Lines Matching refs:sub

1178 		// Sets default change in baseline for <sub> text as factor of preceeding fontsize
5175 $sub = '';
5184 $sub .= sprintf('BT ' . $aix . ' (%s) Tj ET', $px, $py, $txt2);
5191 $sub .=sprintf('BT ' . $aix . ' %s Tj ET', $px, $py, $txt2);
5196 $sub .=sprintf('BT ' . $aix . ' (%s) Tj ET', $px, $py, $txt2);
5205 $sub .=sprintf('BT ' . $aix . ' %.3F Tc [', $px, $py, $this->charspacing);
5212 $sub .=sprintf('(%s) ', $tx);
5215 $sub .=sprintf('%d(%s) ', $adj, $space);
5218 $sub .='] TJ ';
5219 $sub .=' ET';
5222 $sub = $this->applyGPOSpdf($txt, $aix, $px, $py, $OTLdata, $textvar);
5240 $sub .= ' ' . $c . ' ';
5266 $sub .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
5267 $sub .= ' ' . $this->_dounderline($this->x + $dx, $this->y + $ubaseline + $adjusty, $txt, $OTLdata, $textvar);
5268 $sub .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
5271 $sub .= ' ' . $this->FillColor . ' ';
5282 $sub .= ' ' . $c . ' ';
5317 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
5318 $sub .=' ' . $this->_dounderline($this->x + $dx, $this->y + $sbaseline + $adjusty, $txt, $OTLdata, $textvar);
5319 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
5322 $sub .= ' ' . $this->FillColor . ' ';
5332 $sub .= ' ' . $c . ' ';
5352 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
5353 $sub .=' ' . $this->_dounderline($this->x + $dx, $this->y + $obaseline + $adjusty, $txt, $OTLdata, $textvar);
5354 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
5356 $sub .= ' ' . $this->FillColor . ' ';
5373 $s .= $sub;
5378 $s .= $sub;
18510 case 'VERTICAL-ALIGN': // super and sub only dealt with here e.g. <SUB> and <SUP>
18901 // Needs to be set at the end - after vertical-align = super/sub, so that textparam['text-baseline'] is set
19041 $this->enabledtags = "<a><acronym><address><article><aside><b><bdi><bdo><big><blockquote><br><caption><center><cite><code><del><details><dd><div><dl><dt><em><fieldset><figcaption><figure><font><form><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><hgroup><hr><i><img><input><ins><kbd><legend><li><main><mark><meter><nav><ol><option><p><pre><progress><q><s><samp><section><select><small><span><strike><strong><sub><summary><sup><table><tbody><td><template><textarea><tfoot><th><thead><time><tr><tt><u><ul><var><footer><header><annotation><bookmark><textcircle><barcode><dottab><indexentry><indexinsert><watermarktext><watermarkimage><tts><ttz><tta><column_break><columnbreak><newcolumn><newpage><page_break><pagebreak><formfeed><columns><toc><tocentry><tocpagebreak><pageheader><pagefooter><setpageheader><setpagefooter><sethtmlpageheader><sethtmlpagefooter>";
24118 list($txtmain, $sub) = preg_split('/[:]/', $e, 2);
24125 $e = $sub; // Only replace first one
26972 $sub = preg_replace("/\n/si", "\xbb\xa4\xac", $m[1][$i]);
26973 $html = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($m[1][$i], '/') . '/si', $sub, $html);