Lines Matching refs:tex

31 …* *conf/header-namespace.tex* is the header which will be included when a whole namespace will be …
32 * *conf/header-page.tex* is the same for one page export
33 …* *conf/commands.tex* is where the TeX macros for dokuwiki styles will be held (this is common for…
34 …* *conf/footer.tex*, if present, will be inserted before `\end{document}`, useful to insert table …
39 * *nsbpc_texit-namespace* overriding *conf/header-namespace.tex*
40 * *nsbpc_texit-page* overriding *conf/header-page.tex*
41 * *nsbpc_texit-commands* overriding *conf/commands.tex*
42 * *nsbpc_texit-footer* overriding *conf/footer.tex*
50 …the bibliography, please use the `\dokubibliography` (defined in *commands.tex*) macro in your hea…
56 The intermediate .tex files will be placed in the *texit:namespace:subnamespace* namespace. Suppose…
64 …* **, a zip file containing page1.pdf and the necessary tex files to compile it (see …
66 * **
68 * **
72 * *commands.tex* : a copy of the corresponding file
74 * *footer.tex* : the footer (not mandatory)
75 …* *page1-content.tex* : the translation content of the *page1* page in TeX (no header, not a compl…
76 * *page2-content.tex* : idem for page2
77 …* *page1.tex* : an adptation of *header-page.tex* for *page1.pdf*, `\include`ing the following tex
78 * *commands.tex*
79 * *page1-content.tex*
80 * *page2.tex* : idem for page2
81 …* *all.tex* : an adaptation of *header-namespace.tex* for *all.pdf*, `\include`ing the following t…
82 * *commands.tex*
83 * *page1-content.tex*
84 * *page2-content.tex*
86 …the *.zip* files in *media:namespace:subnamespace* is the following one (if we take **):
89 * *all.tex*
90 * *commands.tex*
91 * *page1-content.tex*
92 * *page2-content.tex*
94 * *footer.tex* (if exists)
191 …* When used with CMK, if a .tex file is already compiled and cmk configuration changes, TeXit has …