Lines Matching refs:namespace

17  * produced pdf and zip are now in the media namespace
18 * possibility to export a whole namespace
31 …* *conf/header-namespace.tex* is the header which will be included when a whole namespace will be …
33 …x* is where the TeX macros for dokuwiki styles will be held (this is common for namespace and page)
38 You can use [nsbpc] to have per-namespace (and thus per-language) configuration. The configuration …
39 * *nsbpc_texit-namespace* overriding *conf/header-namespace.tex*
48 …eXit will merge all BibTeX code from refnotes into a *texit.bib* in the namespace of the refnotes …
54 …tput for page *namespace:subnamespace:id* will be named *namespace:subnamespace:id.pdf* and will a…
56 The intermediate .tex files will be placed in the *texit:namespace:subnamespace* namespace. Suppose…
58 * *namespace:subnamespace:page1*
59 * *namespace:subnamespace:page2*
61 , if you generate all files, the *media:namespace:subnamespace* namespace will contain:
67 * *all.pdf*, pdf containing page1 and page2 (the whole namespace)
70 The *texit:namespace:subnamespace* namespace will contain:
81 …* *all.tex* : an adaptation of *header-namespace.tex* for *all.pdf*, `\include`ing the following t…
86 The structure of the *.zip* files in *media:namespace:subnamespace* is the following one (if we tak…
96 … This means that bad things may happen if you have *foo\-bar* and *foo\_bar* in the same namespace.
98 … unnecessary recompilation will happen if the page (or all pages in the namespace) haven't changed.
100 Optionnaly, a prefix may be prepended to PDF filename. It is `$prefix,namespace,subnamespace,` (see…
106 To prevent robots from following the links to PDF export, add a `robots.txt` in the root namespace
123 * ref namespaces won't work at all, you should put everything in the root namespace
131 manual:pluginsmanual namespace and to add