Lines Matching refs:lineheight

580 	var $lineheight;
1493 $this->SetLineHeight(); // lineheight is in mm
3035 $bak_lh = $this->lineheight;
3317 $this->lineheight = $bak_lh;
7091 // Reset lineheight
8665 // Reset lineheight
10975 // Return either a number (factor) - based on current set fontsize (if % or em) - or exact lineheight (with 'mm' after it)
11010 // Set a (fixed) lineheight to an actual value - either to named fontsize(pts) or default
11017 $this->lineheight = $this->_computeLineheight($lh, $fs);
11071 $lineheight = ($fontsize * $lh);
11074 $lineheight = (((float) $CSSlineheight) / $shrin_k); // convert to number
11075 } // ??? If lineheight is a factor e.g. 1.3 ?? use factor x 1em or ? use 'normal' lineheight * factor
11078 $lineheight = ($fontsize * $CSSlineheight);
11080 $lineheight = ($fontsize * $this->normalLineheight);
11083 // In general, calculate the "leading" - the difference between the fontheight and the lineheight
11096 $leading += ($lineheight - $fontheight);
11104 // $ypos['lineheight'] = $lineheight;
11322 // NB inclusive height already takes account of need to consider block progression height (excludes leading set by lineheight)
11323 // or extended block progression height (includes leading set by lineheight)
11329 } elseif ($line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height') { // smallest multiple of block element lineheight to include
14503 $nl = ceil($actual_h / $this->lineheight);
14505 $est_w = sqrt(($l * $this->lineheight) / $target) * 0.8;
15938 $this->divheight = $this->lineheight;
16433 $this->DivLn($this->lineheight);