AlternateSets = $subtable_offset + $this->read_short();
1761 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1767 $LigSet = $subtable_offset + $this->read_short();
1825 $CoverageTableOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1833 $SubRuleSetOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $offset;
1907 $CoverageTableOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1908 $InputClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
1916 $SubClassSetOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $offset;
2029 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
2034 $ChainSubRuleSet = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
2113 $CoverageTableOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
2114 $BacktrackClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
2115 $InputClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
2116 $LookaheadClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
2124 $ChainSubClassSetOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $offset;
2287 $CoverageBacktrackOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // in glyph sequence order
2291 $CoverageInputOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // in glyph sequence order
2295 $CoverageLookaheadOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // in glyph sequence order
3181 foreach ($this->GPOSLookups[$lu]['Subtables'] as $c => $subtable_offset) {
3186 $shift = $this->_applyGPOSsubtable($lu, $c, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, ($subtable_offset - $this->GPOS_offset + $this->GSUB_length), $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $this->LuCoverage[$lu][$c], $tag, 0, $is_old_spec);
3282 private function _applyGPOSsubtable($lookupID, $subtable, $ptr, $currGlyph, $currGID, $subtable_offset, $Type, $Flag, $MarkFilteringSet, $LuCoverage, $tag, $level, $is_old_spec)
3293 $this->seek($subtable_offset);
3304 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3311 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3327 $Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3338 $PairSetOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3390 $ClassDef1 = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3391 $ClassDef2 = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3430 $this->seek($subtable_offset + 16 + $offs);
3468 $EntryAnchor += $subtable_offset;
3481 $ExitAnchor += $subtable_offset;
3500 $MarkCoverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3502 $BaseCoverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3504 $MarkArray = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Offset to MarkArray table
3505 $BaseArray = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Offset to BaseArray table
3583 $MarkCoverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3585 $LigatureCoverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3587 $MarkArray = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Offset to MarkArray table
3588 $LigatureArray = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Offset to LigatureArray table
3681 $Mark1Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Combining Mark
3683 $Mark2Coverage = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Base Mark
3685 $Mark1Array = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Offset to MarkArray table
3686 $Mark2Array = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // Offset to Mark2Array table
3789 $CoverageTableOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3790 $InputClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3798 $PosClassSetOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $offset;
3917 $CoverageTableOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3918 $BacktrackClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3919 $InputClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3920 $LookaheadClassDefOffset = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort();
3928 $ChainPosClassSetOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $offset;
4086 $CoverageBacktrackOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // in glyph sequence order
4090 $CoverageInputOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // in glyph sequence order
4094 $CoverageLookaheadOffset[] = $subtable_offset + $this->read_ushort(); // in glyph sequence order