Lines Matching refs:width

28 	width: 2px !important;
71 width: 0 !important;
76 border-width: 8px;
91 width: 20px;
161 width: 100%;
238 max-width: 170px;
239 min-width: 60px;
285 width: 20px;
310 width: 18px;
418 /* Make sure textarea inherits the width correctly */
419 width: 100%;
440 width: 20px;
459 width: auto;
468 width: 18px;
508 max-width: 257px !important;
513 max-width: 170px !important;
610 width: 100%;
691 width: 100%;
698 width: 100%;
715 scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox: hide scrollbars */
730 width: 100%;
749 width: 100%;
772 width: 16px;
813 width: 100%;
821 width: 3px;
829 width: 3px;
1008 min-width: 0;
1054 width: 16px;
1124 min-width: 0;
1138 width: 800px !important;
1172 width: 100%;
1298 width: 100%;
1342 width: 100%;
1365 width: 0;
1370 width: 6px;
1449 border-width: 1px;
1454 border-bottom-width: 2px;
1462 border-bottom-width: 1px;
1526 border-top-width: 0;
1527 border-bottom-width: 0;
1553 border-top-width: 1px;
1554 border-bottom-width: 1px;
1564 width: 100%;
1580 width: 100%;
1619 width: 16px;
1633 min-width: 0;
1699 min-width: 18px;
1723 width: 100%;
1739 width: 100%;
1744 width: auto;
1745 min-width: 100%;
1752 width: 100%;
1791 max-width: calc(100% - 10px);
1820 transition: width 0.2s;
1821 width: 0;
1826 width: 36px;
1835 width: 16px;
1853 width: 100%;
1923 width: 16px;
1952 width: 100%;
1958 width: 100%;
1968 width: 100%;
1984 width: 100%;
2003 width: 1px;
2008 width: 100%;
2049 width: 216px;
2063 width: 74px;
2081 min-width: 220px;
2091 width: 9px;
2101 width: 25px;
2129 width: calc(100% + 4px);
2168 max-width: 500px;
2173 …m/microsoft/vscode/issues/96795, just 100vw on its own caused the actual hover width to increase */
2174 min-width: calc(100% + 100vw);
2281 width: 58px;
2282 min-width: 0;
2328 width: 100%;
2378 max-width: 440px;
2439 min-width: 22px;
2449 width: 16px;
2493 width: calc(100% - 6px);
2511 min-width: 2px;
2513 outline-width: 1px;
2518 outline-width: 1px;
2534 width: 430px;
2540 width: 100%;
2542 border-width: 1px;
2549 border-width: 2px;
2552 /** Adjust width when docs are expanded to the side **/
2554 width: 660px;
2559 width: 50%;
2648 width: 100%;
2652 border-left-width: 1px;
2654 border-right-width: 1px;
2656 border-bottom-width: 1px;
2667 width: 50%;
2746 width: calc(100% - 26px);
2758 max-width: 100%;
2767 max-width: 45%;
2774 width: 18px;
2820 width: 16px;
2845 width: 0.7em;
2862 border-top-width: 0;
2873 width: 100%;
2970 width: 100%;
3088 stroke-width: 1.2px;
3093 stroke-width: 1.2px;
3406 min-width: 100%;
3411 width: 100%;
3416 width: 10px;
3432 width: 16px;
3443 min-width: 130px;
3497 width: 600px;
3531 width: 19px;
3650 border-top-width: 1px;
3814 width: 6px;
3822 width: 100%;
3828 width: 2%;
3841 transition: width 100ms linear;
3845 width: 100%;
3857 …* The progress bit has a width: 2% (1/50) of the parent container. The animation moves it from 0% …
3873 width: 100%;
3896 #editor.svelte-129q4vv{width:100%;height:400px;max-height:300px;flex:1}
3897 #editor-conf.svelte-e1y9ss{width:100%;height:200px;max-height:300px;flex:1}
3901 …#markdown.svelte-187ys3m{padding:7px;font-family:monospace;font-size:14px;width:95%;margin:1rem 0;…