Lines Matching refs:false

22 			'forcePortraitMargins' => false,
23 'displayDefaultOrientation' => false,
26 'printers_info' => false,
75 // default TRUE, only set false if you have defined some available fonts that support CJK
78 'useAdobeCJK' => false,
84 'repackageTTF' => false,
89 'biDirectional' => false,
94 'autoScriptToLang' => false,
99 'autoLangToFont' => false,
102 'useSubstitutions' => false,
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110 'enableImports' => false,
122 'ignore_invalid_utf8' => false,
124 'text_input_as_HTML' => false,
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152 'PDFA' => false,
154 'PDFAauto' => false,
165 'debug' => false,
167 'debugfonts' => false,
168 'showImageErrors' => false,
170 'table_error_report' => false,
174 'title2annots' => false, // Automatically convert title="" properties in tags, to annotations
225 [false]
236 'forcePortraitHeaders' => false,
252 'setAutoTopMargin' => false,
253 'setAutoBottomMargin' => false,
259 'simpleTables' => false,
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263 'ignore_table_percents' => false,
264 'ignore_table_widths' => false,
269 // 0 or false to disable, value (if set) gives maximum factor to reduce fontsize
274 'tableMinSizePriority' => false,
277 'use_kwt' => false,
279 'iterationCounter' => false,
292 'interpolateImages' => false,
305 'useKerning' => false,
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326 'useFixedNormalLineHeight' => false,
330 'useFixedTextBaseline' => false,
356 'allowCJKoverflow' => false,
358 'CJKforceend' => false,
361 'keepColumns' => false, // Set to go to the second column only when the first is full of text etc.
397 'useActiveForms' => false,
400 'watermarkImgBehind' => false,
415 'autoPadding' => false, // Automatically increases padding in block elements when border-radius set - if required
423 'svgAutoFont' => false,
433 'svgClasses' => false,
458 'allowAnnotationFiles' => false,
511 'curlFollowLocation' => false,
512 'curlAllowUnsafeSslRequests' => false,