Lines Matching refs:trim

2163 				$sz = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE']));
2250 // If using bleed and trim margins in paged media
3348 $name = strtoupper(trim($name));
6466 // Always right trim!
6467 // Right trim last content and adjust width if needed to justify (later)
7242 $tr = trim($tr);
7259 $v = trim($m[2][$i]);
8727 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($cOTLdata[count($cOTLdata) - 1], true, false); // left trim U+3000
13631 $endtag = trim(strtoupper(substr($e, 1)));
13772 if (trim($path) != '' && !(stristr($e, "src=") !== false && substr($path, 0, 4) == 'var:') && substr($path, 0, 1) != '@') {
13802 $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim(strtoupper($a3[2]));
13805 $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim(strtoupper($a3[2]));
13807 $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim($a3[2]);
14802 $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($bd));
15351 $listitemimage = trim(preg_replace('/url\(["\']*(.*?)["\']*\)/', '\\1', $listitemimage));
18179 $fonttype = trim($f);
18182 $v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
18197 $fonttype = trim($f);
18200 $v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
18632 $this->fontLanguageOverride = trim($v);
19045 $this->enabledtags = str_replace(trim($v), '', $this->enabledtags);
19088 $line = trim($line);
19134 if ($checkletter || (!preg_match('/(\xe2\x80\x8b| )/', trim($line)) && preg_match("/([" . $this->pregCJKchars . "])/u", $line) )) {
19208 $word = trim($word);
19487 $cell['border_details']['R']['style'] = trim($bd['rst']);
19493 $cell['border_details']['L']['style'] = trim($bd['lst']);
19499 $cell['border_details']['T']['style'] = trim($bd['tst']);
19505 $cell['border_details']['B']['style'] = trim($bd['bst']);
24940 $details[$side]['style'] = trim($cba['style']);
27095 $html = preg_replace('#<textarea(.*?)>(.*?)</textarea>#si', '<aeratxet' . $temp2[1][$iterator] . '>' . trim($temp2[2][$iterator]) . '</aeratxet>', $html, 1);