Lines Matching refs:resize

2053 	function _resizeBackgroundImage($imw, $imh, $cw, $ch, $resize, $repx, $repy, $pba = [], $size = [])
2056 // size is from CSS3 background-size - takes precendence over old resize
2068 if (empty($size) && !$resize) {
2076 // Same as resize==3
2118 } elseif ($resize == 1 && $imw > $cw) {
2121 } elseif ($resize == 2 && $imh > $ch) {
2124 } elseif ($resize == 3) {
2136 } elseif ($resize == 4) {
2139 } elseif ($resize == 5) {
2142 } elseif ($resize == 6) {
2226 $resize = $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'];
2228 $resize = 0;
2235 return ['image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $sizesarray['itype'], 'origin' => $origin, 'size' => $size];
2283 // If using resize, uses TrimBox (not including the bleed)
2284 list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($this->bodyBackgroundImage['orig_w'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['orig_h'], $clw, $clh, $this->bodyBackgroundImage['resize'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['x_repeat'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['y_repeat']);
2412 list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat'], $pb['bpa'], $pb['size']);
2448 // Same as resize==3
2607 list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat']);
2650 // Same as resize==3
8924 // Automatically resize to maximum dimensions of page if too large
8982 // Automatically resize to maximum dimensions of page if too large
9193 // Automatically resize to width remaining
9241 // Automatically resize to width remaining
9245 // This used to resize height to maximum remaining on page ? why. Causes problems when in table and causing a new column
9268 // Automatically resize to width remaining
12010 list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($tablehf['background-image']['orig_w'], $tablehf['background-image']['orig_h'], $pw, $ph, $tablehf['background-image']['resize'], $tablehf['background-image']['x_repeat'], $tablehf['background-image']['y_repeat']);
12019 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 8][] = ['x' => $px, 'y' => $py, 'w' => $pw, 'h' => $ph, 'image_id' => $tablehf['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $tablehf['background-image']['orig_w'], 'orig_h' => $tablehf['background-image']['orig_h'], 'x_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $tablehf['background-image']['x_repeat'], 'y_repeat' => $tablehf['background-image']['y_repeat'], 'clippath' => '', 'resize' => $tablehf['background-image']['resize'], 'opacity' => $tablehf['background-image']['opacity'], 'itype' => $tablehf['background-image']['itype']];
12185 $resize = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['resize'];
12202 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 5][] = ['x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => $s, 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];
12204 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 5][] = ['x' => $gx, 'y' => $gy, 'w' => $gw, 'h' => $gh, 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => '', 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];
17678 $resize = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['resize'];
17733 'resize' => $resize,
22328 $resize = $table['background-image']['resize'];
22331 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 2][] = ['x' => $bx, 'y' => $by, 'w' => $bw, 'h' => $bh, 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => '', 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];
22707 list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($cell['background-image']['orig_w'], $cell['background-image']['orig_h'], $pw, $ph, $cell['background-image']['resize'], $cell['background-image']['x_repeat'], $cell['background-image']['y_repeat']);
22723 $resize = $cell['background-image']['resize'];
22726 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 8][] = ['x' => $px, 'y' => $py, 'w' => $pw, 'h' => $ph, 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => '', 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];
23047 $resize = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['resize'];
23063 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 5][] = ['x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => $s, 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];
23065 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 5][] = ['x' => $gx, 'y' => $gy, 'w' => $gw, 'h' => $gh, 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => '', 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];
23247 $resize = $table['background-image']['resize'];
23250 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level * 9 + 2][] = ['x' => $bx, 'y' => $by, 'w' => $bw, 'h' => $bh, 'image_id' => $image_id, 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $x_pos, 'y_pos' => $y_pos, 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'clippath' => '', 'resize' => $resize, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'itype' => $itype];