Lines Matching +defs:div +defs:title

811 	var $title; // title
1803 function SetTitle($title)
1806 $this->title = $title;
12783 $oddhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12804 $oddhtml .= 'text-align: right; ">' . $Harray . '</div>';
12805 $evenhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12826 $evenhtml .= 'text-align: left; ">' . $Harray . '</div>';
12928 $oddhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12949 $oddhtml .= 'text-align: right; ">' . $Farray . '</div>';
12951 $evenhtml = '<div style="margin: 0; color: #000000; ';
12972 $evenhtml .= 'text-align: left; ">' . $Farray . '</div>';
13915 // Called externally or interally via <div style="position: [fixed|absolute]">
13958 // $bbox_ Bounding box is the <div> which is positioned absolutely/fixed
13961 // as an enclosing <div> (after having checked ID/CLASS)
14074 $html = '<div style="' . $css . '">' . $html . '</div>';
15950 // Added - Otherwise <div><div><p> did not output top margins/padding for 1st/2nd div
16422 } // To move the y up when new column/page started if div border needed
16597 function _setDashBorder($style, $div, $cp, $side)
16599 if ($style == 'dashed' && (($side == 'L' || $side == 'R') || ($side == 'T' && $div != 'pagetop' && !$cp) || ($side == 'B' && $div != 'pagebottom') )) {
16603 } elseif ($style == 'dotted' || ($side == 'T' && ($div == 'pagetop' || $cp)) || ($side == 'B' && $div == 'pagebottom')) {
16761 // CHECK FOR radii that sum to > width or height of div ********
18082 if (preg_match('/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/si', $html, $m)) {
19041 $this->enabledtags = "<a><acronym><address><article><aside><b><bdi><bdo><big><blockquote><br><caption><center><cite><code><del><details><dd><div><dl><dt><em><fieldset><figcaption><figure><font><form><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><hgroup><hr><i><img><input><ins><kbd><legend><li><main><mark><meter><nav><ol><option><p><pre><progress><q><s><samp><section><select><small><span><strike><strong><sub><summary><sup><table><tbody><td><template><textarea><tfoot><th><thead><time><tr><tt><u><ul><var><footer><header><annotation><bookmark><textcircle><barcode><dottab><indexentry><indexinsert><watermarktext><watermarkimage><tts><ttz><tta><column_break><columnbreak><newcolumn><newpage><page_break><pagebreak><formfeed><columns><toc><tocentry><tocpagebreak><pageheader><pagefooter><setpageheader><setpagefooter><sethtmlpageheader><sethtmlpagefooter>";
24092 $html = '<div class="mpdf_index_main">';
24102 $html .= '<div class="mpdf_index_letter">' . $lett . '</div>';
24120 $html .= '<div class="mpdf_index_entry">' . $txt . $txtmain . '</div>';
24139 $html .= '<div class="mpdf_index_entry">';
24224 $html .= '</div>';
24227 $html .= '</div>';