Lines Matching defs:Indic

10 use Mpdf\Shaper\Indic;
549 $sub = Indic::decompose_indic($char);
586 // b. Analyse characters - group as syllables/clusters (Indic); invalid diacritics; add dotted circle
590 Indic::set_indic_properties($this->OTLdata[$eid], $scriptblock); // sets ['indic_category'] and ['indic_position']
595 $indic_category_string .= Indic::$indic_category_char[$this->OTLdata[$eid]['indic_category']];
600 Indic::set_syllables($this->OTLdata, $indic_category_string, $broken_syllables);
602 Indic::set_syllables_sinhala($this->OTLdata, $indic_category_string, $broken_syllables);
604 Indic::set_syllables_khmer($this->OTLdata, $indic_category_string, $broken_syllables);
609 // c. Initial Re-ordering (Indic / Khmer / Sinhala)
615 $indic_config = Indic::$indic_configs[$scriptblock];
625 $dottedcircle[0]['indic_category'] = Indic::OT_DOTTEDCIRCLE;
626 $dottedcircle[0]['indic_position'] = Indic::POS_BASE_C;
631 Indic::initial_reordering($this->OTLdata, $this->GSUBdata[$this->GSUBfont], $broken_syllables, $indic_config, $scriptblock, $is_old_spec, $dottedcircle);
644 // e. Final Re-ordering (Indic / Khmer / Sinhala)
650 Indic::final_reordering($this->OTLdata, $this->GSUBdata[$this->GSUBfont], $indic_config, $scriptblock, $is_old_spec);
653 // f. Apply 'init' feature to first syllable in word (indicated by ['mask']) Indic::FLAG(Indic::INIT);
740 // a. Analyse characters - group as syllables/clusters (Indic); invalid diacritics; add dotted circle
918 if (Indic::in_range($this->OTLdata[$ptr]['uni'], 0x0F20, 0x0F33) && $this->OTLdata[$ptr + 1]['uni'] == 0x0F3F) {
932 $sub = Indic::decompose_indic($char);
1284 // For Indic - should be applied one syllable at a time
1445 // rphf, pref, blwf, half, abvf, pstf, and init are only applied where ['mask'] indicates: Indic::FLAG(Indic::RPHF);
1486 $mask = (1 << (Indic::RPHF));
1489 $mask = (1 << (Indic::PREF));
1492 $mask = (1 << (Indic::BLWF));
1495 $mask = (1 << (Indic::HALF));
1498 $mask = (1 << (Indic::PSTF));
1501 $mask = (1 << (Indic::CFAR));
1504 $mask = (1 << (Indic::INIT));
1517 } // Special case for Indic ZZZ99S
1529 $mask = (1 << (Indic::PREF));
1532 $mask = (1 << (Indic::BLWF));
1535 $mask = (1 << (Indic::PSTF));
1567 // Special case for Indic
2566 * they are doing (otherwise it can break Indic stuff when a matra wants to
3518 // but only in Indic old-spec.
3739 // This happens in Indic when the Mark being attached to e.g. [Halant Ma lig] -> MatraU, [U+0B4D + U+B2E as E0F5]-> U+0B41 become E135
4572 * EN European Number European digits, Eastern Arabic-Indic digits, ...
4575 * AN Arabic Number Arabic-Indic digits, Arabic decimal and thousands separators, ...