Lines Matching refs:chunk

6087 			// Last chunk
6188 // Last chunk
6194 // Last chunk
6439 // prints out the last chunk
6487 // Print out each chunk
6554 foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
6562 $this->otl->removeChar($chunk, $cOTLdata[$k], "\xc2\xad");
6563 $this->otl->replaceSpace($chunk, $cOTLdata[$k]);
6564 $content[$k] = $chunk;
6566 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace("\xc2\xad", '', $chunk);
6567 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
6570 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(173), '', $chunk);
6571 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
6573 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE;
6746 foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
6748 $nb_carac += mb_strlen($chunk, $this->mb_enc);
6749 $nb_spaces += mb_substr_count($chunk, ' ', $this->mb_enc);
6758 if (preg_match("/([" . $this->pregCURSchars . "])/u", $chunk)) {
6788 if ($aord == count($chunkorder) - 1 && isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'])) { // Last chunk on line
6897 $chunk = $content[$aord];
6958 $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar);
6959 $nch = mb_strlen($chunk, $this->mb_enc);
6968 $stringWidth += ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($chunk, ' ', $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE );
6990 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mPDF 5.7.1
6993 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mPDF 5.7.1
6996 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // first or middle part // mPDF 5.7.1
8015 // Get next/following character (in this chunk)
8283 foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
8297 $hanger = mb_substr($chunk, mb_strlen($chunk, $this->mb_enc) - 1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
8299 $content[$k] = $chunk = mb_substr($chunk, 0, mb_strlen($chunk, $this->mb_enc) - 1, $this->mb_enc);
8306 $this->otl->removeChar($chunk, $cOTLdata[$k], "\xc2\xad");
8307 $this->otl->replaceSpace($chunk, $cOTLdata[$k]); // NBSP -> space
8308 if (preg_match("/([" . $this->pregCURSchars . "])/u", $chunk)) {
8311 $content[$k] = $chunk;
8313 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace("\xc2\xad", '', $chunk);
8314 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
8317 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(173), '', $chunk);
8318 $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
8321 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE; // mPDF 5.7.1
8362 if ($aord == count($chunkorder) - 1 && isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'])) { // Last chunk on line
8400 $chunk = isset($content[$aord]) ? $content[$aord] : '';
8402 $nb_carac += mb_strlen($chunk, $this->mb_enc);
8403 $nb_spaces += mb_substr_count($chunk, ' ', $this->mb_enc);
8529 $chunk = isset($content[$aord]) ? $content[$aord] : '';
8585 $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, true);
8587 $nch = mb_strlen($chunk, $this->mb_enc);
8596 $stringWidth += ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($chunk, ' ', $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE );
8615 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false));
8618 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mono-style line or last part (skips line)
8621 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // first or middle part
11167 foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
11355 foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
15956 // First make sure each element/chunk has the OTLdata for Bidi set.
19055 $acclength = 0; // mPDF 6 (accumulated length across > 1 chunk)
19056 $acclongest = 0; // mPDF 6 (accumulated length max across > 1 chunk)
19063 foreach ($textbuffer as $chunk) {
19064 $line = $chunk[0];
19065 $OTLdata = (isset($chunk[18]) ? $chunk[18] : null);
19085 $acclength = 0; // mPDF 6 (accumulated length across > 1 chunk)
19092 // SET FONT SIZE/STYLE from $chunk[n]
19094 if (isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
19096 $this->SetFontSize($chunk[11] / $this->shrin_k, false);
19098 $this->SetFontSize($chunk[11], false);
19102 if (isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') {
19103 $font = $this->SetFont($chunk[4], $this->FontStyle, 0, false);
19106 if (isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {
19107 $this->SetStyles($chunk[2]);
19111 if (isset($chunk[16]) && !empty($chunk[16])) { // Border
19112 $this->spanborddet = $chunk[16];
19116 if (isset($chunk[15])) { // Word spacing
19117 $this->wSpacingCSS = $chunk[15];
19122 if (isset($chunk[14])) { // Letter spacing
19123 $this->lSpacingCSS = $chunk[14];
19128 if (isset($chunk[8])) { // mPDF 5.7.1
19129 $this->textvar = $chunk[8];
19153 $letterwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($letter, false, false, $chunk[8]); // Pass $textvar ($chunk[8]), but do OTLdata here
19172 // Need to account for any XAdvance in GPOSinfo (OTLdata = $chunk[18])
19174 if (isset($chunk[18]) && $chunk[18]) {
19183 if (isset($chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'])) {
19185 $wordXAdvance[$k] += $chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'];
19187 $wordXAdvance[$k] = $chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'];
19195 foreach ($chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'] as $n => $gpos) {
19196 if ($n >= $lastoffset && isset($chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'])) {
19198 $wordXAdvance[$k] += $chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'];
19200 $wordXAdvance[$k] = $chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'];
19209 $wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word, false, false, $chunk[8]); // Pass $textvar ($chunk[8]), but do OTLdata here
19222 if (count($words) == 1 && substr($chunk[0], 0, 1) != ' ') {
19224 } elseif (count($words) > 1 && $k == 0 && substr($chunk[0], 0, 1) != ' ') {
19230 if (count($words) == 1 && substr($chunk[0], -1, 1) == ' ') {
19232 } elseif (count($words) > 1 && ($k != (count($words) - 1) || substr($chunk[0], -1, 1) == ' ')) {
19257 if (isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {
19260 if (isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') {
19263 if (isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
25428 function magic_reverse_dir(&$chunk, $dir, &$chunkOTLdata)
25435 if ($chunk == '') {
25449 if (!preg_match("/[" . $pregRTLchars . "]/u", $chunk) && $dir != 'rtl') {
25453 $unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($chunk, false);
25462 // NB Returned $chunk may be a shorter string (with adjusted $cOTLdata) by removal of LRE, RLE etc embedding codes.
25463 list($chunk, $rtl_content) = $this->otl->bidiSort($unicode, $chunk, $dir, $chunkOTLdata, $useGPOS);
26763 // NEW (non-common) Script encountered in this chunk.