Lines Matching refs:in

4 * Ability to customize User-Agent header in the HTTP requests sent by cURL (@samuelecat, #1229)
10 * Add C128RAW barcode type to create any barcode (ex: subtype change in middle of barcode) (#1124)
12 * Fixed date and time format in the informations dictionary (#1083, @peterdevpl)
13 * Checking allowed stream wrappers in CssManager
18 * Allows setting `none` as zoom mode in `SetDisplayMode` method, so that OpenAction is not written (#602)
23 * Fixed CMYK colors in text-shadow (#1115, @lexilya)
26 * Allows `{nb}`, `{nbpg}`, `{PAGENO}` and `{DATE ...}` substitution in body (#172 and #267, @Dasc3er)
33 * Added `quiet_zone_left` and `quiet_zone_right` to barcodes which support quiet zones in order to customize its width
36 * Ensure that all digits of a string are hexadecimal before decoding in ColorConverter (@derklaro)
37 * Fix: Using mpdf in phar package leads to weird errors (#1504, @sandreas)
55 * Fixed regression in nested tables (#860, thanks, @machour)
56 * Scientific notation handling in CSS font sizes (#753, thanks, @peterdevpl)
84 * Fix displaying dollar character in footer with core fonts (#520)
113 - `scriptToLang` and `langToFont` in separate interfaced class methods
115 - Moved Glyph operator `GF_` constants in separate `\Mpdf\Fonts\GlyphOperator` class
116 - All methods in Barcode class renamed to camelCase including public `dec_to_hex` and `hex_to_dec`
117 - Decimal conversion methods (to roman, cjk, etc.) were moved to classes in `\Mpdf\Conversion` namespace
118 - Images in PHP variables (`<img src="var:smileyface">`) were moved from direct Mpdf properties to `Mpdf::$imageVars` public property array
119 - Removed global `_SVG_AUTOFONT` and `_SVG_CLASSES` constants in favor of `svgAutoFont` and `svgClasses` configuration keys
126 - Removed globally defined functions from `functions.php` in favor of `\Mpdf\Utils` classes `PdfDate` and `UtfString`.
139 - `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` constant in favor of `tempDir` configuration variable
140 - `_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH` in favor of `tempDir` configuration variable
141 - `_MPDFK` constant in favor of `\Mpdf\Mpdf::SCALE` class constant
142 - `FONT_DESCRIPTOR` constant in favor of `fontDescriptor` configuration variable
143 - `_MPDF_SYSTEM_TTFONTS` constant in favor of `fontDir` configuration variable with array of paths or `AddFontDirectory` method
154 - Refactored and tested color handling with potential conversion fixes in `hsl*()` color definitions
155 - Refactored `Barcode` class with separate class in `Mpdf\Barcode` namespace for each barcode type
156 - Fixed colsum calculation for different locales (by @flow-control in #491)
168 - `MpdfException` now extends `ErrorException` to allow specifying place in code where error occured
184 - Custom document properties (idea by @zarubik in #142)
185 - PDF/A-3 associated files + additional xmp rdf (by @chab in #130)
193 - QR codes can be generated without a border using `disableborder="1"` HTML attribute in `<barcode>` tag
210 - Updated license in composer.json
234 - fax & tel support in href attribute
235 - Check $html in `$mpdf->WriteHTML()` to see if it is an integer, float, string, boolean or
238 - Fix getting image from internal variable in PHP7 (4dcc2b4)
239 - Fix PHP7 Fatal error: `'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context` (002bb8a)
254 - Kashida for text-justification in arabic scripts.
257 - `{PAGENO}` and `{nbpg}` can use any of the number types as in list-style e.g. set in `<pagebreak>` using pagenumstyle.
273 - hebrew, khmer, cambodian, lao, and cjk-decimal recognised as values for "list-style-type" in numbered lists and page numbering.
299 - SVG allows spaces in attribute definitions in `<use>` or `<defs>` e.g. `<use x = "0" y = "0" xlink:href = "#s3" />`
305 - text-indent when set as "em" - incorrectly calculated if last text in line in different font size than for block
307 - fix for underline/strikethrough/overline so that line position(s) are based correctly on font-size/font in nested situations
308 - Error: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference - in PHP5.5.9
311 - bug fixed in Overwrite() when specifying replacement as a string
327 - URL handling changed to work with special characters in path fragments; affects `<a>` links, `<img>` images and
356 - Tables - background images in table inside HTML Footer incorrectly positioned
357 - Tables - cell in a nested table with a specified width, should determine width of parent table cell
359 - Tables - colspan (on a row after first row) exceeds number of columns in table
360 - Gradients in Imported documents (mPDFI) causing error in some browsers
365 - start of end tag in PRE incorrectly changed to &lt;
366 - error thrown when open.basedir restriction in effect (deleting temporary files)
374 - underline and strikethrough now use the parent inline block baseline/fontsize/color for child inline elements *** change in behaviour
375 (Adjusts line height to take account of superscript and subscript except in tables)
380 (
399 - list-style incorrectly overriding list-style-type in cascading CSS
413 - file attachments not opening in Reader XI
415 - instance of preg_replace with /e modifier causing error in PHP 5.5
418 - table with fixed width column and long word in cell set to colspan across this column (adding spare width to all columns)
420 - SVG images - objects contained in `<defs>` being displayed
422 - SVG images - line with opacity=0 still visible (only in some PDF viewers/browsers)
423 - text in an SVG image displaying with incorrect font in some PDF viewers/browsers
425 - background images using data:image\/(jpeg|gif|png);base64 format - error when reading in stylesheet
430 - added support for style="opacity:0.6;" in SVG images - previously only supported style="fill-opacity:0.6; stroke-opacity: 0.6;"
459 Small change to function `barcode_c128()` which allows ASCII 0 - 31 to be used in C128A e.g. chr(13) in:
494 Updated Example Files in /examples/
520 Changes in mPDF 5.7 may cause some changes to the way your documents appear. There are two main differences:
523 2) Table of Contents - appearance can now be controlled with CSS styles. By default, in mPDF 5.7, no styling is applied so you will get:
527 - line spacing will be narrower (can use line-height or margin-top in CSS)
540 - Lists - added support for "start" attribute in `<ol>` e.g. `<ol start="5">`
543 - Line breaking in CJK scripts improved (and ability to force hanging punctuation)
544 - Numerals in a CJK script are kept together
548 - Support for `<base href="">` in HTML - uses it to SetBasePath for relative URLs.
557 - "rem" accepted as a valid (font)size in CSS e.g. font-size: 1.5rem
558 - text-outline, text-outline-width and text-outline-color supported everywhere except in tables (blur not supported)
559 - background-origin, background-size, background-clip are now supported everywhere except in tables
562 - "z-index" can be used to utilise layers in the PDF document
572 - Tables - Warning notice now given in Table footer or header if `<tfoot>` placed after `<tbody>` and table spans page
575 - Table in Columns - when background color set by surrounding block element - colour missing for height of half bottom border.
578 - Double border in table - when background colour set in surrounding block element - shows as black line between the 2 bits of double
580 - Borders around DIVs - solid (and double) borders overlap as in tables - now fixed so mitred joins as in browser
581 [Inadvertently improves borders in Columns because of change in LineCap]
582 - Page numbering - $mpdf->pagenumSuffix etc not suppressed in HTML headers/footers if number suppressed
592 - data:image as background url() - incorrectly adjusting path on server if MPDF_PATH not specified (included in release mPDF 5.6.1)
593 - Image problem if spaces or commas in path using http:// URL (included in release mPDF 5.6.1)
594 - Image URL parsing rewritten to handle both urlencoded URLs and not urlencoded (included in release mPDF 5.6.1)
595 - `<dottab>` fixed to allow color, font-size and font-family to be correctly used, avoid dots being moved to new page, and to work in RTL
596 - Table {colsum} summed figures in table header
623 CSS support added for for min-height, min-width, max-height and max-width in `<img>`
625 Images embedded in CSS
630 - as in-line elements: `<mark><time><meter><progress>`
631 - `<mark>` has a default CSS set in config.php to yellow highlight
643 &raquo; &rsquo; &sbquo; &bdquo; are now included in "orphan"-management at the end of lines
653 Only a problem in limited circumstances.
654 *****Need to delete all ttfontdata/ files in order for fix to have effect.
657 - iteration counter in THEAD crashed in some circumstances
658 - CSS color now supports spaces in the rgb() format e.g. border: 1px solid rgb(170, 170, 170);
659 - CJK not working in table following changes made in v5.4
712 Note - Some characters in Pashto/Sindhi/Urdu/Kurdish do not have Unicode values for the final/initial/medial forms of the characters.
719 NB If you want to know if a font file is suitable, you can open a .ttf file in a text editor and search for "" - if it exists, it may work!
735 The TTFontsUni class contained a long function (extractcoreinfo) which is not used routinely in mPDF
751 - Rotated cell - error if text-rotate set on a table cell, but no text content in cell
754 - Nested table - font-size 70% set in extenal style sheet; if repeated nested tables, sets 70% of 70% etc etc