Lines Matching refs:class

34 * Updated `CssManager` to use the `RemoteContentFetcher` class instead of `curl` natively (@greew)
111 - Moved `TextVars` constants to separate class
112 - Moved border constants to separate class
113 - `scriptToLang` and `langToFont` in separate interfaced class methods
115 - Moved Glyph operator `GF_` constants in separate `\Mpdf\Fonts\GlyphOperator` class
116 - All methods in Barcode class renamed to camelCase including public `dec_to_hex` and `hex_to_dec`
120 - Moved global `_testIntersect`, `_testIntersectCircle` and `calc_bezier_bbox` fucntions inside `Svg` class as private methods.
123 - `fontDir` property of Mpdf class is private and must be accessed via configuration variable with array of paths or `AddFontDirectory` method
141 - `_MPDFK` constant in favor of `\Mpdf\Mpdf::SCALE` class constant
155 - Refactored `Barcode` class with separate class in `Mpdf\Barcode` namespace for each barcode type
157 - Image type guessing from content separated to its own class
166 - Messages can be filtered based on `\Mpdf\Log\Context` class constants
167 - `FontFileFinder` class allowing to specify multiple paths to search for fonts
169 - Generating font metrics moved to separate class
170 - Added `\Mpdf\Output\Destination` class with verbose output destination constants
230 - Work with HTML tags separated to `Tag` class
236 a class with `__toString()` and cast to a string, otherwise throw exception.
402 - +aCJK incorrectly parsed when instantiating class e.g. new mpDF('ja+aCJK')
735 The TTFontsUni class contained a long function (extractcoreinfo) which is not used routinely in mPDF
739 The 3 utility scripts have been updated to use the new extended class: