Lines Matching refs:g

251 - Improved line-breaking, including for complex scripts e.g. Lao, Thai and Khmer.
257 - `{PAGENO}` and `{nbpg}` can use any of the number types as in list-style e.g. set in `<pagebreak>` using pagenumstyle.
263 - lang attribute selector e.g. :lang(fr), [lang="fr"]
279 - vertical-align can use lengths e.g. 0.5em
290 - SVG images now support embedded images e.g. `<image xlink:href="image.png" width="100px" height="100px" />`
291 - SVG images now supports `<tspan>` element e.g. `<tspan x,y,dx,dy,text-anchor >`, and also `<tref>`
299 - SVG allows spaces in attribute definitions in `<use>` or `<defs>` e.g. `<use x = "0" y = "0" xlink:href = "#s3" />`
326 - Images - image height is reset proportional to original if width is set to maximum e.g. `<img width="100%" height="20mm">`
328 CSS url() e.g background-image
330 - Barcodes with bottom numerals e.g. EAN-13 - incorrect numeral size when using core fonts
362 - Support for 'https/SSL' if file_get_contents_by_socket required (e.g. getting images with allow_url_fopen turned off)
363 - Improved support for specified ports when getting external CSS stylesheets e.g.
364 - error accessing local .css files with dummy queries (cache-busting) e.g. mpdfstyleA4.css?v=
372 - inline elements can be nested e.g. text `<sup>text<sup>13</sup>text</sup>` text
402 - +aCJK incorrectly parsed when instantiating class e.g. new mpDF('ja+aCJK')
403 - line-breaking - zero-width object at end of line (e.g. index entry) causing a space left untrimmed at end of line
410 - temporary file name collisions (e.g. when processing images) if numerous users
421 - SVG images - multiple, or quoted fonts e.g. style="font-family:'lucida grande', verdana" not recognised
446 Test e.g.: `<pre>Test $1.00 Test</pre> <pre>Test $2.00 Test</pre> <pre>Test $3.00 Test</pre> <pre>Test $4.00 Test</pre>`
459 Small change to function `barcode_c128()` which allows ASCII 0 - 31 to be used in C128A e.g. chr(13) in:
474 Clearing old temporary files from `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` will now ignore "hidden" files e.g. starting with a "`.`" `.htaccess`, `.gitignore` etc.
534 - Support for unit of "rem" as size e.g. font-size: 1rem;
539 - Spotcolor can now be defined as it is used e.g. color: spot(PANTONE 534 EC, 100%, 85, 65, 47, 9);
540 - Lists - added support for "start" attribute in `<ol>` e.g. `<ol start="5">`
542 - Line breaking improved to avoid breaks within words where HTML tags are used e.g. H<sub>2<sub>0
550 - CSS now takes precedence over HTML attribute e.g. `<table bgcolor="black" style="background-color:yellow">`
556 - Decimal mark alignment e.g. text-align: "." center;
557 - "rem" accepted as a valid (font)size in CSS e.g. font-size: 1.5rem
560 - "visibility: hidden|visible|printonly|screenonly" for inline elements e.g. `<span>`
569 - SVG images - path including e.g. 1.234E-15 incorrectly parsed (not recognising capital E)
583 - Page numbering - Page number total {nbpg} incorrect - e.g. showing decreasing numbers through document, when ToC present
590 - Bookmarks will now work if jump more than one level e.g. 0,2,1 Inserts a new blank entry at level 1
658 - CSS color now supports spaces in the rgb() format e.g. border: 1px solid rgb(170, 170, 170);
698 Added to (arabic) fonts to allow "use non-mapped Arabic Glyphs" e.g. for Pashto
716 This requires the font file to include a Format 2.0 POST table which references the glyphs as e.g. or uni067C.medi:
717 e.g. XB Riyaz, XB Zar, Arabic Typesetting (MS), Arial (MS)
748 - Border & background when closing 2 blocks (e.g. `</div></div>`) incorrectly being moved to next page because incorrectly
757 - not resetting after 2 nested tags of same type e.g. `<b><b>bold</b></b>` still bold
758 - When using charset_in other than utf-8, HTML Footers using tags e.g. `<htmlpageheader>` do not decode correctly