Lines Matching +defs:f +defs:e

516 	var $substitute;  // Array of substitution strings e.g. <ttz>112</ttz>
1249 $this->substitute = []; // Array of substitution strings e.g. <ttz>112</ttz>
1336 foreach ($this->fontdata as $f => $fs) {
1338 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f;
1341 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f . 'B';
1344 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f . 'I';
1347 $this->available_unifonts[] = $f . 'BI';
1640 // e.g. A4-L = A4 landscape, A4-P = A4 portrait
1688 // $res = array of (Unicode) fonts to restrict to: e.g. norasi|norasiB - language specific
1847 * AFRelationship (optional): PDF/A-3 AFRelationship (e.g. "Alternative")
1849 * e.g. to associate 1 file:
2188 $orig_w = $sizesarray['WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE; // in user units i.e. mm
2265 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', ($clx * Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly * Mpdf::SCALE), $clw * Mpdf::SCALE, $clh * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2292 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, ($clx * Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly * Mpdf::SCALE), $clw * Mpdf::SCALE, $clh * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2355 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
2553 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) . "\n";
2592 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s Q', $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE, 'f') . "\n";
2744 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) . "\n";
2929 // If next page already exists - i.e background /headers and footers already written
3373 } // e.g. rg => RG
3767 $fill = 'f';
3798 $op = 'f';
4821 if ($lineBox && isset($lineBox['boxtop']) && $txt) { // i.e. always from WriteFlowingBlock/finishFlowingBlock (but not objects -
4925 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f ', ($this->x - $lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $bg_boxtop + $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($w + $lbw + $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, (-$bg_boxheight - $tbw - $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
5094 $op = ($border == 1) ? 'B' : 'f';
7676 $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f', ($x - $size / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $y + $size / 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($size) * Mpdf::SCALE, (-$size) * Mpdf::SCALE));
8146 // 8) Break at OBJECT (Break before all objects here - selected objects are moved forward to next line below e.g. dottab)
9377 // Used in Columns and keep-with-table i.e. "kwt"
9383 if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y) == sprintf("%0.4f", $this->tMargin)) && (!$this->ColActive)) {
9388 // if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y)==sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y0)) && ($this->ColActive) && $this->CurrCol == 0) { return; } // *COLUMNS*
9389 if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y) == sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y0)) && ($this->ColActive)) {
9488 $e = error_get_last();
9489 if (($e['type'] < 2048 && $e['type'] != 8) || (intval($e['type']) & intval(ini_get("error_reporting")))) {
9491 sprintf('Error detected. PDF file generation aborted: %s', $e['message']),
9492 $e['type'],
9494 $e['file'],
9495 $e['line']
9606 $f = fopen($name, 'wb');
9608 if (!$f) {
9612 fwrite($f, $this->buffer, strlen($this->buffer));
9613 fclose($f);
9641 if (sprintf('%.1f', 1.0) != '1.0') {
9725 // To rotate the other way i.e. Header to left of page:
9755 foreach ($this->HTMLheaderPageForms as $f) {
9756 $this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
9812 // To rotate the other way i.e. Header to left of page:
9854 foreach ($this->HTMLheaderPageForms as $f) {
9855 $f['y'] += $adj;
9856 $this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
10044 $this->writer->write('0000000000 65535 f ');
10083 if (!($pagesel && $this->page == 1 && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y) == sprintf("%0.4f", $this->tMargin)))) {
10624 $op = 'f';
11075 } // ??? If lineheight is a factor e.g. 1.3 ?? use factor x 1em or ? use 'normal' lineheight * factor
11441 $str .= 'xxx'; // in case $str ends in / e.g.
11442 $this->basepath = dirname($str) . "/"; // returns e.g. e.g.
12017 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $py) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pw * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph * Mpdf::SCALE));
12035 $rep = sprintf("%01." . intval($m[1]) . "f", $this->colsums[$colctr - 1]);
13341 preg_match_all('/<htmlpagefooter([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/htmlpagefooter>/si', $html, $f);
13342 for ($i = 0; $i < count($f[1]); $i++) {
13343 if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/', $f[1][$i], $n)) {
13344 $this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['html'] = $f[2][$i];
13345 $this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_getHtmlHeight($f[2][$i]);
13400 // ? more accurate regexp that allows e.g. <a name="Silly <name>">
13411 $e = $a[$i];
13425 $this->fixedPosBlock .= $e;
13428 if (strlen($e) == 0) {
13433 if (strlen(ltrim($e)) == 0) {
13436 if ($this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats' && substr($e, 0, 1) == ' ') {
13438 $e = ltrim($e);
13444 $e = UtfString::strcode2utf($e);
13445 $e = $this->lesser_entity_decode($e);
13450 $cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsNonCore($a, $i, $e);
13453 $e = mb_convert_encoding($e, $this->mb_enc, 'UTF-8');
13455 $e = mb_strtoupper($e, $this->mb_enc);
13458 $e = mb_strtolower($e, $this->mb_enc);
13461 $e = mb_convert_case($e, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8");
13465 $cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsSIP($a, $i, $e);
13469 $cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsMB($a, $i, $e);
13473 $e = mb_strtoupper($e, $this->mb_enc);
13475 $e = mb_strtolower($e, $this->mb_enc);
13477 $e = mb_convert_case($e, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8");
13486 $e = $this->otl->applyOTL($e, $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']);
13488 $this->otl->removeChar($e, $this->OTLdata, "\xef\xbb\xbf"); // Remove ZWNBSP (also Byte order mark FEFF)
13492 $e = preg_replace("/[\xe2\x80\x8c\xe2\x80\x8d\xe2\x80\x8e\xe2\x80\x8f]/u", '', $e);
13493 $e = preg_replace("/[\xef\xbb\xbf]/u", '', $e); // Remove ZWNBSP (also Byte order mark FEFF)
13498 $es = explode('|', $e);
13499 $e = '';
13501 $e .= chr($val);
13510 $e = ltrim($e);
13514 $stringwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($e);
13519 $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = $e;
13526 $this->selectoption['ITEMS'][] = ['exportValue' => $this->selectoption['currentVAL'], 'content' => $e, 'selected' => $this->selectoption['currentSEL']];
13532 $objattr['text'] = $e;
13548 $e = ltrim($e);
13553 if ($e || $e === '0') {
13567 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->GetStringWidth($e, false, $this->OTLdata, $this->textvar);
13569 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = $this->GetStringWidth($e, false, $this->OTLdata, $this->textvar);
13576 $this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
13581 $s = preg_split('/' . preg_quote($dp, '/') . '/', $e, 2); // ? needs to be /u if not core
13614 $e = ltrim($e);
13619 if ($e || $e === '0') {
13620 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
13623 if ($e || $e === '0') {
13626 if (substr($e, -1, 1) == ' ' && !$this->ispre && $this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats') {
13630 if (isset($e[0]) && $e[0] == '/') {
13631 $endtag = trim(strtoupper(substr($e, 1)));
13645 $this->fixedPosBlock .= '<' . $e . '>';
13721 if (strpos($e, ' ')) {
13722 $te = strtoupper(substr($e, 0, strpos($e, ' ')));
13724 $te = strtoupper($e);
13740 if (strpos($e, ' ')) {
13741 $te = strtoupper(substr($e, 0, strpos($e, ' ')));
13743 $te = strtoupper($e);
13745 $this->fixedPosBlock .= '<' . $e . '>';
13753 $e = preg_replace($regexp, "=\"\$1\"", $e);
13755 if (substr($e, 0, 10) != 'pageheader' && substr($e, 0, 10) != 'pagefooter' && substr($e, 0, 12) != 'tocpagebreak' && substr($e, 0, 10) != 'indexentry' && substr($e, 0, 8) != 'tocentry') { // mPDF 6 (ZZZ99H)
13757 $e = preg_replace($regexp, " \$1=\"\$2\"", $e);
13760 $e = preg_replace('/ (\\S+?)\s*=\s*"/i', " \\1=\"", $e);
13764 if ((stristr($e, "href=") !== false) or ( stristr($e, "src=") !== false)) {
13766 preg_match($regexp, $e, $auxiliararray);
13772 if (trim($path) != '' && !(stristr($e, "src=") !== false && substr($path, 0, 4) == 'var:') && substr($path, 0, 1) != '@') {
13777 $e = preg_replace($regexp, ' \\1="' . $path . '"', $e);
13787 preg_match_all('/\\S{1,32}=["][^"]*["]/', $e, $contents1);
13788 preg_match_all('/\\S{1,32}=[\'][^\']*[\']/i', $e, $contents2);
13791 preg_match('/\\S+/', $e, $a2);
13820 if (preg_match('/\/$/', $e)) {
13825 } // end of foreach($a as $i=>$e)
14638 if ($shrink_f != 1) { // i.e. autofit has resized the box
14648 if ($shrink_f != 1) { // i.e. autofit has resized the box
14655 if ($shrink_f != 1) { // i.e. autofit has resized the box
14697 if ($shrink_f != 1) { // i.e. autofit has resized the box
14710 foreach ($this->HTMLheaderPageForms as $n => $f) {
14711 if ($shrink_f != 1) { // i.e. autofit has resized the box
14712 $f['x'] = $x + (($f['x'] - $x) * $shrink_f);
14713 $f['y'] = $y + (($f['y'] - $y) * $shrink_f);
14714 $f['w'] *= $shrink_f;
14715 $f['h'] *= $shrink_f;
14716 $f['style']['fontsize'] *= $shrink_f;
14718 $this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
14739 if ($shrink_f != 1) { // i.e. autofit has resized the box
15321 foreach ($this->floatDivs as $f) {
15322 if (($clear && $f['blockContext'] == $this->blk[$blklvl]['blockContext']) || (!$clear && $currpos >= $f['startpos'] && $currpos < ($f['endpos'] - 0.001) && $f['blklvl'] > $blklvl && $f['blockContext'] == $this->blk[$blklvl]['blockContext'])) {
15323 if ($f['side'] == 'L') {
15325 $l_max = max($l_max, $f['endpos']);
15326 $l_width = max($l_width, $f['w']);
15328 if ($f['side'] == 'R') {
15330 $r_max = max($r_max, $f['endpos']);
15331 $r_width = max($r_width, $f['w']);
15346 $e = '';
15458 $e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=image,objattr=" . serialize($objattr) . "\xbb\xa4\xac";
15459 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
15462 $e = $spacer;
15463 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
15489 $e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=listmarker,objattr=" . serialize($objattr) . "\xbb\xa4\xac";
15490 $this->listitem = $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', '', true); // true returns array
15512 $e = $list_item_marker . $spacer;
15513 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
15527 $e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=listmarker,objattr=" . serialize($objattr) . "\xbb\xa4\xac";
15528 $this->listitem = $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', '', true); // true returns array
15544 $e = $num . $this->list_number_suffix . $spacer;
15545 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
15548 // REPLACE MIRRORED RTL $this->list_number_suffix e.g. ) -> ( (NB could use Ucdn::$mirror_pairs)
15566 $e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=listmarker,objattr=" . serialize($objattr) . "\xbb\xa4\xac";
15568 $this->listitem = $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', '', true); // true returns array
15585 $e = $a[$j];
15586 if (!$e) {
15589 if ($e[0] == '/') { // end tag
15590 $e = strtoupper(substr($e, 1));
15591 if ($e == 'OL' || $e == 'UL') {
15598 if (strpos($e, ' ')) {
15599 $e = substr($e, 0, strpos($e, ' '));
15601 $e = strtoupper($e);
15602 if ($e == 'LI') {
15606 } elseif ($e == 'OL' || $e == 'UL') {
15781 // e.g. Latin script when useOTL set as 0x80
15844 // e.g. Latin script when useOTL set as 0x80
15914 // Block-align is set by e.g. <.. align="center"> Takes priority for this block but not inherited
16132 if (strpos($vetor[1], ".") === false && strpos($vetor[1], "@") !== 0) { // assuming every external link has a dot indicating extension (e.g: .html .txt .zip etc.)
16245 // i.e. if second inline image on line is higher than first and forces new page
16762 $f = min($h / ($brTL_V + $brBL_V + 0.001), $h / ($brTR_V + $brBR_V + 0.001), $w / ($brTL_H + $brTR_H + 0.001), $w / ($brBL_H + $brBR_H + 0.001));
16763 if ($f < 1) {
16764 $brTL_H *= $f;
16765 $brTL_V *= $f;
16766 $brTR_H *= $f;
16767 $brTR_V *= $f;
16768 $brBL_H *= $f;
16769 $brBL_V *= $f;
16770 $brBR_H *= $f;
16771 $brBR_V *= $f;
17310 $patch_array[0]['f'] = 0;
17339 $patch_array[1]['f'] = 2;
17374 $patch_array[2]['f'] = 2;
17404 $patch_array[3]['f'] = 2;
17437 $patch_array[4]['f'] = 2;
17445 // LEFT - joins on the right (C3-C4 of previous): f = 2
17465 $patch_array[5]['f'] = 2;
17499 $patch_array[6]['f'] = 2;
17507 // TOP - joins on the right (C3-C4 of previous): f = 2
17527 $patch_array[7]['f'] = 2;
17534 $shadow .= ' h f Q ' . "\n"; // Close path and Fill the inner solid shadow
18132 // Set font size first so that e.g. MARGIN 0.83em works on font size for this element
18178 foreach ($aux_fontlist as $f) {
18179 $fonttype = trim($f);
18196 foreach ($aux_fontlist as $f) {
18197 $fonttype = trim($f);
18510 case 'VERTICAL-ALIGN': // super and sub only dealt with here e.g. <SUB> and <SUP>
19012 // Set multiple styles at one $str e.g. "BI"
20027 // If it is less than 1/20th of the remaining page height to finish the DIV (i.e. DIV padding + table bottom margin) then allow for this
20085 // If the table width is already set to the maximum width (e.g. nested table), then use maximum column widths exactly
20134 $wi = ($table['w'] - ($wis + $tblbw)); // i.e. extra space to distribute
20153 $wi = ($table['w'] - ($wis + $tblbw)); // i.e. extra space to distribute
20328 // If it is less than 1/20th of the remaining page height to finish the DIV (i.e. DIV padding + table bottom margin)
20550 // i.e. for one or more rows, the only cells (explicit) in that row have rowspan>1
20815 $this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14", str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", $dom), 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $cbord, ord($side), $details[$side]['s'], $details[$side]['w'], $details[$side]['c'], $details[$side]['style'], $x, $y, $w, $h, $details['mbw']['BL'], $details['mbw']['BR'], $details['mbw']['RT'], $details['mbw']['RB'], $details['mbw']['TL'], $details['mbw']['TR'], $details['mbw']['LT'], $details['mbw']['LB'], $details['cellposdom'], 0);
20818 $this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14", str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", ($dom + 4)), 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $cbord, ord($side), $details[$side]['s'], $details[$side]['w'], $details[$side]['c'], $details[$side]['style'], $x, $y, $w, $h, $details['mbw']['BL'], $details['mbw']['BR'], $details['mbw']['RT'], $details['mbw']['RB'], $details['mbw']['TL'], $details['mbw']['TR'], $details['mbw']['LT'], $details['mbw']['LB'], $details['cellposdom'], 1);
21860 for ($f = 0; $f < $numcols; $f++) {
21861 if (!isset($row[$f])) {
21862 $row[$f] = 0;
22714 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->h - $py) * Mpdf::SCALE, $pw * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph * Mpdf::SCALE));
22841 $rep = sprintf("%01." . intval($m[1]) . "f", $this->colsums[$j]);
23342 // else y is used as set, or =0 i.e. top of page
23692 foreach ($this->form->forms as $key => $f) {
23693 if ($f['page'] >= $start_page && $f['page'] <= $end_page) {
23696 if ($f['page'] >= $target_page && $f['page'] < $start_page) {
23897 foreach ($this->form->forms as $key => $f) {
23898 if ($f['page'] > $end_page) {
23900 } elseif ($f['page'] < $start_page) {
24026 // e.g. "elephant 73, 97-99" = elephant[$spacer]73[$sep]97[$joiner]99
24027 // $subEntrySeparator separates main and subentry (if $this->indexUseSubentries == false;) e.g.
24029 // $subEntryInset specifies what precedes a subentry (if $this->indexUseSubentries == true;) e.g.
24048 $this->Reference[$i]['uf'] = $txt; // Unformatted e.g. pure utf-8 encoded characters, no mark-up/tags
24107 // Sub-entries e.g. Mammals:elephant
24108 // But allow for tags e.g. <b>Mammal</b>:elephants
24112 foreach ($a as $k => $e) {
24114 if (strpos($e, ':') !== false) { // == SubEntry
24118 list($txtmain, $sub) = preg_split('/[:]/', $e, 2);
24125 $e = $sub; // Only replace first one
24127 $e = preg_replace('/[:]/', $subEntrySeparator, $e, 1); // Only replace first one
24132 $txt .= $e;
24459 foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
24460 if (is_array($f) && isset($f['col'])) {
24461 $this->internallink[$key]['rel_y'] = $f['Y'] + $this->ColDetails[$f['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
24641 foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
24642 if (is_array($f) && isset($f['col'])) {
24645 if ($f['rel_y'] >= $cbr[$nbc]) {
24649 $yadj = ($f['rel_y'] - $f['Y']) - $last_col_bottom + $this->y0;
24650 $f['Y'] += $yadj;
24651 unset($f['col']);
24652 unset($f['rel_y']);
24653 $this->internallink[$key] = $f;
24732 // otherwise triggers for all entries in column buffer (.e.g. formatting) and makes below adjustments more than once
24869 foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
25077 foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
25078 if (is_array($f) && isset($f['tbrot'])) {
25079 $f['Y'] = $this->tbrot_y0;
25080 $f['PAGE'] = $this->page;
25081 unset($f['tbrot']);
25082 $this->internallink[$key] = $f;
25237 foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
25238 if (is_array($f) && isset($f['kwt'])) {
25239 $f['Y'] += $yadj;
25240 $f['PAGE'] = $this->page;
25241 unset($f['kwt']);
25242 $this->internallink[$key] = $f;
25342 $op = 'f';
25509 // PDF comes before PDI to close isolate-override (e.g. "LRILROPDFPDI")
25520 // LRI comes before LRO to open isolate-override (e.g. "LRILROPDFPDI")
25560 foreach ($a as $i => $e) {
25562 $e = strtr($e, $this->substitute);
25564 $html .= $e;
25905 array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i + 1, 0, [$font, implode('|', $repl), '/' . $font, $m[3]]); // e.g. <tts>
26023 * Only exception - leaves low ASCII entities e.g. &lt; &amp; etc.
26732 foreach ($a as $i => $e) {
26737 $a[$i] = $e;
26741 $e = UtfString::strcode2utf($e);
26742 $e = $this->lesser_entity_decode($e);
26744 $earr = $this->UTF8StringToArray($e, false);
26837 $a[$i] = '<' . $e . '>';
26850 function columnAdjustAdd($type, $k, $xadj, $yadj, $a, $b, $c = 0, $d = 0, $e = 0, $f = 0)
26878 return sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d) . ' cm /' . $e;
26893 $e += ($xadj * $k);
26894 $f -= ($yadj * $k);
26896 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) . ' c';
26995 $html = preg_replace('/\f/', '', $html); // replace formfeed by nothing
27114 $html = preg_replace("/(&#[x]{0,1}[0-9a-f]{1,5})</i", "\\1;<", $html);
27163 preg_match_all('/(\d{10}) (\d{5}) (f|n)/', $m[2], $x);
27259 $f = fopen($file_out, 'wb');
27261 if (!$f) {
27265 fwrite($f, $pdf, strlen($pdf));
27267 fclose($f);