Lines Matching refs:Mpdf

3 namespace Mpdf;
5 use Mpdf\Config\ConfigVariables;
6 use Mpdf\Config\FontVariables;
7 use Mpdf\Conversion;
8 use Mpdf\Css\Border;
9 use Mpdf\Css\TextVars;
10 use Mpdf\Log\Context as LogContext;
11 use Mpdf\Fonts\MetricsGenerator;
12 use Mpdf\Output\Destination;
13 use Mpdf\QrCode;
14 use Mpdf\Utils\Arrays;
15 use Mpdf\Utils\NumericString;
16 use Mpdf\Utils\UtfString;
28 class Mpdf implements \Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface
839 * @var \Mpdf\Otl
844 * @var \Mpdf\CssManager
849 * @var \Mpdf\Gradient
854 * @var \Mpdf\Image\Bmp
859 * @var \Mpdf\Image\Wmf
864 * @var \Mpdf\TableOfContents
869 * @var \Mpdf\Form
874 * @var \Mpdf\DirectWrite
879 * @var \Mpdf\Cache
884 * @var \Mpdf\Fonts\FontCache
889 * @var \Mpdf\Fonts\FontFileFinder
894 * @var \Mpdf\Tag
899 * @var \Mpdf\Barcode
905 * @var \Mpdf\QrCode\QrCode
910 * @var \Mpdf\SizeConverter
915 * @var \Mpdf\Color\ColorConverter
920 * @var \Mpdf\Color\ColorModeConverter
925 * @var \Mpdf\Color\ColorSpaceRestrictor
930 * @var \Mpdf\Hyphenator
935 * @var \Mpdf\Pdf\Protection
940 * @var \Mpdf\RemoteContentFetcher
945 * @var \Mpdf\Image\ImageProcessor
950 * @var \Mpdf\Language\LanguageToFontInterface
955 * @var \Mpdf\Language\ScriptToLanguageInterface
965 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\BaseWriter
970 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\FontWriter
975 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\MetadataWriter
980 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\ImageWriter
985 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\FormWriter
990 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\PageWriter
995 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\BookmarkWriter
1000 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\OptionalContentWriter
1005 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\ColorWriter
1010 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\BackgroundWriter
1015 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\JavaScriptWriter
1020 * @var \Mpdf\Writer\ResourceWriter
1320 $this->LineWidth = .567 / Mpdf::SCALE;
1465 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Unable to read default CSS file "%s"', $this->defaultCssFile));
1483 $default_font_size = $mmsize * (Mpdf::SCALE);
1567 * @return \Mpdf\Mpdf
1656 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Invalid page format: ' . $format[0] . ' ' . $format[1]);
1659 $this->fwPt = $format[0] * Mpdf::SCALE;
1660 $this->fhPt = $format[1] * Mpdf::SCALE;
1663 $this->fw = $this->fwPt / Mpdf::SCALE;
1664 $this->fh = $this->fhPt / Mpdf::SCALE;
1677 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Incorrect orientation: ' . $orientation);
1682 $this->w = $this->wPt / Mpdf::SCALE;
1683 $this->h = $this->hPt / Mpdf::SCALE;
1781 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Incorrect zoom display mode: ' . $zoom);
1789 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Incorrect layout display mode: ' . $layout);
1962 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Incorrect visibility: ' . $v);
2066 $cw = $cw * Mpdf::SCALE;
2067 $ch = $ch * Mpdf::SCALE;
2188 $orig_w = $sizesarray['WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE; // in user units i.e. mm
2189 $orig_h = $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] * Mpdf::SCALE; // (using $this->img_dpi)
2265 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', ($clx * Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly * Mpdf::SCALE), $clw * Mpdf::SCALE, $clh * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2292 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, ($clx * Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly * Mpdf::SCALE), $clw * Mpdf::SCALE, $clh * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2302 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // start point TL before the arc
2303 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly + $clh)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BL
2304 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx + $clw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly + $clh)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BR
2305 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx + $clw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TR
2306 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TL
2355 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2416 $x = $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
2417 $y = ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE;
2418 $w = $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
2419 $h = -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
2427 $iw = $pb['orig_w'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
2428 $ih = $pb['orig_h'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
2543 $s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac, $iw * Mpdf::SCALE, $ih * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y + $ih)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['image_id']) . "\n";
2592 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s Q', $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE, 'f') . "\n";
2609 $x = $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
2610 $y = ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE;
2611 $w = $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
2612 $h = -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
2626 $iw = $pb['orig_w'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
2627 $ih = $pb['orig_h'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
2735 $s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac, $iw * Mpdf::SCALE, $ih * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y + $ih)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['image_id']) . "\n";
2984 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F w', $lw * Mpdf::SCALE));
3230 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F w', $lw * Mpdf::SCALE));
3254 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F w', $lw * Mpdf::SCALE));
3334 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Cannot load spot colors file - " . $file);
3740 $w += $kashida / Mpdf::SCALE;
3749 $lwout = (sprintf('%.3F w', $width * Mpdf::SCALE));
3759 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S', $x1 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y1) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x2 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y2) * Mpdf::SCALE));
3785 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S', $x1 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y1) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x5 * Mpdf::SCALE, $y5 * Mpdf::SCALE);
3789 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l ', $x5 * Mpdf::SCALE, $y5 * Mpdf::SCALE, $x3 * Mpdf::SCALE, $y3 * Mpdf::SCALE, $x2 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y2) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x4 * Mpdf::SCALE, $y4 * Mpdf::SCALE, $x5 * Mpdf::SCALE, $y5 * Mpdf::SCALE);
3804 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $w * Mpdf::SCALE, -$h * Mpdf::SCALE, $op));
3845 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("mPDF Error - problem with Font management");
3854 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Font "%s%s%s" is not supported', $family, $style ? ' - ' : '', $style));
4046 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("No font or default font set!");
4055 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Symbol and Zapfdingbats cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a).");
4198 $this->FontSize = $size / Mpdf::SCALE;
4215 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Core Adobe fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a) - cannot use option to use core fonts.');
4246 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Could not include font metric file "%s"', $file));
4254 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Font %s not defined', $fontkey));
4266 $this->FontSize = $size / Mpdf::SCALE;
4291 $this->FontSize = $size / Mpdf::SCALE;
4325 $l = [$x * Mpdf::SCALE, $this->hPt - $y * Mpdf::SCALE, $w * Mpdf::SCALE, $h * Mpdf::SCALE, $link];
4359 $s .= sprintf('%.3F w ', ($this->FontSize / 130) * Mpdf::SCALE * $this->falseBoldWeight);
4388 $px = $x * Mpdf::SCALE;
4389 $py = ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
4440 $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
4442 $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
4466 $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
4468 $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
4925 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bg_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($w + $lbw + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, (-$bg_boxheight - $tbw - $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4937 $s .= sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ', $tbw * $dashon * Mpdf::SCALE, $tbw * $dashoff * Mpdf::SCALE);
4939 $s .= sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ', 0.001, $tbw * $dot * Mpdf::SCALE, -$tbw / 2 * Mpdf::SCALE);
4947 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4948 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4949 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4950 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4957 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $tbw / 3 * Mpdf::SCALE);
4958 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4959 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4961 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $tbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
4962 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw - $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4964 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $tbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
4965 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw - $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4976 $s .= sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ', $bbw * $dashon * Mpdf::SCALE, $bbw * $dashoff * Mpdf::SCALE);
4978 $s .= sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ', 0.001, $bbw * $dot * Mpdf::SCALE, -$bbw / 2 * Mpdf::SCALE);
4986 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4987 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4988 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4989 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4996 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $bbw / 3 * Mpdf::SCALE);
4997 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw - $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE);
4998 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw - $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5000 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $bbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
5001 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw - $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5003 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $bbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
5004 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw - $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5015 $s .= sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ', $lbw * $dashon * Mpdf::SCALE, $lbw * $dashoff * Mpdf::SCALE);
5017 $s .= sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ', 0.001, $lbw * $dot * Mpdf::SCALE, -$lbw / 2 * Mpdf::SCALE);
5025 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5026 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5027 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5028 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5034 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $lbw / 3 * Mpdf::SCALE);
5035 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x - $lbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5036 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x - $lbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5038 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $lbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
5039 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x - $lbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5041 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $lbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
5042 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x - $lbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x - $lbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5054 $s .= sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ', $rbw * $dashon * Mpdf::SCALE, $rbw * $dashoff * Mpdf::SCALE);
5056 $s .= sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ', 0.001, $rbw * $dot * Mpdf::SCALE, -$rbw / 2 * Mpdf::SCALE);
5064 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5065 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5066 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5067 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5073 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $rbw / 3 * Mpdf::SCALE);
5074 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5075 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw * 5 / 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5077 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $rbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
5078 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5080 $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w ', $c, $rbw * Mpdf::SCALE);
5081 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->x + $w + $rbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->x + $w + $rbw / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxbottom - $bbw + $short) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5099 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s ', $this->x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bg_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE, $w * Mpdf::SCALE, -$bg_boxheight * Mpdf::SCALE, $op);
5109 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bord_boxbottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5113 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5117 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bord_boxbottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5121 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bord_boxbottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($bord_boxbottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5130 $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($txt, true, $OTLdata, $textvar) + ( $this->charspacing * mb_strlen($txt, $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE ) + ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($txt, ' ', $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE );
5150 $s .=' ' . sprintf('%.3F w', $this->LineWidth * Mpdf::SCALE) . ' ';
5155 $s .= ' ' . sprintf('%.3F w', ($this->FontSize / 130) * Mpdf::SCALE * $this->falseBoldWeight) . ' ';
5170 $px = ($this->x + $dx) * Mpdf::SCALE;
5171 $py = ($this->h - ($this->y + $glyphYorigin - $baseline_shift)) * Mpdf::SCALE;
5266 $sub .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
5268 $sub .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
5317 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
5319 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
5352 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ', $ut * Mpdf::SCALE));
5354 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ', $olw * Mpdf::SCALE));
5372 $s .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.4F %.4F cm', $ts['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ts['y'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
5775 $s = sprintf(' BT ' . $aix, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5814 $s .= sprintf(' BT ' . $aix . ' [%s] TJ ET ', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $tj);
5827 $s .= sprintf(' BT ' . $aix . ' [%s] TJ ET ', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $tj);
6055 list($charspacing, $ws, $kashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac, $nb_spaces, ((($wmax) - $len_ligne) * Mpdf::SCALE), $inclCursive, $tmpOTLdata);
6161 list($charspacing, $ws, $kashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac, $nb_spaces, ((($wmax) - $len_ligne) * Mpdf::SCALE), false, $tmpOTLdata);
6413 $this->flowingBlockAttr['width'] = ($w * Mpdf::SCALE);
6499 $paddingL = ($ipaddingL * Mpdf::SCALE);
6500 $paddingR = ($ipaddingR * Mpdf::SCALE);
6573 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE;
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6592 $lastitalic = $this->FontSize * 0.15 * Mpdf::SCALE;
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6797 $contentWidth -= $w * Mpdf::SCALE;
6806 $contentWidth -= $w * Mpdf::SCALE;
6825 list($jcharspacing, $jws, $jkashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac, $nb_spaces, ($maxWidth - $lastitalic - $contentWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) )), $inclCursive, $cOTLdata);
6832 $contentWidth -= $this->GetStringWidth($hanger) * Mpdf::SCALE;
6834 list($jcharspacing, $jws, $jkashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac, $nb_spaces, ($maxWidth - $lastitalic - $contentWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) )), $inclCursive, $cOTLdata);
6840 elseif ($contentWidth < ($maxWidth - $lastitalic - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE))) && !$this->fixedlSpacing) {
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6854 $empty = $maxWidth - $lastitalic - $WidthCorrection - $contentWidth - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) );
6861 $empty /= Mpdf::SCALE;
6928 $this->SetSpacing(($this->fixedlSpacing * Mpdf::SCALE) + $jcharspacing, ($this->fixedlSpacing + $this->minwSpacing) * Mpdf::SCALE + $jws);
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6968 $stringWidth += ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($chunk, ' ', $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE );
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7225 $sx = $obiw * Mpdf::SCALE / $objattr['orig_h'];
7226 $sy = $obih * Mpdf::SCALE / $objattr['orig_w'];
7233 $sx = $obiw * Mpdf::SCALE / $objattr['orig_h'];
7234 $sy = $obih * Mpdf::SCALE / $objattr['orig_w'];
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7352 $outstring = sprintf('q ' . $tr . $tr2 . '%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X'] * Mpdf::SCALE - $sx * $objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h - $objattr['INNER-Y']) * Mpdf::SCALE) + $sy * $objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']); // mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
7354 $outstring = sprintf("q " . $tr . $tr2 . "%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm " . $gradmask . "/I%d Do Q", $obiw * Mpdf::SCALE, $obih * Mpdf::SCALE, $objattr['INNER-X'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($objattr['INNER-Y'] + $obih )) * Mpdf::SCALE, $objattr['ID']); // mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
7437 if (!class_exists('Mpdf\QrCode\QrCode') || !class_exists('Mpdf\QrCode\Output\Mpdf')) {
7438 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Mpdf\QrCode package was not found. Install the package from Packagist with "composer require mpdf/qrcode"');
7468 $out = new QrCode\Output\Mpdf();
7676 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f', ($x - $size / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y + $size / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($size) * Mpdf::SCALE, (-$size) * Mpdf::SCALE));
7681 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F w ', $lw * Mpdf::SCALE));
7798 $paddingL = ($ipaddingL * Mpdf::SCALE);
7799 $paddingR = ($ipaddingR * Mpdf::SCALE);
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7844 $maximumW = ($maxWidth / Mpdf::SCALE) - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'] + $fpaddingL + $fpaddingR );
7846 $objattr = $this->inlineObject($objattr['type'], $this->lMargin + $fpaddingL + ($contentWidth / Mpdf::SCALE), ($this->y + $h_corr), $objattr, $this->lMargin, ($contentWidth / Mpdf::SCALE), $maximumW, $stackHeight, true, $is_table);
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7893 $cw = ($this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c, false) * Mpdf::SCALE);
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7919 $cw += $rbw * Mpdf::SCALE;
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7937 $WidthCorrection -= ($objattr['outdent'] * Mpdf::SCALE);
7975 if (( $contentWidth + $cw > $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) ) + 0.001)) {// 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts
8288 $contentWidth += $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
8291 $contentWidth += $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
8321 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunk, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE; // mPDF 5.7.1
8324 $contentWidth += $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
8327 $contentWidth += $this->spanborddet['R']['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
8336 $lastitalic = $this->FontSize * 0.15 * Mpdf::SCALE;
8371 $contentWidth -= $w * Mpdf::SCALE;
8380 $contentWidth -= $w * Mpdf::SCALE;
8395 if (($align == 'J' && !$CJKoverflow) || (($contentWidth + $lastitalic > $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) ) + 0.001) && (!$CJKoverflow || ($CJKoverflow && !$this->allowCJKoverflow))) || $CJKoverflow && $align == 'J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) { // 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts
8415 list($jcharspacing, $jws, $jkashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac, $nb_spaces, ($maxWidth - $lastitalic - $contentWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) )), $inclCursive, $cOTLdata);
8419 $empty = $maxWidth - $lastitalic - $WidthCorrection - $contentWidth - (($this->cMarginL + $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL + $paddingR + (($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) );
8424 $empty /= Mpdf::SCALE;
8554 $this->SetSpacing(($this->fixedlSpacing * Mpdf::SCALE) + $jcharspacing, ($this->fixedlSpacing + $this->minwSpacing) * Mpdf::SCALE + $jws);
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8596 $stringWidth += ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($chunk, ' ', $this->mb_enc) / Mpdf::SCALE );
8612 $stringWidth -= ( $this->charspacing / Mpdf::SCALE );
8680 $contentWidth += $savedObj['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
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8738 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($currContent, false, (isset($cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)]) ? $cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE; // mPDF 5.7.1
8809 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Text rendering mode should be 0, 1 or 2 (value : $mode)");
8864 $w = abs($info['w']) / (20 * Mpdf::SCALE);
8865 $h = abs($info['h']) / (20 * Mpdf::SCALE);
8870 $w = abs($info['w']) / Mpdf::SCALE;
8871 $h = abs($info['h']) / Mpdf::SCALE;
8874 $w = ($info['w'] / Mpdf::SCALE) * (72 / $this->img_dpi);
8875 $h = ($info['h'] / Mpdf::SCALE) * (72 / $this->img_dpi);
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8958 $sy = -$h * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['h'];
8959 $outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x * Mpdf::SCALE - $sx * $info['x'], (($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy * $info['y'], $info['i']);
8962 $sx = $w * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['w'];
8963 $sy = -$h * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['h'];
8964 $outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x * Mpdf::SCALE - $sx * $info['x'], (($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy * $info['y'], $info['i']);
8966 $outstring = sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $w * Mpdf::SCALE, $h * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $info['i']);
9031 $sx = $w * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['w'];
9032 $sy = -$h * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['h'];
9033 $outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x * Mpdf::SCALE - $sx * $info['x'], (($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy * $info['y'], $info['i']);
9036 $sx = $w * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['w'];
9037 $sy = -$h * Mpdf::SCALE / $info['h'];
9038 $outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x * Mpdf::SCALE - $sx * $info['x'], (($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy * $info['y'], $info['i']);
9040 $outstring = sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $w * Mpdf::SCALE, $h * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $info['i']);
9333 $s = sprintf('[%.3F %.3F] 0 d', $black * Mpdf::SCALE, $white * Mpdf::SCALE);
9490 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(
9501 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDF/A1-b or PDF/X1-a does not permit encryption of documents.');
9522 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDFA/PDFX warnings generated. See log for further details');
9549 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(
9555 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Output has already been sent from the script - PDF file generation aborted.');
9582 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Data has already been sent to output, unable to output PDF file');
9609 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Unable to create output file %s', $name));
9622 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Incorrect output destination %s', $dest));
9637 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Do not alter the locale before including mPDF');
9646 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Mpdf cannot function properly with mbstring.func_overload enabled');
9650 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('mbstring extension must be loaded in order to run mPDF');
9658 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('mbstring extension with mbregex support must be loaded in order to run mPDF.' . $mamp);
9724 $os .= sprintf('q 0 -1 1 0 0 %.3F cm ', ($this->w * Mpdf::SCALE));
9726 // $os .= sprintf('q 0 1 -1 0 %.3F %.3F cm ',($this->h*Mpdf::SCALE), (($this->rMargin - $this->lMargin )*Mpdf::SCALE));
9745 $ax = $lk[0] / Mpdf::SCALE;
9746 $ay = $lk[1] / Mpdf::SCALE;
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9749 $lk[0] = $bx * Mpdf::SCALE;
9750 $lk[1] = ($this->h - $by) * Mpdf::SCALE - $lw;
9811 $os .= sprintf('q 0 -1 1 0 0 %.3F cm ', ($this->w * Mpdf::SCALE));
9813 // $os .= sprintf('q 0 1 -1 0 %.3F %.3F cm ',($this->h*Mpdf::SCALE), (($this->rMargin - $this->lMargin )*Mpdf::SCALE));
9834 $lk[1] -= $adj * Mpdf::SCALE;
9842 $ax = $lk[0] / Mpdf::SCALE;
9843 $ay = $lk[1] / Mpdf::SCALE;
9844 $bx = $ay - ($lh / Mpdf::SCALE);
9846 $lk[0] = $bx * Mpdf::SCALE;
9847 $lk[1] = ($this->h - $by) * Mpdf::SCALE - $lw;
10471 $w = ($this->GetStringWidth($txt, false, $OTLdata, $textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE) + ($this->charspacing * mb_strlen($txt, $this->mb_enc)) + ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($txt, ' ', $this->mb_enc));
10473 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x * Mpdf::SCALE) + $w, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE);
10484 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDFA and PDFX do not permit transparency, so mPDF does not allow Watermarks!');
10539 $offset = ((sin(deg2rad($angle))) * ($szfont / Mpdf::SCALE));
10569 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDFA and PDFX do not permit transparency, so mPDF does not allow Watermarks!');
10603 $cx = $x * Mpdf::SCALE;
10604 $cy = ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
10632 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m', ($x + $r) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE));
10635 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', $xc * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE));
10640 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', ($x + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp - $yc) * Mpdf::SCALE));
10645 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', $xc * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp - ($y + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
10650 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', ($x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp - $yc) * Mpdf::SCALE));
10659 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $x1 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - $y1) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x2 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - $y2) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x3 * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - $y3) * Mpdf::SCALE));
10773 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Font already added: $family $style");
10790 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Adobe CJK fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b and PDFX/1-a).");
11016 $fs = $FontPt / Mpdf::SCALE;
11362 $oh = $font[$k]['size']; // == $this->objectbuffer[$k]['fontsize']/Mpdf::SCALE;
11759 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("<tfoot> must precede <tbody> in a table");
12017 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $py) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pw * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph * Mpdf::SCALE));
12044 $cellFontHeight = ($cellPtSize / Mpdf::SCALE);
13150 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('WriteHTML() requires $html be an integer, float, string, boolean or an object with the __toString() magic method.');
13156 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('WriteHTML() requires $mode to be one of the modes defined in HTMLParserMode');
14628 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $w * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ch * Mpdf::SCALE, $op));
14630 $tmp = "q\n" . sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $w * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ch * Mpdf::SCALE, $op);
14674 $lx1 = (($lk[0] / Mpdf::SCALE));
14675 $ly1 = (($this->h - ($lk[1] / Mpdf::SCALE)));
14694 $lk[0] = $lx1 * Mpdf::SCALE;
14695 $lk[1] = ($this->h - $ly1) * Mpdf::SCALE;
14698 $lx1 = (($lk[0] / Mpdf::SCALE) - $x);
14700 $lk[0] = $lx2 * Mpdf::SCALE;
14701 $ly1 = (($this->h - ($lk[1] / Mpdf::SCALE)) - $y);
14703 $lk[1] = ($this->h - $ly2) * Mpdf::SCALE;
15399 $w = abs($info['w']) / (20 * Mpdf::SCALE);
15400 $h = abs($info['h']) / (20 * Mpdf::SCALE);
15404 $w = abs($info['w']) / Mpdf::SCALE;
15405 $h = abs($info['h']) / Mpdf::SCALE;
15408 $w = ($info['w'] / Mpdf::SCALE) * (72 / $this->img_dpi);
15409 $h = ($info['h'] / Mpdf::SCALE) * (72 / $this->img_dpi);
15969 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("You cannot use core fonts in a document which contains RTL text.");
16220 list($skipln) = $this->inlineObject($objattr['type'], '', $this->y, $objattr, $this->lMargin, ($this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth'] / Mpdf::SCALE), $maxWidth, $this->flowingBlockAttr['height'], false, $is_table);
16309 $widthLeft = $maxWidth - ($this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth'] / Mpdf::SCALE);
16835 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16836 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16837 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16838 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16856 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16858 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $w - ($border_top / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16865 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $legbreakR * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16868 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $legbreakL * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16869 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n");
16871 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16874 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16881 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $legbreakR * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16884 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $legbreakL * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16886 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16888 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_top / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16891 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16893 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $border_top / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16896 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16898 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_top / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16932 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16933 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16934 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16935 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16951 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16953 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + ($border_bottom / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16958 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - ($border_bottom / 2) - $brBR_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16962 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16964 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - ($border_bottom / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16996 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
16997 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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16999 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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17057 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
17058 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
17059 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
17060 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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17087 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $w - ($border_right / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0) ) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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17235 $shadow .= sprintf('0 %.3F m %.3F %.3F l ', $this->h * Mpdf::SCALE, $this->w * Mpdf::SCALE, $this->h * Mpdf::SCALE);
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17309 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1c2x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p1y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p4c2y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
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17403 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
17436 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1c2x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p1y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p4c2y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
17464 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
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17526 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
17763 $rx *= Mpdf::SCALE;
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19278 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Word is too long to fit in table - " . $this->table_error_report_param);
20402 $tempch = ((sin(deg2rad($c['R']))) * $tempch ) + ((sin(deg2rad($c['R']))) * (($c['textbuffer'][0][11] / Mpdf::SCALE) / $this->shrin_k));
21955 $this->tableClipPath = sprintf('q %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re W n', $x0 * Mpdf::SCALE, $this->h * Mpdf::SCALE, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$this->h * Mpdf::SCALE);
22714 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $py) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pw * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph * Mpdf::SCALE));
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24562 $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][0] += ($xadj * Mpdf::SCALE);
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25055 $h = $v[3] / Mpdf::SCALE;
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25068 $v[1] = ($this->h - $by) * Mpdf::SCALE;
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25070 $v[3] = $w * Mpdf::SCALE;
25231 $v[0] = $bx * Mpdf::SCALE;
25232 $v[1] = ($this->h - $by) * Mpdf::SCALE;
25354 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c', ($x + $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y - $ly)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $lx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y - $ry)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y - $ry)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
25355 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c', ($x - $lx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y - $ry)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x - $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y - $ly)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x - $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE));
25356 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c', ($x - $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y + $ly)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x - $lx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y + $ry)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y + $ry)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
25357 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c %s', ($x + $lx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y + $ry)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - ($y + $ly)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($x + $rx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $op));
26035 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Invalid input characters. Did you set $mpdf->in_charset properly?');
26049 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("HTML contains invalid UTF-8 character(s). See log for further details");
26072 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Text contains invalid UTF-8 character(s)");
26117 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Error in barcode string: ' . $codestr);
26259 $this->SetFontSize($codestr_fontsize * 1.4 * Mpdf::SCALE, false); // don't write
26269 $this->SetFont('', '', $codestr_fontsize * 1.4 * Mpdf::SCALE, true, true); // * 1.4 because font height is only 7/10 of given mm
26275 $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET', $charspacing * Mpdf::SCALE));
26356 $this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize / 3) * 3 * $fh * $size * Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
26376 $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET', $charspacing * Mpdf::SCALE));
26385 $this->SetFontSize(3 * $fh * $size * Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
26402 $this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize / 3) * 3 * $fh * $size * Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
26413 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Error in barcode string (supplement): ' . $codestr . ' ' . $supplement_code);
26417 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Barcode supplement incorrect: ' . $supplement_code);
26456 $this->SetFontSize(3 * $fh * $size * Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
26462 $this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize / 3) * 3 * $fh * $size * Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
26603 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Please do not use values equal to zero for scaling');
26606 $y = ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
26607 $x *= Mpdf::SCALE;
26636 $tm[4] = $t_x * Mpdf::SCALE;
26637 $tm[5] = -$t_y * Mpdf::SCALE;
26658 $y = ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
26659 $x *= Mpdf::SCALE;
26694 $x *= Mpdf::SCALE;
26695 $y = ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
26956 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf(
26963 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf(
27262 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Unable to create output file: ' . $file_out);