Lines Matching refs:SVG

65 * SVG parsing fixes (thanks, @achretien)
290 - SVG images now support embedded images e.g. `<image xlink:href="image.png" width="100px" height="100px" />`
291 - SVG images now supports `<tspan>` element e.g. `<tspan x,y,dx,dy,text-anchor >`, and also `<tref>`
292 - SVG images now can use Autofont (see top of `classes/svg.php` file)
293 - SVG images now has limited support for CSS classes (see top of `classes/svg.php` file)
294 - SVG images - style inheritance improved
295 - SVG images - improved handling of comments and other extraneous code
296 - SVG images - fix to ensure opacity is reset before another element
297 - SVG images - font-size not resetting after a `<text>` element
298 - SVG radial gradients bug (if the focus [fx,fy] lies outside circle defined by [cx,cy] and r) cf. pservers-grad-15-b.svg
299 - SVG allows spaces in attribute definitions in `<use>` or `<defs>` e.g. `<use x = "0" y = "0" xlink:href = "#s3" />`
300 - SVG text which contains a `<` sign, it will break the text - now processed as `&lt;` (despite the fact that this does not conform to XML spec)
301 - SVG images - support automatic font selection and (minimal) use of CSS classes - cf. the defined constants at top of svg.php file
302 - SVG images - text-anchor now supported as a CSS style, as well as an HTML attribute
334 NB Spec. for embedded SVG images:
339 - xlink:href (required) - can be jpeg, png or gif image - not vector (SVG or WMF) image
420 - SVG images - objects contained in `<defs>` being displayed
421 - SVG images - multiple, or quoted fonts e.g. style="font-family:'lucida grande', verdana" not recognised
422 - SVG images - line with opacity=0 still visible (only in some PDF viewers/browsers)
423 - text in an SVG image displaying with incorrect font in some PDF viewers/browsers
424 - SVG images - fill:RGB(0,0,0) not recognised when uppercase
430 - added support for style="opacity:0.6;" in SVG images - previously only supported style="fill-opacity:0.6; stroke-opacity: 0.6;"
434 SVG Images
569 - SVG images - path including e.g. 1.234E-15 incorrectly parsed (not recognising capital E)
662 - SVG image nested int eht HTML failed to show if code too large (? > 32Kb)
752 - SVG images, text-anchor not working
755 - SVG setting font-size as percent on successive `<text>` elements gives progressively smaller text