Lines Matching refs:return

1567 	 * @return \Mpdf\Mpdf
1579 return $this;
1592 return $config;
1617 return array_values($constructor);
1629 return $config;
1888 function SetAlpha($alpha, $bm = 'Normal', $return = false, $mode = 'B')
1910 if ($return) {
1911 return sprintf('/GS%d gs', $gs);
1931 return $i;
1937 return $n;
1944 return '';
1986 return;
2069 return [$imw, $imh, $repx, $repy];
2117 return [$w, $h, $repx, $repy];
2120 return [$cw, $h, $repx, $repy];
2123 return [$w, $ch, $repx, $repy];
2135 return [$w, $h, $repx, $repy];
2138 return [$cw, $h, $repx, $repy];
2141 return [$w, $ch, $repx, $repy];
2143 return [$cw, $ch, $repx, $repy];
2145 return [$imw, $imh, $repx, $repy];
2182 return ['gradient' => $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'], 'origin' => $origin, 'size' => $size];
2235 return ['image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $sizesarray['itype'], 'origin' => $origin, 'size' => $size];
2238 return false;
2296 return $s;
2308 return $s;
2575 return $s;
2754 return $s;
2763 return false;
2769 return '';
3022 return '';
3043 return false;
3047 return false;
3323 * @return int
3327 return $this->page;
3360 return '';
3377 return $out;
3380 function SetDColor($col, $return = false)
3383 if ($return) {
3384 return $out;
3387 return '';
3396 function SetFColor($col, $return = false)
3399 if ($return) {
3400 return $out;
3403 return '';
3413 function SetTColor($col, $return = false)
3416 if ($return) {
3417 return $out;
3420 return '';
3426 function SetDrawColor($r, $g = -1, $b = -1, $col4 = -1, $return = false)
3437 $out = $this->SetDColor($col, $return);
3438 return $out;
3441 function SetFillColor($r, $g = -1, $b = -1, $col4 = -1, $return = false)
3452 $out = $this->SetFColor($col, $return);
3453 return $out;
3456 function SetTextColor($r, $g = -1, $b = -1, $col4 = -1, $return = false)
3467 $out = $this->SetTColor($col, $return);
3468 return $out;
3482 return 0;
3484 return $w;
3486 return false;
3488 return 0;
3496 return false;
3502 return (bool) $w;
3512 return 0;
3533 return ($w);
3546 return 0;
3558 return 0;
3594 return ($w);
3600 return $this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c, $addSubset);
3602 return $this->GetCharWidthCore($c);
3742 return ($w);
3816 return;
3831 return;
3840 return;
4189 return $family;
4221 return $family;
4260 return $family;
4281 return $family;
4288 return;
4308 return $n;
4327 return;
4330 return; // *TABLES*
4334 return;
4339 return;
4348 function Text($x, $y, $txt, $OTLdata = [], $textvar = 0, $aixextra = '', $coordsys = '', $return = false)
4350 // Output (or return) a string
4475 if ($return) {
4476 return $s . " \n";
4690 return [0, 0, 0];
4724 return [$charspacing, $ws, $kashida_space];
5765 return $s;
5830 return $s;
5974 return false;
6069 return false;
6107 return false;
6170 return false;
6263 return $saved;
6321 // Used when ColActive for tables - updated to return first block with background fill OR borders
6332 return $startfill;
6362 return $saved;
6368 return;
6546 return 0;
7453 return intval(255 * floatval($col));
7462 return intval(255 * floatval($col));
7696 return false;
7709 return $lastchar;
7720 return false;
7733 return $lastchar;
7859 return;
8855 return false;
8977 return 0;
9064 return $sizesarray;
9082 return (unserialize($sp['objattr']));
9145 return [-2, $w, $h];
9148 return [1, $w, $h];
9164 return [-2, $w, $h];
9166 return [1, $w, $h]; // new line
9168 return [1, $w, $h]; // new line
9171 return [-1, $w, $h];
9174 return [0, $w, $h];
9301 return $objattr;
9384 return;
9388 // if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y)==sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y0)) && ($this->ColActive) && $this->CurrCol == 0) { return; } // *COLUMNS*
9390 return;
9398 return;
9619 return $this->buffer;
9915 return;
9918 return;
9921 return;
9926 return;
10402 return;
10429 return;
10473 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x * Mpdf::SCALE) + $w, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE);
10703 return $out;
10731 // return c as decimal char
10763 return $ret;
10980 return ($v + 0);
10982 return 'N'; // mPDF 6
10986 return ($tlh . 'mm');
10989 return $this->normalLineheight;
11007 return $lh;
11034 return (((float) $lh) / $k); // convert to number
11036 return ($fs * $lh);
11038 return ($fs * $this->normalLineheight);
11108 return $ypos;
11435 return;
11472 return;
11479 return;
11562 return '';
11571 return $ppgno;
11613 return '';
11623 return $ppgno;
11676 return $ppgno;
11721 return [$type, $suppress, $reset];
11739 return;
11761 return;
12302 return;
12305 return;
12368 return;
12372 return false;
12435 return $h;
12519 return [intval($s * 100 / $tw), intval($c * 100 / $tw), intval($s * 100 / $tw)];
12521 return [33, 33, 33];
12633 return $html;
13250 return '';
14814 return ['s' => 1, 'w' => $bsize, 'c' => $this->colorConverter->convert(0, $this->PDFAXwarnings), 'style' => 'solid'];
14816 return ['w' => 0, 's' => 0];
14852 return ['w' => 0, 's' => 0];
14876 return ['s' => $on, 'w' => $bsize, 'c' => $coul, 'style' => $prop[1], 'dom' => 0];
14893 return false;
15268 return [$orientation, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $header, $footer, $bg, $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $marks, $newformat];
15292 return;
15336 return [$l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width];
15383 return;
15538 return;
15758 return ($blt_width + $markeroffset);
15761 function _saveTextBuffer($t, $link = '', $intlink = '', $return = false)
15816 if ($return) {
15817 return ($arr);
16593 return $ch;
16626 return;
16629 return;
16639 return;
17120 return;
17817 return $s;
17926 return;
18121 return; // Removes PHP Warning
19060 return 0;
19281 return -$biggestword;
19283 return 1;
19438 return $a;
19444 return '';
19448 return $cell;
19452 return $bindata;
19458 return [0, 0, 0, 0];
19461 return [$bindata['border_details']['T']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['R']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['B']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['L']['w']];
19469 return [$bd['tw'], $bd['rw'], $bd['bw'], $bd['lw']];
19475 return [];
19478 return $bindata;
19519 return($cell);
19972 return [0, 0];
19975 return [0, 0];
19977 // elseif ($table['overflow']=='wrap') { return array(0,0); } // mPDF 6
19995 return [($ratio + 0.001), $checkminwidth]; // 0.001 to allow for rounded numbers when resizing
20000 return [0, 0];
20637 return [$table['h'], $maxrowheight, $temppgheight, $remainingpage, $maxfirstrowheight];
20645 return [$cell['x0'], $cell['w0']];
20660 return [$x, $w];
20662 return [0, 0];
20670 return [$cell['x0'], $cell['w0']];
20690 return [$x, $w];
20692 return [0, 0];
20700 return [$cell['y0'], $cell['h0']];
20719 return [$y, $h];
20721 return [0, 0];
20727 return $table['hr'][$row];
20742 return $maxrowheight;
20747 return $maxrowheight;
20822 return;
21298 return (($var & $flag) == $flag);
21328 return;
22362 return [false, $startrow, $startcol, $splitpg, $returny, $y0];
23296 return [false, $startrow, $startcol, $splitpg, $returny, $y0];
23298 return [true, 0, 0, 0, false, false];
23944 return;
24014 return $files;
24021 return false;
24054 return strtolower(basename($v, '.php'));
24085 return strcoll(strtolower($a['uf']), strtolower($b['uf']));
24255 return false;
24269 return true;
24276 return true;
24279 return $this->autoPageBreak;
24281 return $this->autoPageBreak;
24897 return $subject;
24916 return str_replace($matches[0], $this->columnAdjustAdd($type, Mpdf::SCALE, $xadj, $yadj, $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6]), $subject);
25008 return;
25210 return;
25432 return 0;
25436 return 0;
25450 return 0;
25465 return $rtl_content;
25469 return 0;
25540 return $s;
25568 return $html;
25577 return 0;
25582 return 4;
25586 return 0;
25596 return 0;
25600 return 0;
25639 return 0;
25684 return 2;
25698 return 4;
25705 return 0;
25712 return 0;
25728 return 0;
25762 return 0;
25786 return 0;
25804 return 4;
25816 return 0;
25835 return 0;
25853 return 4;
25858 return 0;
25907 return 4;
25909 return 0;
25957 return 2;
25970 return 4;
25977 return 0;
25998 return $html;
26007 return true;
26012 return true;
26015 return false;
26062 return $html;
26077 return ($txt);
26090 return ($txt);
26103 return;
26483 return;
26577 return('q');
26586 return('Q');
26622 return($this->_transform($tm, true));
26641 return($this->_transform($tm, true));
26672 return $this->_transform($tm, true);
26708 return $this->_transform($tm, true);
26717 return(sprintf('%.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F cm', $tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5]));
26727 return $html;
26843 return $n;
26857 return 'BT ' . sprintf('%.3F %.3F', $a, $b) . ' Td';
26864 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d) . ' re';
26871 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', $a, $b);
26878 return sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d) . ' cm /' . $e;
26885 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F m', $a, $b);
26896 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) . ' c';
26935 return $angle;
26948 return $html;
26996 $html = preg_replace('/\r/', '', $html); // replace carriage return by nothing
27116 return $html;
27122 return (stripslashes($matches[1]) . str_repeat(' ', $this->tabSpaces - (mb_strlen(stripslashes($matches[1])) % $this->tabSpaces)));
27128 return date($matches[1]);
27272 return $pdf;
27340 return false;
27379 * @return float
27388 return floatval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $num));
27391 return floatval(
27399 return $this->fontDescriptor;
27403 * Temporarily return the method to preserve example 44 yearbook
27415 * @return string
27432 return $html;