Lines Matching refs:page

21 * Fixed skipping ordered list numbering with page-break-inside: avoid (#339)
30 * Fix: First header of named page is added twice (@antman3351, #1320)
68 * Added myclabs/deepcopy dependency, fixed TOC page numbering (thanks, @jakejackson)
252 - Updated page-breaking options.
273 - hebrew, khmer, cambodian, lao, and cjk-decimal recognised as values for "list-style-type" in numbered lists and page numbering.
310 - Setting page format incorrectly set default twice and missed some options
316 - Tables - if table width specified, but narrower than minimum cell wdith, and less than page width - table will expand to
361 - Fatal error after page-break-after:always on root level block element
367 - image which forces pagebreak incorrectly positioned at top of page
387 - @page :first not recognised unless @page {} has styles set
388 - left/right margins not allowed on @page :first
400 - page-break-after:avoid not taking into account bottom padding and margin when estimating if next line can fit on page
417 - Index entries causing errors when repeat entries are used within page-break-inside:avoid, rotated tables etc.
467 the first line is displayed at the bottom of the 2nd page.
570 - Tables - if a table starts when the Y position on page is below bottom margin caused endless loop
571 - Float-ing DIVs - starting a float at bottom of page and it causes page break before anything output, second new page is forced
572 - Tables - Warning notice now given in Table footer or header if `<tfoot>` placed after `<tbody>` and table spans page
589 - Textcircle - when moved to next page by "page-break-inside: avoid"
595 - `<dottab>` fixed to allow color, font-size and font-family to be correctly used, avoid dots being moved to new page, and to work in RTL
661 - CSS `<style>` within HTML page crashed if CSS is too large (? > 32Kb)
691 To avoid just the border/background-color of the (empty) end of a block being moved on to next page (`</div></div>`)
731 Avoid just the border/background-color of the (empty) end of a block being moved on to next page (`</div></div>`)
748 - Border & background when closing 2 blocks (e.g. `</div></div>`) incorrectly being moved to next page because incorrectly