Lines Matching refs:code

1555 		// this will free up the readers, based on code from Setasign's FpdiTrait::cleanUp()
5634 // Output the code for the txt character
5725 // Output the code for the txt character(s)
7416 $objattr['code'],
7441 $barcodeContent = str_replace('\r\n', "\r\n", $objattr['code']);
7483 $objattr['code'],
13101 // If @page set non-HTML headers/footers named, they were not read until later in the HTML code - so now set them
13136 * Write HTML code to the document
13141 * @param int $mode Use HTMLParserMode constants. Controls what parts of the $html code is parsed.
13366 $html = str_replace('<?', '< ', $html); // Fix '<?XML' bug from HTML code generated by MS Word
13398 // Explode the string in order to parse the HTML code
19041 $this->enabledtags = "<a><acronym><address><article><aside><b><bdi><bdo><big><blockquote><br><caption><center><cite><code><del><details><dd><div><dl><dt><em><fieldset><figcaption><figure><font><form><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><hgroup><hr><i><img><input><ins><kbd><legend><li><main><mark><meter><nav><ol><option><p><pre><progress><q><s><samp><section><select><small><span><strike><strong><sub><summary><sup><table><tbody><td><template><textarea><tfoot><th><thead><time><tr><tt><u><ul><var><footer><header><annotation><bookmark><textcircle><barcode><dottab><indexentry><indexinsert><watermarktext><watermarkimage><tts><ttz><tta><column_break><columnbreak><newcolumn><newpage><page_break><pagebreak><formfeed><columns><toc><tocentry><tocpagebreak><pageheader><pagefooter><setpageheader><setpagefooter><sethtmlpageheader><sethtmlpagefooter>";
26100 function WriteBarcode($code, $showtext = 1, $x = '', $y = '', $size = 1, $border = 0, $paddingL = 1, $paddingR = 1, $paddingT = 2, $paddingB = 2, $height = 1, $bgcol = false, $col = false, $btype = 'ISBN', $supplement = '0', $supplement_code = '', $k = 1)
26102 if (empty($code)) {
26106 $codestr = $code;
26107 $code = preg_replace('/\-/', '', $code);
26111 $arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, 'EAN13');
26113 $arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, $btype);
26120 if ((($btype === 'EAN13' || $btype === 'ISBN' || $btype === 'ISSN') && strlen($code) === 12)
26121 || ($btype == 'UPCA' && strlen($code) === 11)
26122 || ($btype == 'UPCE' && strlen($code) === 11)
26123 || ($btype == 'EAN8' && strlen($code) === 7)) {
26125 $code .= $arrcode['checkdigit'];
26307 $charLO = substr($code, 0, 1); // Left Outer
26308 $charLI = substr($code, 1, 6); // Left Inner
26309 $charRI = substr($code, 7, 6); // Right Inner
26322 $charLO = substr($code, 0, 1); // Left Outer
26323 $charLI = substr($code, 1, 5); // Left Inner
26324 $charRI = substr($code, 6, 5); // Right Inner
26325 $charRO = substr($code, 11, 1); // Right Outer
26334 $upce_code = $arrcode['code'];
26335 $charLO = substr($code, 0, 1); // Left Outer
26338 $charRO = substr($code, 11, 1); // Right Outer
26348 $charLI = substr($code, 0, 4); // Left Inner
26349 $charRI = substr($code, 4, 4); // Right Inner
26480 function WriteBarcode2($code, $x = '', $y = '', $size = 1, $height = 1, $bgcol = false, $col = false, $btype = 'IMB', $print_ratio = '', $k = 1, $quiet_zone_left = null, $quiet_zone_right = null)
26482 if (empty($code)) {
26487 $arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, $btype, $print_ratio, $quiet_zone_left, $quiet_zone_right);
26964 'The HTML code size is larger than pcre.backtrack_limit %d. You should use WriteHTML() with smaller string lengths.',
26985 // Remove javascript code from HTML (should not appear in the PDF file)