Lines Matching refs:rx

385 			$w = $attribs['rx'] * 2;
387 $x_offset = $attribs['cx'] - $attribs['rx'];
822 $gradient_info['info']['rx'] = $gradient_info['info']['r'] / $w;
839 if (isset($gradient_info['info']['rx'])) {
840 $rx = $gradient_info['info']['rx'];
842 $rx = $gradient_info['info']['r'];
844 $rx = 0.5;
876 if (strpos($rx, '%') !== false) {
877 $rx = (stristr($rx, '%', true) + 0) / 100;
910 $rx *= $h / $w;
916 $rx *= $w / $h;
928 $r = $rx;
1984 $rx = isset($a[$i]) ? $a[$i] : 0;
2009 list($pcmd, $bounds) = $this->Arcto($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $rx, $ry, $angle, $largeArcFlag, $sweepFlag);
2049 function Arcto($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $rx, $ry, $angle, $largeArcFlag, $sweepFlag)
2064 if ($rx == 0.0 || $ry == 0.0) {
2070 if ($rx < 0.0) {
2071 $rx = -$rx;
2086 $numerator = $rx * $rx * $ry * $ry - $rx * $rx * $y1dash * $y1dash - $ry * $ry * $x1dash * $x1dash;
2094 // -> find factor s, such that numerator' with rx'=s*rx and
2096 $s = sqrt(1.0 - $numerator / ($rx * $rx * $ry * $ry));
2098 $rx *= $s;
2103 $root = ($largeArcFlag == $sweepFlag ? -1.0 : 1.0) * sqrt($numerator / ($rx * $rx * $y1dash * $y1dash + $ry * $ry * $x1dash * $x1dash));
2106 $cxdash = $root * $rx * $y1dash / $ry;
2107 $cydash = -$root * $ry * $x1dash / $rx;
2113 $theta1 = $this->CalcVectorAngle(1.0, 0.0, ($x1dash - $cxdash) / $rx, ($y1dash - $cydash) / $ry);
2114 $dtheta = $this->CalcVectorAngle(($x1dash - $cxdash) / $rx, ($y1dash - $cydash) / $ry, (-$x1dash - $cxdash) / $rx, (-$y1dash - $cydash) / $ry);
2139 $xe = $cosPhi * $rx * $cosTheta2 - $sinPhi * $ry * $sinTheta2 + $cx;
2140 $ye = $sinPhi * $rx * $cosTheta2 + $cosPhi * $ry * $sinTheta2 + $cy;
2143 $dx1 = $t * ( - $cosPhi * $rx * $sinTheta1 - $sinPhi * $ry * $cosTheta1);
2144 $dy1 = $t * ( - $sinPhi * $rx * $sinTheta1 + $cosPhi * $ry * $cosTheta1);
2146 $dxe = $t * ( $cosPhi * $rx * $sinTheta2 + $sinPhi * $ry * $cosTheta2);
2147 $dye = $t * ( $sinPhi * $rx * $sinTheta2 - $cosPhi * $ry * $cosTheta2);
2238 $rx = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['rx'], 'x'); // mPDF 4.4.003
2242 if ($rx > $w / 2) {
2243 $rx = $w / 2;
2251 if ($rx > 0 and $ry == 0) {
2252 $ry = $rx;
2255 if ($ry > 0 and $rx == 0) {
2256 $rx = $ry;
2259 if ($rx == 0 and $ry == 0) {
2271 $kx = $kappa * $rx;
2274 $path_cmd = sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x + $rx) * $this->kp, -$y * $this->kp);
2275 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x + ($w - $rx)) * $this->kp, -$y * $this->kp);
2276 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x + ($w - $rx + $kx)) * $this->kp, -$y * $this->kp, ($x + $w) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$ry + $ky)) * $this->kp, ($x + $w) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$ry)) * $this->kp);
2278 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x + $w) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h - $ky + $ry)) * $this->kp, ($x + ($w - $rx + $kx)) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h)) * $this->kp, ($x + ($w - $rx)) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h)) * $this->kp);
2280 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x + $rx) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h)) * $this->kp);
2281 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x + ($rx - $kx)) * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h)) * $this->kp, $x * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h - $ky + $ry)) * $this->kp, $x * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$h + $ry)) * $this->kp);
2283 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c h ', $x * $this->kp, (-$y + (-$ry + $ky)) * $this->kp, ($x + ($rx - $kx)) * $this->kp, -$y * $this->kp, ($x + $rx) * $this->kp, -$y * $this->kp);
2295 if ($arguments['rx'] == 0 || $arguments['ry'] == 0) {
2303 $rx = $this->ConvertSVGSizePixels($arguments['rx'], 'x');
2309 $x2 = $cx + $rx;
2315 $x4 = $cx - $rx;
2319 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x1 + ($rx * $kappa)) * $this->kp, $y1 * $this->kp, $x2 * $this->kp, ($y2 + ($ry * $kappa)) * $this->kp, $x2 * $this->kp, $y2 * $this->kp);
2320 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $x2 * $this->kp, ($y2 - ($ry * $kappa)) * $this->kp, ($x3 + ($rx * $kappa)) * $this->kp, $y3 * $this->kp, $x3 * $this->kp, $y3 * $this->kp);
2321 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($x3 - ($rx * $kappa)) * $this->kp, $y3 * $this->kp, $x4 * $this->kp, ($y4 - ($ry * $kappa)) * $this->kp, $x4 * $this->kp, $y4 * $this->kp);
2322 $path_cmd .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $x4 * $this->kp, ($y4 + ($ry * $kappa)) * $this->kp, ($x1 - ($rx * $kappa)) * $this->kp, $y1 * $this->kp, $x1 * $this->kp, $y1 * $this->kp);
3685 if (!isset($attribs['rx'])) {
3686 $attribs['rx'] = 0;
3711 if (isset($attribs['rx'])) {
3712 $arguments['rx'] = $attribs['rx'];
3721 unset($critere_style['x'], $critere_style['y'], $critere_style['rx'], $critere_style['ry'], $critere_style['height'], $critere_style['width']);
3747 $arguments['rx'] = $attribs['r'];
3781 if (isset($attribs['rx'])) {
3782 $arguments['rx'] = $attribs['rx'];
3791 unset($critere_style['cx'], $critere_style['cy'], $critere_style['rx'], $critere_style['ry']);