Lines Matching defs:style

520 	// Default values if no style sheet offered	(cf.
794 var $FontStyle; // current font style
1463 $this->cssManager->ReadCSS('<style> ' . $css . ' </style>');
2964 $style = $this->FontStyle;
2987 $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size, true, true);
3165 $style = $this->FontStyle;
3226 // Set line cap style to square
3233 $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size, true, true); // forces write
3258 $this->SetFont($family, $style, $size, true, true); // forces write
3794 function Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, $style = '')
3797 if ($style == 'F') {
3799 } elseif ($style == 'FD' or $style == 'DF') {
3813 function AddFont($family, $style = '')
3820 $style = strtoupper($style);
3821 $style = str_replace('U', '', $style);
3823 if ($style == 'IB') {
3824 $style = 'BI';
3827 $fontkey = $family . $style;
3839 $this->AddCJKFont($family); // don't need to add style
3848 $stylekey = $style;
3849 if (!$style) {
3854 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Font "%s%s%s" is not supported', $family, $style ? ' - ' : '', $style));
4020 function SetFont($family, $style = '', $size = 0, $write = true, $forcewrite = false)
4050 $this->ReqFontStyle = $style; // required or requested style - used later for artificial bold/italic
4076 $style = '';
4083 if ($style) {
4084 $style = strtoupper($style);
4085 if ($style == 'IB') {
4086 $style = 'BI';
4094 $fontkey = $family . $style;
4096 $stylekey = $style;
4111 $this->AddCJKFont($family); // don't need to add style
4113 } else { // Test to see if requested font/style is available - or substitute /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
4117 $style = '';
4118 } // elseif only one font available - set it (assumes if only one font available it will not have a style)
4121 $style = '';
4129 // with requested style if possible
4130 if (!in_array(($i[0] . $style), $this->available_unifonts)) {
4131 $style = '';
4140 // with requested style if possible
4141 if (!in_array(($i[0] . $style), $this->available_unifonts)) {
4142 $style = '';
4151 // with requested style if possible
4152 if (!in_array(($i[0] . $style), $this->available_unifonts)) {
4153 $style = '';
4164 // with requested style if possible
4165 $ws = $fas[1] . $style;
4167 $family = $fas[1]; // leave $style as is
4169 // or without style
4171 $style = '';
4173 // or with the style specified
4175 $style = $fas[2];
4179 $fontkey = $family . $style;
4185 $this->AddFont($family, $style);
4188 if ($this->FontFamily == $family && $this->FontFamily == $this->currentfontfamily && $this->FontStyle == $style && $this->FontStyle == $this->currentfontstyle && $this->FontSizePt == $size && $this->FontSizePt == $this->currentfontsize && !$forcewrite) {
4192 $fontkey = $family . $style;
4196 $this->FontStyle = $style;
4211 $this->currentfontstyle = $style;
4220 if (($this->FontFamily == $family) and ( $this->FontStyle == $style) and ( $this->FontSizePt == $size) && !$forcewrite) {
4233 $fontkey = $family . $style;
4242 $file .= strtolower($style);
4259 if (($this->FontFamily == $family) and ( $this->FontStyle == $style) and ( $this->FontSizePt == $size) && !$forcewrite) {
4264 $this->FontStyle = $style;
4278 $this->currentfontstyle = $style;
4899 $this->spanborddet['B'] = ['s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0];
4903 $this->spanborddet['T'] = ['s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0];
4907 $this->spanborddet['L'] = ['s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0];
4911 $this->spanborddet['R'] = ['s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0];
4936 if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dashed') {
4938 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dotted') {
4945 if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] != 'dotted') {
4956 if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'double') {
4960 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dotted') {
4968 if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] != 'dotted') {
4975 if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'dashed') {
4977 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'dotted') {
4984 if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] != 'dotted') {
4995 if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'double') {
4999 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'dotted') {
5007 if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] != 'dotted') {
5014 if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'dashed') {
5016 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'dotted') {
5023 if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] != 'dotted') {
5033 if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'double') {
5037 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'dotted') {
5045 if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] != 'dotted') {
5053 if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'dashed') {
5055 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'dotted') {
5062 if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] != 'dotted') {
5072 if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'double') {
5076 } elseif ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'dotted') {
5084 if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] != 'dotted') {
6240 $saved['style'] = $this->FontStyle;
6269 $this->FontStyle = $saved['style'];
6300 $this->SetFont($FontFamily, $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], false);
6302 $this->currentfontstyle = $saved['style'];
6343 $saved['style'] = $this->FontStyle;
6372 $this->FontStyle = $saved['style'];
6392 $this->SetFont($saved['family'], $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], true, true); // force output
6399 $this->SetFont($saved['family'], $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], false);
6586 $lastfontstyle = (isset($font[count($font) - 1]['style']) ? $font[count($font) - 1]['style'] : '');
8334 $lastfontstyle = (isset($font[count($font) - 1]['style']) ? $font[count($font) - 1]['style'] : '');
8618 $this->Cell($stringWidth, $stackHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx, 0, 0, 'M', $fill, true, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mono-style line or last part (skips line)
10619 function RoundedRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $r, $style = '')
10623 if ($style == 'F') {
10625 } elseif ($style == 'FD' or $style == 'DF') {
10667 function Shaded_box($text, $font = '', $fontstyle = 'B', $szfont = '', $width = '70%', $style = 'DF', $radius = 2.5, $fill = '#FFFFFF', $color = '#000000', $pad = 2)
10673 $this->directWrite->Shaded_box($text, $font, $fontstyle, $szfont, $width, $style, $radius, $fill, $color, $pad);
10769 function AddCIDFont($family, $style, $name, &$cw, $CMap, $registry, $desc)
10771 $fontkey = strtolower($family) . strtoupper($style);
10773 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Font already added: $family $style");
11138 $fontkey = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['family'] . $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['style'];
12551 $html = '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; vertical-align: ' . $valign . '; color: #000000; ';
12559 $html .= '<td width="' . $lw . '%" style="padding: ' . $vpadding . '; text-align: ' . $talignL . '; ';
12573 if (isset($arr['L']['font-style'])) {
12574 if ($arr['L']['font-style'] == 'B' || $arr['L']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
12577 if ($arr['L']['font-style'] == 'I' || $arr['L']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
12578 $html .= ' font-style: italic;';
12583 $html .= '<td width="' . $cw . '%" style="padding: ' . $vpadding . '; text-align: center; ';
12597 if (isset($arr['C']['font-style'])) {
12598 if ($arr['C']['font-style'] == 'B' || $arr['C']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
12601 if ($arr['C']['font-style'] == 'I' || $arr['C']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
12602 $html .= ' font-style: italic;';
12607 $html .= '<td width="' . $rw . '%" style="padding: ' . $vpadding . '; text-align: ' . $talignR . '; ';
12621 if (isset($arr['R']['font-style'])) {
12622 if ($arr['R']['font-style'] == 'B' || $arr['R']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
12625 if ($arr['R']['font-style'] == 'I' || $arr['R']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
12626 $html .= ' font-style: italic;';
12727 $oddhtml = '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; vertical-align: bottom; color: #000000; ';
12740 $oddhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12750 $oddhtml .= '<td width="' . $lw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: left; ">' . $hdet[0] . '</td>';
12751 $oddhtml .= '<td width="' . $cw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: center; ">' . $hdet[1] . '</td>';
12752 $oddhtml .= '<td width="' . $rw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: right; ">' . $hdet[2] . '</td>';
12755 $evenhtml = '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; vertical-align: bottom; color: #000000; ';
12766 $evenhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12776 $evenhtml .= '<td width="' . $rw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: left; ">' . $hdet[2] . '</td>';
12777 $evenhtml .= '<td width="' . $cw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: center; ">' . $hdet[1] . '</td>';
12778 $evenhtml .= '<td width="' . $lw . '%" style="padding: 0 0 ' . $this->header_line_spacing . 'em 0; text-align: right; ">' . $hdet[0] . '</td>';
12783 $oddhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12796 $oddhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12805 $evenhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12818 $evenhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12872 $oddhtml = '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; vertical-align: top; color: #000000; ';
12883 $oddhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12893 $oddhtml .= '<td width="33%" style="padding: ' . $this->footer_line_spacing . 'em 0 0 0; text-align: left; ">' . $hdet[0] . '</td>';
12894 $oddhtml .= '<td width="33%" style="padding: ' . $this->footer_line_spacing . 'em 0 0 0; text-align: center; ">' . $hdet[1] . '</td>';
12895 $oddhtml .= '<td width="33%" style="padding: ' . $this->footer_line_spacing . 'em 0 0 0; text-align: right; ">' . $hdet[2] . '</td>';
12898 $evenhtml = '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; vertical-align: top; color: #000000; ';
12911 $evenhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12921 $evenhtml .= '<td width="33%" style="padding: ' . $this->footer_line_spacing . 'em 0 0 0; text-align: left; ">' . $hdet[2] . '</td>';
12922 $evenhtml .= '<td width="33%" style="padding: ' . $this->footer_line_spacing . 'em 0 0 0; text-align: center; ">' . $hdet[1] . '</td>';
12923 $evenhtml .= '<td width="33%" style="padding: ' . $this->footer_line_spacing . 'em 0 0 0; text-align: right; ">' . $hdet[0] . '</td>';
12928 $oddhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12941 $oddhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
12951 $evenhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12964 $evenhtml .= ' font-style: italic;';
13170 $html = '<style> ' . $html . ' </style>';
13216 // Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
13217 if (preg_match('/style=[\"](.*?)[\"]/ism', $m[1], $mm) || preg_match('/style=[\'](.*?)[\']/ism', $m[1], $mm)) {
13784 // Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
13799 // Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
13803 } // includes header-style-right etc. used for <pageheader>
13915 // Called externally or interally via <div style="position: [fixed|absolute]">
13960 // font*[family/size/style/weight]/line-height/text*[align/decoration/transform/indent]/color are transferred to $inner
14024 $css .= 'font-style: ' . strtolower($p['FONT-STYLE']) . '; ';
14074 $html = '<div style="' . $css . '">' . $html . '</div>';
14716 $f['style']['fontsize'] *= $shrink_f;
14814 return ['s' => 1, 'w' => $bsize, 'c' => $this->colorConverter->convert(0, $this->PDFAXwarnings), 'style' => 'solid'];
14876 return ['s' => $on, 'w' => $bsize, 'c' => $coul, 'style' => $prop[1], 'dom' => 0];
16140 $this->HREF = $vetor[1]; // HREF link style set here ******
16597 function _setDashBorder($style, $div, $cp, $side)
16599 if ($style == 'dashed' && (($side == 'L' || $side == 'R') || ($side == 'T' && $div != 'pagetop' && !$cp) || ($side == 'B' && $div != 'pagebottom') )) {
16603 } elseif ($style == 'dotted' || ($side == 'T' && ($div == 'pagetop' || $cp)) || ($side == 'B' && $div == 'pagebottom')) {
16802 // Set font, size, style, color
16832 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
16843 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
16846 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider, $continuingpage, 'T');
16847 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brTL_V && $brTL_H) || ($brTR_V && $brTR_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16855 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16885 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16890 } elseif ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16895 } elseif ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16906 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16911 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
16929 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
16940 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
16941 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider, $continuingpage, 'B');
16942 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brBL_V && $brBL_H) || ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16950 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16961 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16970 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
16975 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
16993 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
17004 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17005 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider, $continuingpage, 'L');
17006 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brTL_V && $brTL_H) || ($brBL_V && $brBL_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17014 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17025 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17034 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17039 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
17054 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
17065 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17066 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider, $continuingpage, 'R');
17067 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brTR_V && $brTR_H) || ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17075 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17086 if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17095 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
17100 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
17841 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17842 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', $continuingpage, 'T');
17860 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17862 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', $continuingpage, 'L');
17881 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17883 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', $continuingpage, 'R');
17903 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17904 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', $continuingpage, 'B');
17943 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17944 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', '', 'T');
17957 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17958 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', '', 'L');
17971 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17972 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', '', 'R');
17985 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
17986 $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '', '', 'B');
18982 $style = '';
18985 $style .= $s;
18988 $this->currentfontstyle = $style;
18989 $this->SetFont('', $style, 0, false);
18995 $style = '';
19000 $style .= $s;
19005 $style .= $s;
19008 $this->currentfontstyle = $style;
19009 $this->SetFont('', $style, 0, false);
19015 $style = '';
19019 $style .= $s;
19024 $this->currentfontstyle = $style;
19025 $this->SetFont('', $style, 0, false);
19451 $bindata = pack("nnda6A10nnda6A10nnda6A10nnda6A10nd9", $cell['border'], $cell['border_details']['R']['s'], $cell['border_details']['R']['w'], $cell['border_details']['R']['c'], $cell['border_details']['R']['style'], $cell['border_details']['R']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['L']['s'], $cell['border_details']['L']['w'], $cell['border_details']['L']['c'], $cell['border_details']['L']['style'], $cell['border_details']['L']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['T']['s'], $cell['border_details']['T']['w'], $cell['border_details']['T']['c'], $cell['border_details']['T']['style'], $cell['border_details']['T']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['B']['s'], $cell['border_details']['B']['w'], $cell['border_details']['B']['c'], $cell['border_details']['B']['style'], $cell['border_details']['B']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BL'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TR'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LT'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LB'], (isset($cell['border_details']['cellposdom']) ? $cell['border_details']['cellposdom'] : 0));
19487 $cell['border_details']['R']['style'] = trim($bd['rst']);
19493 $cell['border_details']['L']['style'] = trim($bd['lst']);
19499 $cell['border_details']['T']['style'] = trim($bd['tst']);
19505 $cell['border_details']['B']['style'] = trim($bd['bst']);
20777 if (isset($details[$side]['style'])) {
20778 $dom += (array_search($details[$side]['style'], $this->borderstyles) * 100);
20815 $this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14", str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", $dom), 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $cbord, ord($side), $details[$side]['s'], $details[$side]['w'], $details[$side]['c'], $details[$side]['style'], $x, $y, $w, $h, $details['mbw']['BL'], $details['mbw']['BR'], $details['mbw']['RT'], $details['mbw']['RB'], $details['mbw']['TL'], $details['mbw']['TR'], $details['mbw']['LT'], $details['mbw']['LB'], $details['cellposdom'], 0);
20816 if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'outset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'double') {
20818 $this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14", str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", ($dom + 4)), 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $cbord, ord($side), $details[$side]['s'], $details[$side]['w'], $details[$side]['c'], $details[$side]['style'], $x, $y, $w, $h, $details['mbw']['BL'], $details['mbw']['BR'], $details['mbw']['RT'], $details['mbw']['RB'], $details['mbw']['TL'], $details['mbw']['TR'], $details['mbw']['LT'], $details['mbw']['LB'], $details['cellposdom'], 1);
21000 if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'double') {
21076 } elseif (isset($details[$side]['style']) && ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'outset')) {
21083 if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'outset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove') {
21086 } elseif ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset') {
21102 if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset') {
21240 if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'dashed') {
21244 } elseif ($details[$side]['style'] == 'dotted') {
21261 // BUTT style line cap
21306 } elseif ($tableb && $tableb['w'] == $cbdb['w'] && array_search($tableb['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbdb['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
21443 // Hidden >> Width >> double>solid>dashed>dotted... >> style set on cell>table >> top/left>bottom/right
21471 if ($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'] == 'hidden') {
21477 } elseif ($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'] == 'hidden') {
21497 } elseif (array_search($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) { // double>solid>dashed>dotted...
21504 } elseif (array_search($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
21563 if ($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'] == 'hidden') {
21567 } elseif ($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'] == 'hidden') {
21585 elseif (array_search($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
21591 } elseif (array_search($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
24940 $details[$side]['style'] = trim($cba['style']);
25334 function Circle($x, $y, $r, $style = 'S')
25336 $this->Ellipse($x, $y, $r, $r, $style);
25339 function Ellipse($x, $y, $rx, $ry, $style = 'S')
25341 if ($style === 'F') {
25343 } elseif ($style === 'FD' or $style === 'DF') {
25361 function AutosizeText($text, $w, $font, $style, $szfont = 72)
25366 $this->SetFont($font, $style, $szfont, false);
25410 $this->SetFont($font, $style, $szfont, false);
25420 $this->SetFont($font, $style, $szfont, true, true);
25580 array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i + 1, 0, ['span style="font-family: ' . $font . '"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]]);
25695 array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i + 1, 0, ['span style="font-family: ' . $font . '"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]]);
25802 array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i + 1, 0, ['span style="font-family: ' . $font . '"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]]);
25851 array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i + 1, 0, ['span style="font-family: ' . $font . '"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]]);
25968 array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i + 1, 0, ['span style="font-family: ' . $font . '"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]]);