Lines Matching refs:now

27 * Cache now creates a dedicated subdirectory `/mpdf`.
54 * WriteHTML is now strict about used `$mode` parameter (#915, thanks, @tomtomau)
103 - All configuration now done via `__construct` parameter (see below)
105 - Class now accepts only single array `$config` parameter
108 - `tempDir` directory now must be writable, otherwise an exception is thrown
114 - Will now throw an exception when `mbstring.func_overload` is set
124 - QR code `<barcode>` element now treats `\r\n` and `\n` as actual line breaks
165 - All debug and additional messages are now sent to the logger
168 - `MpdfException` now extends `ErrorException` to allow specifying place in code where error occured
188 - QR code `<barcode>` element now treats `\r\n` and `\n` as actual line breaks
272 - text-outline is now supported on TD/TH tags
290 - SVG images now support embedded images e.g. `<image xlink:href="image.png" width="100px" height="100px" />`
291 - SVG images now supports `<tspan>` element e.g. `<tspan x,y,dx,dy,text-anchor >`, and also `<tref>`
292 - SVG images now can use Autofont (see top of `classes/svg.php` file)
293 - SVG images now has limited support for CSS classes (see top of `classes/svg.php` file)
300 - SVG text which contains a `<` sign, it will break the text - now processed as `&lt;` (despite the fact that this does not conform to XML spec)
302 - SVG images - text-anchor now supported as a CSS style, as well as an HTML attribute
373 - CSS vertical-align:0.5em (or %) now supported
374 - underline and strikethrough now use the parent inline block baseline/fontsize/color for child inline elements *** change in behaviour
386 - CSS background-color now supported on `<img>` element
474 Clearing old temporary files from `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` will now ignore "hidden" files e.g. starting with a "`.`" `.htaccess`, `.gitignore` etc.
509 - $this->allowedCSStags now includes '|TEXTCIRCLE|DOTTAB'
523 2) Table of Contents - appearance can now be controlled with CSS styles. By default, in mPDF 5.7, no styling is applied so you will get:
531 - Layout of Table of Content ToC now controlled using CSS styles
539 - Spotcolor can now be defined as it is used e.g. color: spot(PANTONE 534 EC, 100%, 85, 65, 47, 9);
550 - CSS now takes precedence over HTML attribute e.g. `<table bgcolor="black" style="background-color:yellow">`
559 - background-origin, background-size, background-clip are now supported everywhere except in tables
565 The HTML elements `<dottab>` and `<textcircle>` can now have CSS properties applied to them.
572 - Tables - Warning notice now given in Table footer or header if `<tfoot>` placed after `<tbody>` and table spans page
580 - Borders around DIVs - solid (and double) borders overlap as in tables - now fixed so mitred joins as in browser
590 - Bookmarks will now work if jump more than one level e.g. 0,2,1 Inserts a new blank entry at level 1
598 - `<tocpagebreak>` toc-preHTML and toc-postHTML can now contain quotes
626 - `<img src="data:image/gif;base64,....">` improved to make it more robust, and background: `url(data:image...` now added to work
643 &raquo; &rsquo; &sbquo; &bdquo; are now included in "orphan"-management at the end of lines
658 - CSS color now supports spaces in the rgb() format e.g. border: 1px solid rgb(170, 170, 170);
660 - images fixed to work with Google Chart API (now mPDF does not urldecode the query part of the src)
725 mPDF now deletes U+200C,U+200D,U+200E,U+200F zero-widthjoiner/non-joiner, LTR and RTL marks so they will not appear
756 - mPDF will check if magic_quotes_runtime set ON even >= PHP 5.3 (will now cause an error message)