Lines Matching refs:cw

2053 	function _resizeBackgroundImage($imw, $imh, $cw, $ch, $resize, $repx, $repy, $pba = [], $size = [])
2060 $cw = $pba['w'];
2066 $cw = $cw * Mpdf::SCALE;
2077 $h = $imh * $cw / $imw;
2078 $w = $cw;
2086 $h = $imh * $cw / $imw;
2087 $w = $cw;
2096 $size['w'] = ($cw * $size['w']);
2118 } elseif ($resize == 1 && $imw > $cw) {
2119 $h = $imh * $cw / $imw;
2120 return [$cw, $h, $repx, $repy];
2127 if ($w > $cw) {
2128 $h = $h * $cw / $w;
2129 $w = $cw;
2137 $h = $imh * $cw / $imw;
2138 return [$cw, $h, $repx, $repy];
2143 return [$cw, $ch, $repx, $repy];
3471 function _getCharWidth(&$cw, $u, $isdef = true)
3477 } elseif (isset($cw[$u * 2 + 1])) {
3478 $w = (ord($cw[$u * 2]) << 8) + ord($cw[$u * 2 + 1]);
3492 function _charDefined(&$cw, $u)
3498 if (isset($cw[$u * 2 + 1])) {
3499 $w = (ord($cw[$u * 2]) << 8) + ord($cw[$u * 2 + 1]);
3514 $charw = $this->CurrentFont['cw'][chr($this->upperCase[ord($c)])];
3519 } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][$c])) {
3520 $w += $this->CurrentFont['cw'][$c];
3521 } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][ord($c)])) {
3522 $w += $this->CurrentFont['cw'][ord($c)];
3548 elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][$char])) {
3549 $w+=$this->CurrentFont['cw'][$char];
3561 $charw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $this->upperCase[$char]);
3573 $charw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $char);
3611 $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
3642 if (isset($cw[$char])) {
3643 $w+=$cw[$char];
3657 $charw = $this->_getCharWidth($cw, $this->upperCase[$char]);
3669 $charw = $this->_getCharWidth($cw, $char);
3717 $charw = $cw[chr($this->upperCase[ord($s[$i])])];
3722 } elseif (isset($cw[$s[$i]])) {
3723 $w += $cw[$s[$i]];
3724 } elseif (isset($cw[ord($s[$i])])) {
3725 $w += $cw[ord($s[$i])];
3734 unset($cw);
3931 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($fontkey . '.cw.dat');
3934 if ($this->fontCache->has($fontkey . '.cw.dat')) {
3935 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($fontkey . '.cw.dat');
3973 'cw' => $cw,
4017 unset($cw);
4245 if (!isset($cw)) {
4249 $this->fonts[$fontkey] = ['i' => $i, 'type' => 'core', 'name' => $this->CoreFonts[$fontkey], 'desc' => $desc, 'up' => $up, 'ut' => $ut, 'cw' => $cw];
4666 $tatw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], 0x0640);
5648 $tatw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], 0x0640);
5891 $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
7885 $cw = ($this->GetCharWidthCore($c) * Mpdf::SCALE);
7888 $cw += ($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i - 1)]][$c] * $this->FontSizePt / 1000 );
7893 $cw = ($this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c, false) * Mpdf::SCALE);
7901 $cw += $sOTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceL'] * (1000 / $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm']) * ($this->FontSize / 1000) * Mpdf::SCALE;
7909 $cw += ($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$ulastc[0]][$uc[0]] * $this->FontSizePt / 1000 );
7915 $cw += $lbw * Mpdf::SCALE;
7919 $cw += $rbw * Mpdf::SCALE;
7924 $contentWidth += $cw;
7975 if (( $contentWidth + $cw > $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) ) + 0.001)) {// 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts
8029 $contentWidth += $cw;
8041 $contentWidth += $cw;
8746 $contentWidth += $cw;
10727 if (!$this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $c)) {
10769 function AddCIDFont($family, $style, $name, &$cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc)
10783 $this->fonts[$fontkey] = ['i' => $i, 'type' => 'Type0', 'name' => $name, 'up' => $up, 'ut' => 40, 'cw' => $cw, 'CMap' => $CMap, 'registry' => $registry, 'MissingWidth' => 1000, 'desc' => $desc];
10808 $cw = $this->Big5_widths;
10820 $this->AddCIDFont($family, '', $name, $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10821 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'B', $name . ',Bold', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10822 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'I', $name . ',Italic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10823 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'BI', $name . ',BoldItalic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10831 $cw = $this->GB_widths;
10844 $this->AddCIDFont($family, '', $name, $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10845 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'B', $name . ',Bold', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10846 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'I', $name . ',Italic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10847 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'BI', $name . ',BoldItalic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10855 $cw = $this->SJIS_widths;
10868 $this->AddCIDFont($family, '', $name, $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10869 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'B', $name . ',Bold', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10870 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'I', $name . ',Italic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10871 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'BI', $name . ',BoldItalic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10879 $cw = $this->UHC_widths;
10892 $this->AddCIDFont($family, '', $name, $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10893 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'B', $name . ',Bold', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10894 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'I', $name . ',Italic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
10895 $this->AddCIDFont($family, 'BI', $name . ',BoldItalic', $cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc);
12533 list($lw, $cw, $rw) = $this->_shareHeaderFooterWidth($lContent, $cContent, $rContent);
12583 $html .= '<td width="' . $cw . '%" style="padding: ' . $vpadding . '; text-align: center; ';
12726 list($lw, $cw, $rw) = $this->_shareHeaderFooterWidth($hdet[0], $hdet[1], $hdet[2]);
12751 $oddhtml .= '<td width="' . $cw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: center; ">' . $hdet[1] . '</td>';
12777 $evenhtml .= '<td width="' . $cw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: center; ">' . $hdet[1] . '</td>';
15494 if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], hexdec($m[1]))) {
20382 list($x, $cw) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table, $i, $j);
20384 list($x, $cw) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $i, $j);
20411 $this->divwidth = $cw - $extraWLR;
25603 $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
25654 unset($cw);
25655 $cw = '';
25658 $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
25659 } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font . '.cw.dat')) {
25660 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($font . '.cw.dat');
25669 if (!$cw) {
25675 if ($char == 173 || $this->_charDefined($cw, $char) || ($char > 1536 && $char < 1791) || ($char > 2304 && $char < 3455 )) {
25703 unset($cw);
25715 $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
25725 if (($flag == 0 || $flag == 2) && (!$this->_charDefined($cw, $char) || ($flag == 2 && $char == 32)) && $this->checkSIP && $char > 131071) { // Unicode Plane 2 (SIP)
25738 // elseif (($flag == 0 || $flag==1) && $char != 173 && !$this->_charDefined($cw,$char) && ($char<1423 || ($char>3583 && $char < 11263))) {
25740 } elseif (($flag == 0 || $flag == 1) && $char != 173 && (!$this->_charDefined($cw, $char) || ($flag == 1 && $char == 32)) && ($char < 1536 || ($char > 1791 && $char < 2304) || $char > 3455)) {
25770 unset($cw);
25771 $cw = '';
25774 $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
25775 } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font . '.cw.dat')) {
25776 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($font . '.cw.dat');
25785 if (!$cw) {
25791 if ($this->_charDefined($cw, $char) || $char > 131071) {
25815 unset($cw);
25819 unset($cw);
25820 $cw = '';
25823 $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
25824 } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font . '.cw.dat')) {
25825 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($font . '.cw.dat');
25834 if (!$cw) {
25840 if ($this->_charDefined($cw, $char) || $char > 131071) {
25925 unset($cw);
25926 $cw = '';
25929 $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
25930 } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font . '.cw.dat')) {
25931 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($font . '.cw.dat');
25938 if ($this->fontCache->has($font . '.cw.dat')) {
25939 $cw = $this->fontCache->load($font . '.cw.dat');
25943 if (!$cw) {
25949 if ($char == 173 || $this->_charDefined($cw, $char) || ($char > 1536 && $char < 1791) || ($char > 2304 && $char < 3455 )) { // Arabic and Indic
25975 unset($cw);
26359 $cw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], 32) * 3 * $fh * $size / 1000;
26361 $cw = 600 * 3 * $fh * $size / 1000;
26368 $this->x = $x + $paddingL - ($cw * ($outerfontsize / 3) * 0.1); // 0.1 is correction as char does not fill full width;
26370 $this->Cell($cw, $num_height, $charLO);
26373 $xtra = $textw - ($cw * $chars);
26404 $this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm + $bcw + $rlm - ($cw * ($outerfontsize / 3) * 0.9); // 0.9 is correction as char does not fill full width
26406 $this->Cell($cw * ($outerfontsize / 3), $num_height, $charRO, 0, 0, 'R');
26463 $this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm + $bcw + $rlm - ($cw * 0.9); // 0.9 is correction as char does not fill full width
26465 $this->Cell($cw * ($outerfontsize / 3), $num_height, '>', 0, 0, 'R');