Lines Matching defs:b

2826 			for ($b = $this->blklvl; $b > 0; $b--) {
2827 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $arr, $ai);
2837 for ($b = $this->blklvl; $b > 0; $b--) {
2838 if (isset($this->blk[$b]['box_decoration_break']) && $this->blk[$b]['box_decoration_break'] == 'clone') {
2839 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $arr, $ai);
2841 if ($b == $this->blklvl && !empty($this->textbuffer)) { // Output previously buffered content
2864 for ($b = 1; $b <= $save_blklvl; $b++) {
2865 $this->tag->OpenTag($save_blk[$b]['tag'], $save_blk[$b]['attr'], $arr, $i);
2871 for ($b = 1; $b <= $this->blklvl; $b++) {
2872 $this->blk[$b] = $save_blk[$b];
2873 $this->blk[$b]['startpage'] = 0;
2874 $this->blk[$b]['y0'] = $this->y; // ?? $this->tMargin
2876 if (isset($this->blk[$b]['x0'])) {
2877 $this->blk[$b]['x0'] += $this->MarginCorrection;
2879 $this->blk[$b]['x0'] = $this->MarginCorrection;
2883 $this->blk[$b]['marginCorrected'][$this->page] = true;
2889 for ($b = $this->blklvl + 1; $b <= $save_blklvl; $b++) {
2890 if ($b < $this->blklvl) {
2893 $this->tag->OpenTag($save_blk[$b]['tag'], $save_blk[$b]['attr'], $arr, $i);
3426 function SetDrawColor($r, $g = -1, $b = -1, $col4 = -1, $return = false)
3430 if (($r == 0 and $g == 0 and $b == 0 && $col4 == -1) or $g == -1) {
3433 $col = $this->colorConverter->convert('rgb(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ')', $this->PDFAXwarnings);
3435 $col = $this->colorConverter->convert('cmyk(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ',' . $col4 . ')', $this->PDFAXwarnings);
3441 function SetFillColor($r, $g = -1, $b = -1, $col4 = -1, $return = false)
3445 if (($r == 0 and $g == 0 and $b == 0 && $col4 == -1) or $g == -1) {
3448 $col = $this->colorConverter->convert('rgb(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ')', $this->PDFAXwarnings);
3450 $col = $this->colorConverter->convert('cmyk(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ',' . $col4 . ')', $this->PDFAXwarnings);
3456 function SetTextColor($r, $g = -1, $b = -1, $col4 = -1, $return = false)
3460 if (($r == 0 and $g == 0 and $b == 0 && $col4 == -1) or $g == -1) {
3463 $col = $this->colorConverter->convert('rgb(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ')', $this->PDFAXwarnings);
3465 $col = $this->colorConverter->convert('cmyk(' . $r . ',' . $g . ',' . $b . ',' . $col4 . ')', $this->PDFAXwarnings);
3774 $b = $a + deg2rad($angle);
3776 $x3 = $x2 - ($headsize * cos($b));
3777 $y3 = $this->h - ($y2 - ($headsize * sin($b)));
4055 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Symbol and Zapfdingbats cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a).");
4059 $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Core Adobe font " . ucfirst($family) . " cannot be embedded in mPDF, which is required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a. (Embedded font will be substituted.)";
4215 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Core Adobe fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a) - cannot use option to use core fonts.');
5913 $b = 0;
5919 $b = 'LRT';
5929 $b = is_int(strpos($border, 'T')) ? $b2 . 'T' : $b2;
5971 $this->Cell($w, $h, $tmp, $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link, 0, 0, 0, 'M', 0, false, $tmpOTLdata);
5985 $b = $b2;
6021 $this->Cell($w, $h, $tmp, $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link, 0, 0, 0, 'M', 0, false, $tmpOTLdata);
6063 $this->Cell($w, $h, $tmp, $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link, 0, 0, 0, 'M', 0, false, $tmpOTLdata);
6079 $b = $b2;
6104 $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link);
6118 $b = $b2;
6143 $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link);
6165 $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $sep - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link);
6180 $b = $b2;
6196 $b .= 'B';
6212 $this->Cell($w, $h, $tmp, $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link, 0, 0, 0, 'M', 0, false, $tmpOTLdata);
6214 $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill, $link);
8006 // 1) CJK Overflowing a) punctuation or b) Oikomi
8036 // 1b) Try squeezing another character(s) onto this line = Oikomi, if character cannot end line
8230 // 1) CJK Overflowing a) punctuation or b) Oikomi
8426 $b = ''; // do not use borders
9501 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDF/A1-b or PDF/X1-a does not permit encryption of documents.');
9506 $standard = 'PDFA/1-b';
9898 $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Annotation markers cannot be semi-transparent in PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a, so they may make underlying text unreadable. (Annotation markers moved to right margin)";
10790 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Adobe CJK fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b and PDFX/1-a).");
13036 $b = $this->nonPrintMargin; // Non-printable border at edge of paper sheet
13037 $ax1 = $b;
13040 $cx1 = $this->w - $b;
13043 $ay1 = $b;
13046 $cy1 = $this->h - $b;
13300 for ($b = $this->blklvl; $b > 0; $b--) {
13301 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $arr, $ai);
13312 for ($b = $this->blklvl; $b > 0; $b--) {
13313 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $arr, $ai);
13829 for ($b = $this->blklvl; $b > 0; $b--) {
13830 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $a, $i);
14884 function _borderPadding($a, $b, &$px, &$py)
14890 $y = $b - $py;
14892 if (( (($x + $added) * ($x + $added)) / ($a * $a) + (($y + $added) * ($y + $added)) / ($b * $b) ) <= 1) {
14898 $newx = $b / sqrt((($b * $b) / ($a * $a)) + ( tan($t) * tan($t) ));
14899 $newy = $a / sqrt((($a * $a) / ($b * $b)) + ( (1 / tan($t)) * (1 / tan($t)) ));
14901 $py = max($py, $b - $newy + $added);
15640 $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth('b' . $this->list_number_suffix);
16611 function _setBorderLine($b, $k = 1)
16613 $this->SetLineWidth($b['w'] / $k);
16614 $this->SetDColor($b['c']);
16615 if ($b['c'][0] == 5) { // RGBa
16616 $this->SetAlpha(ord($b['c'][4]) / 100, 'Normal', false, 'S'); // mPDF 5.7.2
16617 } elseif ($b['c'][0] == 6) { // CMYKa
16618 $this->SetAlpha(ord($b['c'][5]) / 100, 'Normal', false, 'S'); // mPDF 5.7.2
19041 $this->enabledtags = "<a><acronym><address><article><aside><b><bdi><bdo><big><blockquote><br><caption><center><cite><code><del><details><dd><div><dl><dt><em><fieldset><figcaption><figure><font><form><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><hgroup><hr><i><img><input><ins><kbd><legend><li><main><mark><meter><nav><ol><option><p><pre><progress><q><s><samp><section><select><small><span><strike><strong><sub><summary><sup><table><tbody><td><template><textarea><tfoot><th><thead><time><tr><tt><u><ul><var><footer><header><annotation><bookmark><textcircle><barcode><dottab><indexentry><indexinsert><watermarktext><watermarkimage><tts><ttz><tta><column_break><columnbreak><newcolumn><newpage><page_break><pagebreak><formfeed><columns><toc><tocentry><tocpagebreak><pageheader><pagefooter><setpageheader><setpagefooter><sethtmlpageheader><sethtmlpagefooter>";
24084 usort($this->Reference, function ($a, $b) {
24085 return strcoll(strtolower($a['uf']), strtolower($b['uf']));
24108 // But allow for tags e.g. <b>Mammal</b>:elephants
26850 function columnAdjustAdd($type, $k, $xadj, $yadj, $a, $b, $c = 0, $d = 0, $e = 0, $f = 0)
26855 $b -= ($yadj * $k);
26857 return 'BT ' . sprintf('%.3F %.3F', $a, $b) . ' Td';
26862 $b -= ($yadj * $k);
26864 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d) . ' re';
26869 $b -= ($yadj * $k);
26871 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', $a, $b);
26878 return sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d) . ' cm /' . $e;
26883 $b -= ($yadj * $k);
26885 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F m', $a, $b);
26890 $b -= ($yadj * $k);
26896 return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) . ' c';