Lines Matching +defs:n +defs:t

700 	 * Can be useful when using CDN with HTTPS and if you don't want to configure settings with SSL certificates.
739 var $n; // current object number
1092 $this->n = 2;
1306 // sets l r t margin
1919 $n = count($this->extgstates);
1921 for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
1935 $n++;
1936 $this->extgstates[$n]['parms'] = $parms;
1937 return $n;
2022 "\n" . $s . "\n" . '\\1',
2259 $s .= 'q ' . $this->SetFColor($this->bodyBackgroundColor, true) . "\n";
2261 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor[4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2263 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor[5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2265 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', ($clx * Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly * Mpdf::SCALE), $clw * Mpdf::SCALE, $clh * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2282 $n = count($this->patterns) + 1;
2286 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $clx, 'y' => $cly, 'w' => $clw, 'h' => $clh, 'pgh' => $this->h, 'image_id' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'itype' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['itype']];
2292 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, ($clx * Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly * Mpdf::SCALE), $clw * Mpdf::SCALE, $clh * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2307 $s .= ' W n '; // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
2325 $s .= "\n" . '/OCBZ-index /ZI' . $pb['z-index'] . ' BDC' . "\n";
2330 $s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC' . "\n";
2332 $s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC' . "\n";
2334 $s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC' . "\n";
2340 $s .= $pb['shadow'] . "\n";
2344 $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
2347 $s .= 'q ' . $this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true) . "\n";
2350 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2352 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2355 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2358 $s .= 'Q' . "\n";
2362 $s .= 'EMC' . "\n";
2366 $s .= "\n" . 'EMCBZ-index' . "\n";
2379 $s .= "\n" . '/OCGZ-index /ZI' . $pb['z-index'] . ' BDC' . "\n";
2384 $s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC' . "\n";
2386 $s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC' . "\n";
2388 $s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC' . "\n";
2397 $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
2403 $s .= 'Q' . "\n";
2410 $n = count($this->patterns) + 1;
2414 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $pb['x'], 'y' => $pb['y'], 'w' => $pb['w'], 'h' => $pb['h'], 'pgh' => $this->h, 'image_id' => $pb['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'itype' => $pb['itype'], 'bpa' => $pb['bpa']];
2422 $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
2543 $s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac, $iw * Mpdf::SCALE, $ih * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y + $ih)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['image_id']) . "\n";
2553 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) . "\n";
2557 $s .= 'Q' . "\n";
2563 $s .= 'EMC' . "\n";
2567 $s .= "\n" . 'EMCGZ-index' . "\n";
2586 $s .= 'q ' . $this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true) . "\n";
2588 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2590 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
2592 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s Q', $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE, 'f') . "\n";
2596 $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
2600 $s .= 'Q' . "\n";
2606 $n = count($this->patterns) + 1;
2608 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $pb['x'], 'y' => $pb['y'], 'w' => $pb['w'], 'h' => $pb['h'], 'pgh' => $this->h, 'image_id' => $pb['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'itype' => $pb['itype']];
2617 $pb['clippath'] = sprintf(' q 0 w %.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l W n ', $x, $y, $x, $y + $h, $x + $w, $y + $h, $x + $w, $y, $x, $y);
2621 $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
2735 $s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac, $iw * Mpdf::SCALE, $ih * Mpdf::SCALE, $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y + $ih)) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['image_id']) . "\n";
2744 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) . "\n";
2748 $s .= 'Q' . "\n";
2870 // Don't re-open tags for lowest level elements - so need to do some adjustments
2958 '\\1' . "\n" . $s . "\n",
3007 // Don't correct more than once for background DIV containing a Float
3147 $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS' . $this->uniqstr . ')/', "\n" . $s . "\n" . '\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
3337 list($name, $c, $m, $y, $k) = preg_split("/\t/", $sc);
3839 $this->AddCJKFont($family); // don't need to add style
4111 $this->AddCJKFont($family); // don't need to add style
4306 $n = count($this->links) + 1;
4307 $this->links[$n] = [0, 0];
4308 return $n;
4326 if ($this->keep_block_together) { // don't write yet
4476 return $s . " \n";
4951 $s .= ' h W n '; // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
4990 $s .= ' h W n '; // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
5029 $s .= ' h W n '; // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
5068 $s .= ' h W n '; // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
5153 } elseif ($this->falseBoldWeight && strpos($this->ReqFontStyle, "B") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle, "B") === false && !($textvar & TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS)) { // can't use together with OUTLINE or Small Caps // mPDF 5.7.1 ??? why not with SmallCaps ???
5206 $t = explode(' ', $txt2);
5207 $numt = count($t);
5209 $tx = $t[$i];
5364 $s .= $this->SetTColor($ts['col'], true) . "\n";
5366 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
5368 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
5370 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col'][3]) / 100, 'Normal', true, 'F') . "\n";
5372 $s .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.4F %.4F cm', $ts['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ts['y'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
5399 if (strpos($txt, "\n") !== false) {
5400 $ln = 1; // cell recognizes \n from <BR> tag
5503 if (substr($OTLdata['group'], ($i + 1), 1) != 'M') { // Don't add inter-character spacing before Marks
5587 $n = count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]);
5588 $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j][$n] = $c;
5593 $tx = sprintf("%02s", strtoupper(dechex($n)));
5670 $n = count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]);
5671 $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j][$n] = $c;
5675 $tx = sprintf("%02s", strtoupper(dechex($n)));
5763 // echo $s."\n\n"; // exit;
5776 $t = explode(' ', $txt);
5777 for ($i = 0; $i < count($t); $i++) {
5778 $tx = $t[$i];
5795 if (($i + 1) < count($t)) {
5902 while ($nb > 0 and $s[$nb - 1] == "\n") {
5908 while ($nb > 0 and mb_substr($s, $nb - 1, 1, $this->mb_enc) == "\n") {
5956 if ($c === "\n") { // Explicit line break
6037 // JUSTIFY J using Unicode fonts (Word spacing doesn't work)
6098 if ($c === "\n") {
6151 // JUSTIFY J using Unicode fonts (Word spacing doesn't work)
6874 } // false -> don't advance y
7196 $this->writer->write("\n" . '% BTR'); // Begin Transform
7386 $this->writer->write("\n" . '% ETR'); // End Transform
7441 $barcodeContent = str_replace('\r\n', "\r\n", $objattr['code']);
7442 $barcodeContent = str_replace('\n', "\n", $barcodeContent);
7976 // it won't fit, output what we already have
7979 // contains any content that didn't make it into this print
8103 // Don't break a URL
8117 // Don't break if HyphenMinus AND (a URL or before a numeral or before a >)
8511 } // false -> don't advance y
8555 // Now unset these values so they don't influence GetStringwidth below or in fn. Cell
8971 $outstring = $this->watermarkImgAlpha . "\n" . $outstring . "\n" . $this->SetAlpha(1, 'Normal', true) . "\n";
8972 $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS' . $this->uniqstr . ')/', "\n" . $outstring . "\n" . '\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
9074 function _getObjAttr($t)
9076 $c = explode("\xbb\xa4\xac", $t, 2);
9563 // don't use length if server using compression
9595 // don't use length if server using compression
9666 for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) {
9667 if ($this->mirrorMargins && $n % 2 == 0) {
9673 $this->page = $n;
9674 $pn = $this->docPageNum($n);
9681 $pnt = $this->docPageNumTotal($n);
9689 if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE])) {
9690 $html = isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['html']) ? $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['html'] : '';
9691 $this->lMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['ml'];
9692 $this->rMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mr'];
9693 $this->tMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mh'];
9694 $this->bMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mf'];
9695 $this->margin_header = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mh'];
9696 $this->margin_footer = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mf'];
9697 $this->w = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['pw'];
9698 $this->h = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['ph'];
9699 $rotate = (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['rotate']) ? $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['rotate'] : null);
9701 $this->pageoutput[$n] = [];
9718 $this->pageoutput[$n] = [];
9730 $os .= ' Q' . "\n";
9736 $this->pages[$n] = preg_replace('/(___HEADER___MARKER' . $this->uniqstr . ')/', "\n" . $os . "\n" . '\\1', $this->pages[$n]);
9752 $this->PageLinks[$n][] = $lk;
9756 $this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
9761 if (isset($this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE])) {
9765 $this->lMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['ml'];
9766 $this->rMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mr'];
9767 $this->tMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mh'];
9768 $this->bMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mf'];
9769 $this->margin_header = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mh'];
9770 $this->margin_footer = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mf'];
9771 $this->w = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['pw'];
9772 $this->h = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['ph'];
9773 $rotate = (isset($this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['rotate']) ? $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['rotate'] : null);
9775 $this->pageoutput[$n] = [];
9798 $this->pageoutput[$n] = [];
9808 $os .= $this->StartTransform(true) . "\n";
9816 $os .= $this->transformTranslate(0, $adj, true) . "\n";
9820 $os .= ' Q' . "\n";
9823 $os .= $this->StopTransform(true) . "\n";
9828 $this->pages[$n] = preg_replace('/(___HEADER___MARKER' . $this->uniqstr . ')/', "\n" . $os . "\n" . '\\1', $this->pages[$n]);
9850 $this->PageLinks[$n][] = $lk;
9856 $this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
9863 $this->pages[$n] = $this->aliasReplace($this->pages[$n], $pnstr, $pntstr, $nb);
9914 if ($this->keep_block_together) { // don't write yet
9989 $this->pages[$pn] .= "\n" . $m[0][$i] . "\n";
10005 $this->InfoRoot = $this->n;
10043 $this->writer->write('0 ' . ($this->n + 1));
10046 for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->n; $i++) {
10047 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%010d 00000 n ', $this->offsets[$i]));
10310 if (preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i', $ohname, $n)) {
10311 $name = $n[1];
10327 if (preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i', $ehname, $n)) {
10328 $name = $n[1];
10344 if (preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i', $ofname, $n)) {
10345 $name = $n[1];
10361 if (preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i', $efname, $n)) {
10362 $name = $n[1];
10491 $this->SetFont($this->watermark_font, "B", $fontsize, false); // Don't output
10538 $this->SetFont($this->watermark_font, "B", $szfont, false); // Don't output
10742 $n = count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]);
10743 $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i][$n] = $c;
10748 $ret .= sprintf("%02s", strtoupper(dechex($n)));
11171 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // don't include extended block progression of all inline elements
11237 // Until most fonts have OpenType BASE tables, this won't work
11240 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // don't include extended block progression of all inline elements
11836 foreach ($tablehf['textbuffer'] as $k => $t) {
11837 if (!is_array($t[0]) && preg_match('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/', $t[0], $m)) {
11997 $n = count($this->patterns) + 1;
12011 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $px, 'y' => $py, 'w' => $pw, 'h' => $ph, 'pgh' => $this->h, 'image_id' => $tablehf['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w, 'orig_h' => $orig_h, 'x_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat, 'y_repeat' => $y_repeat, 'itype' => $tablehf['background-image']['itype']];
12017 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $py) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pw * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph * Mpdf::SCALE));
12069 foreach ($tablehf['textbuffer'] as $t) {
12070 $str .= $t[0] . ' ';
13336 if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/', $h[1][$i], $n)) {
13337 $this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]]['html'] = $h[2][$i];
13338 $this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_getHtmlHeight($h[2][$i]);
13343 if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/', $f[1][$i], $n)) {
13344 $this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['html'] = $f[2][$i];
13345 $this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_getHtmlHeight($f[2][$i]);
13357 if (isset($hname) && preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i', $hname, $n)) {
13358 $this->SetHTMLHeader($this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]], 'O', true);
13360 if (isset($fname) && preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i', $fname, $n)) {
13361 $this->SetHTMLFooter($this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]], 'O');
13390 // Don't allow non-breaking spaces that are converted to substituted chars or will break anyway and mess up table width calc.
13555 $this->_saveCellTextBuffer("\n");
13850 $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS' . $this->uniqstr . ')/', '\\1' . "\n" . $s . "\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
14554 $rot_start = " q\n";
14580 $rot_start .= $this->transformTranslate($adjw, $adjh, true) . "\n";
14581 $rot_start .= $this->transformRotate($rotate, $bbox_x, $bbox_y, true) . "\n";
14582 $rot_end = " Q\n";
14584 $rot_start = " q\n";
14585 $rot_start .= $this->transformTranslate($bbox_bl + $bbox_pl + $inner_w + $bbox_pr + $bbox_br, $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt + $inner_h + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb, true) . "\n";
14586 $rot_start .= $this->transformRotate(180, $bbox_x, $bbox_y, true) . "\n";
14587 $rot_end = " Q\n";
14612 $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/___BEFORE_BORDERS___/', "\n" . $s . "\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
14624 // $op = 'W* n'; // Clipping
14625 $op = 'W n'; // Clipping alternative mode
14630 $tmp = "q\n" . sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s', $x * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE, $w * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ch * Mpdf::SCALE, $op);
14631 $tmp .= "\n" . $block_s . "\nQ";
14639 $tmp = "q\n" . $this->transformScale(($shrink_f * 100), ($shrink_f * 100), $x, $y, true);
14640 $tmp .= "\n" . $block_s . "\nQ";
14710 foreach ($this->HTMLheaderPageForms as $n => $f) {
14718 $this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
14896 $t = atan2($y, $x);
14898 $newx = $b / sqrt((($b * $b) / ($a * $a)) + ( tan($t) * tan($t) ));
14899 $newy = $a / sqrt((($a * $a) / ($b * $b)) + ( (1 / tan($t)) * (1 / tan($t)) ));
15299 $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS' . $this->uniqstr . ')/', '\\1' . "\n" . $s . "\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
15761 function _saveTextBuffer($t, $link = '', $intlink = '', $return = false)
15765 $arr[0] = $t;
15826 function _saveCellTextBuffer($t, $link = '', $intlink = '')
15829 $arr[0] = $t;
16024 if ($i == 0 && $vetor[0] != "\n" && ! $this->ispre) {
16427 if ($vetor[0] == "\n") { // We are reading a <BR> now turned into newline ("\n")
16839 $this->writer->write(' h W n '); // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
16853 $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $w - $brTR_H, $y0 + $brTR_V, $brTR_H - $border_top / 2, $brTR_V - $border_top / 2, 1, 2, true)) . "\n";
16856 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16858 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $w - ($border_top / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16865 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $legbreakR * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16868 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $legbreakL * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16869 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n");
16871 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16874 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16876 $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $brTL_H, $y0 + $brTL_V, $brTL_H - $border_top / 2, $brTL_V - $border_top / 2, 2, 1)) . "\n";
16881 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $legbreakR * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16884 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $legbreakL * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16886 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16888 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_top / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16891 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16893 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $border_top / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16896 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16898 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_top / 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + ($border_top / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
16903 $s .= 'S' . "\n";
16936 $this->writer->write(' h W n '); // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
16948 $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $brBL_H, $y0 + $h - $brBL_V, $brBL_H - $border_bottom / 2, $brBL_V - $border_bottom / 2, 3, 2, true)) . "\n";
16951 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - ($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom / 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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18781 foreach ($tags as $t) {
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19154 // so don't have to split OTLdata for each word
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19210 // so don't have to split OTLdata for each word
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20159 // Don't allocate more than Maximum required width - save rest in surplus
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21612 if (!isset($cells[($i + $cspi)][$j + $ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i + $cspi)][$j + $ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i + $cspi)][$j + $ccolsp]['rowspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
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22895 $str .= $t[0] . ' ';
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24703 (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/', $t)) ||
24704 (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/', $t)) ||
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24825 || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ [\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+ re/', $t))
24826 || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/', $t))
24827 || (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/', $t))
24828 || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/', $t))
24829 || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/', $t))) {
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27161 preg_match("/xref\n0 (\d+)\n(.*?)\ntrailer/s", $pdf, $m);
27163 preg_match_all('/(\d{10}) (\d{5}) (f|n)/', $m[2], $x);
27175 preg_match("/" . ($obj + 1) . " 0 obj\n<<\s*\/Filter\s*\/FlateDecode\s*\/Length (\d+)>>\nstream\n(.*?)\nendstream\n/s", $pdf, $m);
27177 preg_match("/" . ($obj + 1) . " 0 obj\n<<\s*\/Length (\d+)>>\nstream\n(.*?)\nendstream\n/s", $pdf, $m);
27212 $newstr = ($obj + 1) . " 0 obj\n<</Filter /FlateDecode /Length " . $newlen . ">>\nstream\n" . $s . "\nendstream\n";
27214 $newstr = ($obj + 1) . " 0 obj\n<</Length " . $newlen . ">>\nstream\n" . $s . "\nendstream\n";
27222 $newxref = "xref\n0 " . $xref_objid . "\n";
27229 $newxref .= sprintf('%010d', $v[0]) . ' ' . $v[1] . ' ' . $v[2] . " \n";
27232 $pdf = preg_replace("/xref\n0 \d+\n.*?\ntrailer/s", $newxref, $pdf);
27235 preg_match("/startxref\n(\d+)\n%%EOF/s", $pdf, $m);
27238 $pdf = preg_replace("/startxref\n(\d+)\n%%EOF/s", "startxref\n" . $startxref . "\n%%EOF", $pdf);
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