Lines Matching refs:true

680 	 * Set to true to follow redirects with cURL.
698 * Set to true to allow unsafe SSL HTTPS requests.
1076 $this->time0 = microtime(true);
1116 $this->defTextColor = $this->TextColor = $this->SetTColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0, $this->PDFAXwarnings), true);
1117 $this->defDrawColor = $this->DrawColor = $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0, $this->PDFAXwarnings), true);
1118 $this->defFillColor = $this->FillColor = $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255, $this->PDFAXwarnings), true);
1122 $this->extrapagebreak = true; // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype
1279 $this->autoPageBreak = true;
1328 $this->SetCompression(true);
1358 $this->useAdobeCJK = true;
1369 $onlyCoreFonts = true;
1376 $onlyCoreFonts = true;
1379 $optcore = true;
1387 $onlyCoreFonts = true;
1455 $this->useSubstitutions = true;
1528 $this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; // in order to eliminate exceeding left-side spaces
1778 if (in_array($zoom, $allowedZoomModes, true) || is_numeric($zoom)) {
1786 if (in_array($layout, $allowedLayoutModes, true)) {
1923 $same = true;
1975 $this->preambleWritten = true;
2035 $this->InFooter = true;
2185 $sizesarray = $this->Image($file, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', false, false, false, false, true);
2202 $x_repeat = true;
2203 $y_repeat = true;
2259 $s .= 'q ' . $this->SetFColor($this->bodyBackgroundColor, true) . "\n";
2261 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor[4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2263 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor[5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2272 $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($clx, $cly, $clw, $clh, (isset($g['gradtype']) ? $g['gradtype'] : null), $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true);
2279 $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($clx, $cly, $clw, $clh, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true);
2288 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
2347 $s .= 'q ' . $this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true) . "\n";
2350 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2352 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2400 $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
2539 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
2549 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
2586 $s .= 'q ' . $this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true) . "\n";
2588 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2590 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2598 $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
2731 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
2740 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
2883 $this->blk[$b]['marginCorrected'][$this->page] = true;
2987 $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size, true, true);
3015 $this->blk[$bl]['marginCorrected'][$this->page] = true;
3061 $this->extrapagebreak = true; // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype
3079 $this->extrapagebreak = true; // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype
3158 $save_cols = true;
3167 $this->ColumnAdjust = true; // enables column height adjustment for the page
3175 $this->InFooter = true;
3233 $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size, true, true); // forces write
3258 $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size, true, true); // forces write
3303 $this->blk[$bl]['marginCorrected'][$this->page] = true;
3471 function _getCharWidth(&$cw, $u, $isdef = true)
3536 function GetCharWidthNonCore($c, $addSubset = true)
3597 function GetCharWidth($c, $addSubset = true)
3606 function GetStringWidth($s, $addSubset = true, $OTLdata = false, $textvar = 0, $includeKashida = false)
3895 $BMPonly = in_array($family, $this->BMPonly) ? true : false;
3899 $regenerate = true;
3901 $regenerate = true;
3905 $regenerate = true;
3908 $regenerate = true;
3913 $regenerate = true;
4020 function SetFont($family, $style = '', $size = 0, $write = true, $forcewrite = false)
4073 $this->usingCoreFont = true;
4232 $this->usingCoreFont = true;
4284 function SetFontSize($size, $write = true)
4377 $this->CurrentFont['used'] = true;
4496 $this->biDirectional = true;
4536 $this->biDirectional = true;
4609 $kashida_present = true;
4954 $c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['T']['c'], true);
4993 $c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['B']['c'], true);
5032 $c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['L']['c'], true);
5071 $c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['R']['c'], true);
5130 $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($txt, true, $OTLdata, $textvar) + ( $this->charspacing * mb_strlen($txt, $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE ) + ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($txt, ' ', $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE );
5176 $this->CurrentFont['used'] = true;
5364 $s .= $this->SetTColor($ts['col'], true) . "\n";
5366 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
5368 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
5370 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col'][3]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
5423 $sipset = true;
5429 $smcaps = true;
5477 $groupBreak = true;
5530 $groupBreak = true;
5548 $SmallCapsON = true;
5551 $groupBreak = true;
5558 $groupBreak = true;
5570 // $groupBreak = true;
5581 $groupBreak = true;
5590 $groupBreak = true;
5862 $this->biDirectional = true;
5948 $inclCursive = true;
5966 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdata, false, true);
6016 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdata, false, true);
6031 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdata, false, true);
6207 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdata, false, true);
6365 function restoreFont(&$saved, $write = true)
6392 $this->SetFont($saved['family'], $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], true, true); // force output
6404 function newFlowingBlock($w, $h, $a = '', $is_table = false, $blockstate = 0, $newblock = true, $blockdir = 'ltr', $table_draft = false)
6473 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($cOTLdata[count($cOTLdata) - 1], false, true);
6573 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE;
6669 $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'], $this->blklvl - 1, true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse']);
6697 $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'], -3, true, false, 1);
6759 $inclCursive = true;
6818 $CJKoverflow = true;
6958 $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar);
6990 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mPDF 5.7.1
6991 $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($hanger), $stackHeight, $hanger, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mPDF 5.7.1
6993 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mPDF 5.7.1
6996 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // first or middle part // mPDF 5.7.1
7068 $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $extra, -3, true, false, 2);
7084 $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom'], $this->blklvl - 1, true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse']);
7223 $tr = $this->transformTranslate(0, -$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'], true);
7224 $tr .= ' ' . $this->transformRotate(90, $objattr['INNER-X'], ($objattr['INNER-Y'] + $objattr['INNER-WIDTH']), true);
7231 $tr = $this->transformTranslate($objattr['INNER-WIDTH'], ($objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] - $objattr['INNER-WIDTH']), true);
7232 $tr .= ' ' . $this->transformRotate(-90, $objattr['INNER-X'], ($objattr['INNER-Y'] + $objattr['INNER-WIDTH']), true);
7237 $tr = $this->transformTranslate($objattr['INNER-WIDTH'], -$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'], true);
7238 $tr .= ' ' . $this->transformRotate(180, $objattr['INNER-X'], ($objattr['INNER-Y'] + $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT']), true);
7268 $tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate($translate_x, $translate_y, true) . ' ';
7271 $tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate($translate_x, 0, true) . ' ';
7274 $tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate(0, $translate_y, true) . ' ';
7282 $tr2 .= $this->transformScale($scale_x, $scale_y, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7285 $tr2 .= $this->transformScale($scale_x, 0, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7288 $tr2 .= $this->transformScale(0, $scale_y, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7296 $tr2 .= $this->transformSkew($angle_x, $angle_y, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7299 $tr2 .= $this->transformSkew($angle, 0, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7302 $tr2 .= $this->transformSkew(0, $angle, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7305 $tr2 .= $this->transformRotate($angle, $cx, $cy, true) . ' ';
7342 $dummy = $this->gradient->Gradient($objattr['INNER-X'], $objattr['INNER-Y'], $obiw, $obih, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true, true);
7413 if (in_array($objattr['btype'], $barcodeTypes, true)) {
7670 $fcol = $this->SetTColor($color, true);
7846 $objattr = $this->inlineObject($objattr['type'], $this->lMargin + $fpaddingL + ($contentWidth / Mpdf::SCALE), ($this->y + $h_corr), $objattr, $this->lMargin, ($contentWidth / Mpdf::SCALE), $maximumW, $stackHeight, true, $is_table);
8011 $breakfound = true;
8030 $CJKoverflow = true; // Set flag
8042 $Oikomi = true; // Set flag
8256 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($cOTLdata[count($cOTLdata) - 1], false, true); // NB also does U+3000
8309 $inclCursive = true;
8321 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE; // mPDF 5.7.1
8479 $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'], $this->blklvl - 1, true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse']);
8498 $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'], -3, true, false, 1);
8585 $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, true);
8615 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false));
8616 $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($hanger), $stackHeight, $hanger, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false));
8618 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mono-style line or last part (skips line)
8621 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // first or middle part
8697 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($savedPreContent[$ix], true, (isset($savedPreOTLdata[$ix]) ? $savedPreOTLdata[$ix] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE; // mPDF 5.7.1
8727 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($cOTLdata[count($cOTLdata) - 1], true, false); // left trim U+3000
8840 function Image($file, $x, $y, $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '', $paint = true, $constrain = true, $watermark = false, $shownoimg = true, $allowvector = true)
8845 $info = $this->imageProcessor->getImage($file, true, $allowvector, $orig_srcpath);
8971 $outstring = $this->watermarkImgAlpha . "\n" . $outstring . "\n" . $this->SetAlpha(1, 'Normal', true) . "\n";
9016 $changedpage = true;
9093 // NB $x is only used when paint=true
9374 function DivLn($h, $level = -3, $move_y = true, $collapsible = false, $state = 0)
9480 $this->logger->debug(sprintf('PDF generated in %.6F seconds', microtime(true) - $this->time0), ['context' => LogContext::STATISTICS]);
9514 $this->logger->warning(sprintf('These issues can be automatically fixed by mPDF using %s = true;', $option), ['context' => LogContext::PDFA_PDFX]);
9525 $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Compiled in %.6F seconds', microtime(true) - $this->time0), ['context' => LogContext::STATISTICS]);
9526 $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Peak Memory usage %s MB', number_format(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024), 2)), ['context' => LogContext::STATISTICS]);
9714 $this->writingHTMLheader = true;
9793 $this->writingHTMLfooter = true;
9794 $this->InFooter = true;
9808 $os .= $this->StartTransform(true) . "\n";
9816 $os .= $this->transformTranslate(0, $adj, true) . "\n";
9823 $os .= $this->StopTransform(true) . "\n";
10099 $first = true;
10189 $this->page_box['using'] = true;
10199 $this->OrientationChanges[$this->page] = true;
10219 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10235 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10291 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10308 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10320 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10325 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10337 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10342 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10354 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10359 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10371 $resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
10504 $this->biDirectional = true;
10541 $strlen = $this->GetStringWidth($texte, true, $OTLdata, $textvar);
10549 $this->SetFont($this->watermark_font, "B", $szfont - 0.1, true, true); // Output The -0.1 is because SetFont above is not written to PDF
10573 $this->watermarkImgAlpha = $this->SetAlpha($alpha, 'Normal', true);
10578 $this->Image($src, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', true, true, true);
10678 function UTF8StringToArray($str, $addSubset = true)
10984 $tlh = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v, $this->FontSize, $this->FontSize, true);
11434 $this->basepathIsLocal = true;
11446 $this->basepathIsLocal = true;
11630 $reverse = true; // Reverse RTL numerals (Hebrew) when using for list
11631 $checkfont = true; // Using list - font is set, so check if character is available
11647 $ppgno = $decToAlpha->convert($ppgno, true);
11655 $ppgno = $decToRoman->convert($ppgno, true);
11744 function TableHeaderFooter($content = '', $tablestartpage = '', $tablestartcolumn = '', $horf = 'H', $level = 0, $firstSpread = true, $finalSpread = true)
11777 $this->DivLn($adv, $this->blklvl, true);
11858 $this->tabletheadjustfinished = true;
11904 $paintcell = true;
11970 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 7][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $px, 'y' => $py, 'w' => $pw, 'h' => $ph, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
11993 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 7][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $px, 'y' => $py, 'w' => $pw, 'h' => $ph, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
12013 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($tablehf['background-image']['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
12029 $this->_tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $border, $border_details, true, $table['borders_separate']); // true causes buffer
12104 $this->SetFont($textbuffer[0][4], $textbuffer[0][2], $cellPtSize, true, true);
12109 $this->SetFont($s_f, $s_st, $s_fs, true, true);
12127 $this->printbuffer($textbuffer, '', true, false, $direction);
12149 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 4][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => $s];
12151 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 4][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $gx, 'y' => $gy, 'w' => $gw, 'h' => $gh, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
12172 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 4][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => $s];
12174 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 4][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $gx, 'y' => $gy, 'w' => $gw, 'h' => $gh, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
12414 $this->writingHTMLheader = true;
12455 $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['rotate'] = true;
12488 $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['rotate'] = true;
13062 $this->SetFont('arial', '', 7.5, true, true);
13145 function WriteHTML($html, $mode = HTMLParserMode::DEFAULT_MODE, $init = true, $close = true)
13155 if (in_array($mode, HTMLParserMode::getAllModes(), true) === false) {
13273 $this->page_box['using'] = true;
13282 list($pborientation, $pbmgl, $pbmgr, $pbmgt, $pbmgb, $pbmgh, $pbmgf, $hname, $fname, $bg, $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $marks, $newformat) = $this->SetPagedMediaCSS('', true, 'O'); // first page
13296 $parseonly = true;
13319 $this->bufferoutput = true;
13358 $this->SetHTMLHeader($this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]], 'O', true);
13375 $this->biDirectional = true;
13378 $this->checkSIP = true;
13381 $this->checkSMP = true;
13385 $this->checkCJK = true;
13512 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($this->OTLdata, true, false);
13550 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($this->OTLdata, true, false);
13616 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($this->OTLdata, true, false);
13627 $this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
13658 $closed = true;
13663 $closed = true;
13668 $closed = true;
13673 $closed = true;
13732 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide'] = true;
13928 $save_cols = true;
13934 $this->writingHTMLheader = true; // a FIX to stop pagebreaks etc.
13935 $this->writingHTMLfooter = true;
13936 $this->InFooter = true; // suppresses autopagebreaks
14580 $rot_start .= $this->transformTranslate($adjw, $adjh, true) . "\n";
14581 $rot_start .= $this->transformRotate($rotate, $bbox_x, $bbox_y, true) . "\n";
14585 $rot_start .= $this->transformTranslate($bbox_bl + $bbox_pl + $inner_w + $bbox_pr + $bbox_br, $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt + $inner_h + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb, true) . "\n";
14586 $rot_start .= $this->transformRotate(180, $bbox_x, $bbox_y, true) . "\n";
14639 $tmp = "q\n" . $this->transformScale(($shrink_f * 100), ($shrink_f * 100), $x, $y, true);
15280 list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($blklvl, true);
15324 $l_exists = true;
15329 $r_exists = true;
15381 $info = $this->imageProcessor->getImage($srcpath, true, true, $orig_srcpath);
15454 $objattr['listmarker'] = true;
15490 $this->listitem = $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', '', true); // true returns array
15528 $this->listitem = $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', '', true); // true returns array
15541 $num = $this->_getStyledNumber($counter, $listitemtype, true);
15568 $this->listitem = $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', '', true); // true returns array
15628 $maxnumA = $decToAlpha->convert($maxnum, true);
15673 $maxlnum = $decToRoman->convert($bbit, true);
15943 $this->SetFont($this->default_font, '', $this->default_font_size, true, true); // force output to page
15946 $this->newFlowingBlock($this->divwidth, $this->divheight, $align, $is_table, $blockstate, true, $blockdir, $table_draft);
15952 $this->finishFlowingBlock(true);
15953 } // true = END of flowing block
16027 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($vetor[18], true, false);
16035 $this->finishFlowingBlock(true);
16036 } // true = END of flowing block
16055 $this->spanborder = true;
16074 $this->spanbgcolor = true;
16098 $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = ["Y" => $ily, "PAGE" => $this->page, "tbrot" => true];
16100 $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = ["Y" => $ily, "PAGE" => $this->page, "kwt" => true];
16109 $this->finishFlowingBlock(true);
16110 } // true = END of flowing block
16235 $changedcol = true;
16356 $this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = true;
16358 $objattr['skipline'] = true;
16368 $this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = true;
16370 $objattr['skipline'] = true;
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16502 $this->finishFlowingBlock(true); // true = END of flowing block
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17073 $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $w - $brBR_H, $y0 + $h - $brBR_V, $brBR_H - $border_right / 2, $brBR_V - $border_right / 2, 4, 2, true)) . "\n";
17252 $shadow .= $this->SetFColor($col1, true) . "\n";
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19090 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($OTLdata, true, true);
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21284 function setBorder(&$var, $flag, $set = true)
21288 $set = true;
21387 $fixbottom = true;
21886 $this->DivLn($table['margin']['T'], $this->blklvl, true, 1); // collapsible
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22710 $opac = $this->SetAlpha($cell['background-image']['opacity'], 'Normal', true);
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23036 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 4][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $gx, 'y' => $gy, 'w' => $gw, 'h' => $gh, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
23187 $finalSpread = true;
23198 $firstSpread = true;
23229 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 1][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $bx, 'y' => $by, 'w' => $bw, 'h' => $bh, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
23237 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 1][] = ['gradient' => true, 'x' => $bx, 'y' => $by, 'w' => $bw, 'h' => $bh, 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
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23476 $this->internallink[$uid] = ["Y" => $ily, "PAGE" => $this->page, "tbrot" => true];
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23539 $ep_present = true;
23955 $Present = true;
23968 $Present = true;
24029 // $subEntryInset specifies what precedes a subentry (if $this->indexUseSubentries == true;) e.g.
24129 $marker = true; // Don't replace any more once the subentry marker has been found
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24276 return true;
24327 $this->ColumnAdjust = true; // enables column height adjustment for the page
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25411 $sz = $this->GetStringWidth($text, true, $OTLdata, $textvar);
25420 $this->SetFont($font, $style, $szfont, true, true);
25490 $is_strong = true;
26007 return true;
26012 return true;
26026 function purify_utf8($html, $lo = true)
26059 // If $lo==true then includes ASCII < 128
26269 $this->SetFont('', '', $codestr_fontsize * 1.4 * Mpdf::SCALE, true, true); // * 1.4 because font height is only 7/10 of given mm
26622 return($this->_transform($tm, true));
26641 return($this->_transform($tm, true));
26672 return $this->_transform($tm, true);
26708 return $this->_transform($tm, true);
26903 function ConvertAngle($s, $makepositive = true)
26980 $file = $this->cache->write('/_tempSVG' . uniqid(random_int(1, 100000), true) . '_' . $i . '.svg', $svgi[0][$i]);