Lines Matching refs:line

782 	var $LineWidth; // line width in user unit
2303 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly + $clh)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BL
2304 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx + $clw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly + $clh)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BR
2305 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx + $clw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TR
2306 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TL
3226 // Set line cap style to square
3228 // Set line width
3251 // Restore line width
3747 // Set line width
3758 // Draw a line
3781 $x5 = $x3 - ($x3 - $x4) / 2; // mid point of base of arrowhead - to join arrow line to
4785 // Test: to put line through centre of cell: $this->Line($this->x,$this->y+($h/2),$this->x+50,$this->y+($h/2));
5403 // Go to next line
5406 // Move to next line
5890 // Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks
5956 if ($c === "\n") { // Explicit line break
6001 // Automatic line break
6100 // Explicit line break
6134 // Automatic line break
6414 // line height in user units
6736 // In FinishFlowing Block no lines are justified as it is always last line
6737 // but if CJKorphan has allowed content width to go over max width, use J charspacing to compress line
6781 // Remove any XAdvance from OTL data at end of line
6788 if ($aord == count($chunkorder) - 1 && isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'])) { // Last chunk on line
6814 // if it's justified, we need to find the char/word spacing (or if orphans have allowed length of line to go over the maxwidth)
6838 // Check if will fit at word/char spacing of previous line - if so continue it
7151 // and when columns are split in length will not break annotation from current line
7747 // line height in user units
7833 // OBJECTS - IMAGES & FORM Elements (NB has already skipped line/page if required - in printbuffer)
7848 // SET LINEHEIGHT for this line ================ RESET AT END
7991 // New line-breaking algorithm
8027 // add character onto this line
8036 // 1b) Try squeezing another character(s) onto this line = Oikomi, if character cannot end line
8037 // or next character cannot start line (and not splitting CJK numerals)
8038 // NB otherwise it move lastchar(s) to next line to keep $c company = Oidashi, which is done below in standard way
8039 // add character onto this line
8084 // Search backwards to find first line-break opportunity
8136 // 7) Break at CJK characters (unless forbidden characters to end or start line)
8137 // CJK Avoiding line break in the middle of numerals
8146 // 8) Break at OBJECT (Break before all objects here - selected objects are moved forward to next line below e.g. dottab)
8156 // If a line-break opportunity found:
8163 // Cache chunks which are already processed, but now need to be passed on to the new line
8177 // Next cache the part which will start the next line
8192 // Finally adjust the Current content which ends this line
8228 // If no line-break opportunity found - split at current position
8249 // incl. CJK - strip CJK space at end of line   = \xe3\x80\x80 = CJK space
8261 // Selected OBJECTS are moved forward to next line, unless they come before a space or U+200B (type='discard')
8270 // Decimal alignment (cancel if wraps to > 1 line)
8357 // Remove any XAdvance from OTL data at end of line
8362 if ($aord == count($chunkorder) - 1 && isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'])) { // Last chunk on line
8438 // 'If' below used in order to fix "first-line of other page with justify on" bug
8618 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mono-style line or last part (skips line)
8650 // move on to the next line, reset variables, tack on saved content and current char
8722 // CJK - strip CJK space at start of line
9143 if ($type == 'hr') { // always force new line
9146 } // New page + new line
9149 } // new line
9161 if ($widthUsed > 0 && $displaywidth > $widthLeft && (!$is_table || $type != 'image')) { // New line needed
9165 } // New page + new line
9166 return [1, $w, $h]; // new line
9167 } elseif ($widthUsed > 0 && $displaywidth > $widthLeft && $is_table) { // New line needed in TABLE
9168 return [1, $w, $h]; // new line
9169 } // Will fit on line but NEW PAGE REQUIRED
9495 $e['line']
9548 if (headers_sent($filename, $line)) {
9550 sprintf('Data has already been sent to output (%s at line %s), unable to output PDF file', $filename, $line)
10469 // Now print line exactly where $y secifies - called from Text() and Cell() - adjust position there
10472 // Draw a line
10669 // F (shading - no line),S (line, no shading),DF (both)
11085 // If an inline element has a font-size less than the block element, and the line-height is set as an em or % value
11086 // it will add too much leading below the font and expand the height of the line - so just use the block element exttop/extbottom:
11112 Determines the line hieght and glyph/writing position
11113 for each element in the line to be written */
11133 $line_stacking_strategy = $this->cellLineStackingStrategy; // inline-line-height [default] | block-line-height | max-height | grid-height
11141 // inline-line-height | block-line-height | max-height | grid-height
11142 $line_stacking_strategy = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_strategy']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_strategy'] : 'inline-line-height');
11153 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height') {
11171 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // don't include extended block progression of all inline elements
11229 // In future could set CSS line-height from inline elements; for now, use block level:
11240 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // don't include extended block progression of all inline elements
11314 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height') { // fixed height set by block element (whether present or not)
11324 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height') { // fixed = extended block progression height of block element
11335 } else { // 'inline-line-height' = default // smallest height which includes extended block progression height of block element
12553 if (isset($arr['line']) && $arr['line']) {
13072 $l = 14 / 2; // longer length of the cross line (half)
13073 $w = 6 / 2; // shorter width of the cross line (half)
13213 // allow in-line CSS for body tag to be parsed // Get <body> tag inline CSS
13960 // font*[family/size/style/weight]/line-height/text*[align/decoration/transform/indent]/color are transferred to $inner
14006 // Pass on in-line properties to the innerhtml
14033 $css .= 'line-height: ' . strtolower($p['LINE-HEIGHT']) . '; ';
15344 // if position:inside (and NOT table) - output now as a textbuffer; (so if next is block, will move to new line)
15973 // Process bidirectional text ready for bidi-re-ordering (which is done after line-breaks are established in WriteFlowingBlock etc.)
16221 // 1 -> New line needed because of width
16222 // -1 -> Will fit width on line but NEW PAGE REQUIRED because of height
16223 // -2 -> Will not fit on line therefore needs new line but thus NEW PAGE REQUIRED
16244 // Added to correct Images already set on line before page advanced
16245 // i.e. if second inline image on line is higher than first and forces new page
16561 $this->SetLineHeight('', $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']); // sets default line height
16817 // Set the distance from the border line to the text ? make configurable variable
16844 $legbreakL -= $border_top / 2; // because line cap different
16923 // Reinstate line above for dotted line divider when block border crosses a page
16987 // Reinstate line below for dotted line divider when block border crosses a page
17183 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bgy1 - $brbgBL_V )) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BL
17189 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx1 - $brbgBR_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bgy1)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BR
17195 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx1) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bgy0 + $brbgTR_V)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TR
17201 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx0 + $brbgTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bgy0) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TL
18037 $this->SetLineHeight('', $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']); // sets default line height
18903 $v = $arrayaux['TEXT-DECORATION']; // none underline line-through (strikeout) // Does not support: blink
19064 $line = $chunk[0];
19069 $line = preg_replace('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/', '\\1', $line);
19073 if (substr($line, 0, 3) == "\xbb\xa4\xac") { // inline object - FORM element or IMAGE!
19074 $objattr = $this->_getObjAttr($line);
19084 if ($line == "\n") {
19088 $line = trim($line);
19134 if ($checkletter || (!preg_match('/(\xe2\x80\x8b| )/', trim($line)) && preg_match("/([" . $this->pregCJKchars . "])/u", $line) )) {
19135 if (preg_match("/([" . $this->pregCJKchars . "])/u", $line)) {
19141 $letters = preg_split('//u', $line);
19175 preg_match_all('/(\xe2\x80\x8b| )/', $line, $spaces, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // U+200B Zero Width word boundary, or space
19206 $words = preg_split('/(\xe2\x80\x8b| )/', $line); // U+200B Zero Width word boundary, or space
20997 // Now draw line
21261 // BUTT style line cap