Lines Matching refs:a

3 This is a cloned repository of the [Dokuwiki TeXit plugin], the original website
10 This version comes with a set of updates and changes:
18 * possibility to export a whole namespace
31 …* *conf/header-namespace.tex* is the header which will be included when a whole namespace will be …
48 If you use [refnotes], TeXit will merge all BibTeX code from refnotes into a *texit.bib* in the nam…
64 …* **, a zip file containing page1.pdf and the necessary tex files to compile it (see …
72 * *commands.tex* : a copy of the corresponding file
75 …* *page1-content.tex* : the translation content of the *page1* page in TeX (no header, not a compl…
100 Optionnaly, a prefix may be prepended to PDF filename. It is `$prefix,namespace,subnamespace,` (see…
106 To prevent robots from following the links to PDF export, add a `robots.txt` in the root namespace …
127 There is a documentation in help/, but it seems Dokuwiki doesn't allow plugins
141 …issues][gdpb], and Debian doesn't ship a php-gd library with this function (see [here][gdpbdeb]). …
143 …licate them, with one version in grey and the other in blue, and apply them a gradiant. Then stack…
145 Once you have a good `pagetools-sprite.png`, then you can change your template this way:
156 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li a.<myaction> {
159 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li a.<myaction>:before {
162 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li a.<myaction>:hover,
163 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li a.<myaction>:active,
164 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li a.<myaction>:focus {
177 The plugin supposes you have a recent TeXLive installation (it assumes 2013, but
185 It has only been tested on a recent dokuwiki (Release 2013-05-10a "Weatherwax").
189 …* Cache is not well handled yet: if you change the configuration of a page without changing page c…
191 …* When used with CMK, if a .tex file is already compiled and cmk configuration changes, TeXit has …