Lines Matching +full:output +(+path:plugin +path:dw2pdf) -(+path:plugin +path:dw2pdf +path:lang)

12 use Mpdf\Output\Destination;
2829 if ($this->blklvl == 0 && !empty($this->textbuffer)) { // Output previously buffered content
2841 if ($b == $this->blklvl && !empty($this->textbuffer)) { // Output previously buffered content
2848 } elseif (!empty($this->textbuffer)) { // Output previously buffered content
4350 // Output (or return) a string
4396 // Just output text
4401 // Just output text
4485 // Output a string using Text() but does encoding and text reversing of RTL
4526 // Output a cell using Cell() but does encoding and text reversing of RTL
4728 * Output a cell
5181 // Just output text; charspacing and wordspacing already set by charspacing (Tc) and ws (Tw)
5186 // Just output text
5199 // Output text word by word with an adjustment to the intercharacter spacing for SPACEs to form word spacing
5634 // Output the code for the txt character
5725 // Output the code for the txt character(s)
5890 // Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks
6392 $this->SetFont($saved['family'], $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], true, true); // force output
7437 if (!class_exists('Mpdf\QrCode\QrCode') || !class_exists('Mpdf\QrCode\Output\Mpdf')) {
7468 $out = new QrCode\Output\Mpdf();
7469 $out->output(
7976 // it won't fit, output what we already have
9059 $sizesarray['OUTPUT'] = $outstring;
9478 function Output($name = '', $dest = '')
9550 sprintf('Data has already been sent to output (%s at line %s), unable to output PDF file', $filename, $line)
9555 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Output has already been sent from the script - PDF file generation aborted.');
9582 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Data has already been sent to output, unable to output PDF file');
9609 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Unable to create output file %s', $name));
9622 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Incorrect output destination %s', $dest));
9733 // Writes over the page background but behind any other output on page
9825 // Writes over the page background but behind any other output on page
10491 $this->SetFont($this->watermark_font, "B", $fontsize, false); // Don't output
10538 $this->SetFont($this->watermark_font, "B", $szfont, false); // Don't output
10549 $this->SetFont($this->watermark_font, "B", $szfont - 0.1, true, true); // Output The -0.1 is because SetFont above is not written to PDF
10551 // Repeating it will not output anything as mPDF thinks it is set
13303 // Output any text left in buffer
13315 // Output any text left in buffer
13833 // Output any text left in buffer
13963 // $inner_ InnerHTML is the contents of that block to be output
14617 // Clipping Output
15344 // if position:inside (and NOT table) - output now as a textbuffer; (so if next is block, will move to new line)
15345 // elseif position:outside (and NOT table) - output in front of first textbuffer output by setting listitem (cf. _saveTextBuffer)
15941 // As a failsafe - if font has been set but not output to page
15943 $this->SetFont($this->default_font, '', $this->default_font_size, true, true); // force output to page
15950 // Added - Otherwise <div><div><p> did not output top margins/padding for 1st/2nd div
24674 // Now output the adjusted values
24686 // Now output the adjusted values
24699 // Only process output data
24794 // Now output the adjusted values
24821 // Only process output data
24855 // Output Bookmarks
24862 // Output ToC
24993 // Output Bookmarks
25001 // Output ToC
25047 // Now output the adjusted values
25171 // Output Reference (index)
25193 // Output Bookmarks
25201 // Output ToC
25221 // Now output the adjusted values
26820 // Just output chars
26829 // Just output chars
27240 // OUTPUT
27262 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Unable to create output file: ' . $file_out);